[-] TraschcanOfIdeology@hexbear.net 5 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

Get in the robot Juan, or ~~Rei~~ Joe will have to do it. gendo-tent

[-] TraschcanOfIdeology@hexbear.net 2 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

Lmao I can't believe at some point I thought this song was the hardest shit. I was 14, but still


How international-community-1international-community-2 of you, he clearly devolved into a "macaco ingles"

Lol that's on my adhd ass for not reading the whole comment before posting.

[-] TraschcanOfIdeology@hexbear.net 11 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

what they experience as decades of punishment, in real life it's just a few minutes, they can be right back to work

Isn't this literally a Black Mirror episode?

Edit: now that I remember the torture was applied to a perfect copy of the person's mind, not to the person itself. But the point of its inhumanity still stands.

[-] TraschcanOfIdeology@hexbear.net 15 points 17 hours ago

I think IATA has a rule that for flights over a certain time/distance you need to have at least one on board meal. I know that when I take 12 hour flights I get 2 big meals and one snack.

I should've clarified I watch the edited versions on YouTube, so I'm not watching someone fail a jump they're convinced they should do 60 times.

I've watched a bunch of people play dark souls 1 for the first time to go to bed. I don't understand why I do it either.

[-] TraschcanOfIdeology@hexbear.net 14 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Where I'm from there's a saying that goes (loosely translated): God gives bread to those who have no teeth.

Light clearly had no teeth.

I don't know how effective these kinds of campaigns are, but it's a nice sentiment, and something I'd like to see more of online.

This is why AI-powered slop machines that make content will never be as interesting or compelling as things written by writers and performed by actors: people think they want nonstop action, but storytelling that's like that is flat and uninteresting.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by TraschcanOfIdeology@hexbear.net to c/fitness@hexbear.net

As i'm going up in deadlifting weight, i find my grip gives way earlier than any other part of my body, making me lose reps because the bar feels like it's slipping off my fingers. I tried incorporating hook grip into the exercise, and while the bar felt a bit more secure, I felt my middle finger was rubbing against my thumb nail and making it feel like it was pulling it out, and causing a bunch of pain, and no matter what I tried it always came down to that when the bar left the ground.

Any advice?

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