[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 32 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

At first I was skeptical but it checks out, they’ve been misinterpreting people existing as Gay or Trans as some sorta Western delicacy or some reactionary nonsense for a lil while now. Extremely upsetting that THIS is one of the topics of criticism in Russia’s critical support.

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 36 points 7 months ago

My humble contribution🫡


Obviously we support AES countries as well as Palestine. Which other countries are worth supporting? (critically, of course)

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 31 points 7 months ago

It’s a good habit for kids to take a Ba’ath before they go to sleep


All my life, from when I was a little Republican shitstain to now, I always had a soft spot for the Native Americans. No rationale or so-called “nuance” ever made what the settlers did okay. In school we didn’t learn much about the Native Americans. We learned a tiny bit about their infrastructure and where they would typically live, but nothing that humanized them, we didn’t learn about culture or traditions or their own history. We learned that “Colombus sailed the Ocean Blue a long time ago in 1492 and came to America to give new inventions and spread religion to these far-off undiscovered lands”. Then you find out in HS or on your own time that 95% of that sentence is completely false, especially the coming to America part, he never went to any part of the Lower 48. You also learn about the Pilgrims in school. We learned that “some stuffy Christians who were even stuffier than the ones in England came over here to practice their religion in peace. They were a bit in over their heads and needed the Native Americans to help. They thanked each other and ate pumpkin pie with Turkey and stuffing and agreed that they were all friends” and then you learn what actually happens and it’s fucking terrifying. I had a nightmare as a little kid that drunken pilgrims were breaking in and trying to steal my family’s house. it really shook me for like a week or 2. Seeing as how like everything we were taught was utterly bullshit, what else is interesting to learn about the Native Americans? I ask because I found a “fun fact” (not very fun once you realize what the US did to these people) that the area I live in used to have Native Americans living here for 12,000 yrs STRAIGHT! Disgusting to think that that legacy is over because of racism and greed. Any short reads or good videos you would recommend?


I was born and raised Catholic (Western Belarusian and Irish parents) and I went through a once-a-week religious class, but never felt especially attached to Christianity. I became an atheist over time and have been going through difficulties currently and I find that I still have a faith deep down. I’m interested in Islam because I read a tiny bit of the Quran as a kid out of curiosity (during the height of Islamophobia in the US, George Bush, early Obama era) and found that it wasn’t “terrifying and inhumane” as Fox News would say on the TV set at my grandparents’ condo. What resources would you point to for a beginner/ on the fence person to learn about Islam? Thank you in advance.


My family are mostly Democrat voting liberals and I identified as one for years. When I was in 5th grade I spent more time with my Fox News-watching grandparents and became a Republican for like a year or 2 and became an apolitical lib for a while. From like 2015-2019 I was a Bernie bro who had some objectively shit takes. The biggest 180 I did was probably on the sex trade. I used to be for it as a horny teen like “huh? Did someone say SeX?? Well it’s all ConSeNsUAL so why cockblock someone from getting some PuSsY?” Obviously now I realize that’s a disgusting sentiment and that most people in the industry are not happy and would rather do anything else. Just because a few are happy with their line of work, it doesn’t make it right to force so many others into a position where they feel abused and humiliated or threatened. “Legitimacy of industry” in terms of prostitution always means lining the pockets of abusive pimps (physical or anything else) who will use the opportunity to get rich and usually fund illegal markets (source: Look at Nevada). Enough about me, what topics have become more clear to yall after becoming a communist? I could probably list a few others but I’m interested in seeing what yall say.

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 36 points 8 months ago

“Let’s give 100M in aid to Palestine to make sure we don’t look too biased”

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 32 points 8 months ago

The CIA started following his career with great interest when they found out that he was an Illegal Alien🥁

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 33 points 8 months ago

The worst part to me (and this isn’t an original opinion, I’m sure everyone here feels it) is that the people calling this the New Holocaust or whatever are never the same people who were calling out Israel for being a War Crime-oriented Apartheid State. It’s complete silence for the killings in 2014, complete silence for the Al Aqsa Mosque Raid, but when these people living under oppression and bearing witness to their own children being murdered and put in cages finally fight back, that’s when these liberals take issue. Not to mention the many Israelis killed BY ISRAEL in their efforts to kill off Hamas in crowded areas. Sickening

Based Spingebill (lemmygrad.ml)
Opinion on Hippies? (lemmygrad.ml)

As a kid my Dad really warped my perspective on Hippies. He was born in the 60s and loved the music of the 60s and 70s and he’s very Liberal. At first I used to think Hippies were the best people that humanity could ever bring forth: Peace-loving folks who love everyone and believe in preserving nature. And I still appreciate a lot of that sentiment, especially protesting the Vietnam War, but as I became a Marxist I became sorta disillusioned with the Hippie’s dedication to non-violence and how their “free love” was often used as an excuse to be a sex-pest drug-addled parasite who refuses to work. I don’t like Forrest Gump’s portrayal of Hippies exactly, it was written by a right winger, they aren’t all assholes and they usually don’t beat women for sure. Nowadays I can respect their anti-war sentiments and their pro-nature stances but so much of being a hippy seems to be a misunderstanding of what gets shit done. Also some Hippie music is great but FUCK jam bands, nobody’s trying to hear a song that’s as long as a full album and just repeats over and over again with slight variations. That’s all I have to say about Hippies, what are your thoughts?

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 35 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

The best take I saw on this from a lib is that Zelenskyy was “jet-lagged” and “sleepy” and didn’t know what they were clapping for🤣. I just imagine a disappointed teacher waking him up by whacking a ruler on his desk and saying some snide remark like “Get enough sleep, Mr. Zelenskyy?”


Legalize Marijuana, drop all gun charges, subsidized drugs(medical and recreational)

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 34 points 9 months ago

Putin’s internal monologue:“Just look down, don’t make eye contact, don’t make this awkward”

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 34 points 9 months ago

This just in: After promising to kill himself and revealing it to just be a proposition that he revoked, the Delaware Court of Chancery is now forcing him to go through with the deal

Favorite Number? (lemmygrad.ml)

I don’t mean like years or anything. Obviously we love 1917 and 1949 and 1959 for their historical significance, but what numbers do you just LIKE? For me personally, I like the number 6. Idk why, I just like it. What are yours?

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 36 points 9 months ago

Genuine question 🙋‍♂️, did any of yall Non-Americans ever have to do School Shooting/Intruder drills? I always sorta assumed it was normal, is it weird? Also to play devil’s advocate, I think it’s a good idea to have a plan for if it happens but how often were your drills? Ours were like 2-3 times in a schoolyear

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 31 points 10 months ago

Grandfather’s friend: Dude this is cringe, you need go serve time to think about what you just posted

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 33 points 10 months ago

I have a relative that lived in the USSR and they didn’t complain about being imprisoned or questioned, they complained that Nazis destroyed their old village, they complained that there was not as much food (note: as much, not none)during the war, issues that people face during war, not during times of poor leadership.


Most of us probably grew up playing video games, some of them we forgot or our gaming system ain’t what it used to be. What games bring you back to the good ol’ days when you didn’t know what politics were and couldn’t be bothered to watch the news bc the new ep of Spongebob is on? For me I have to say the Simpsons Game (PS2), the Billy & Mandy Fighting Game (PS2) DK Country (SNES) and NBA 2k14 (PS3, please whatever Deity is out there bring me back to 2013 so I can cheat in 2k again and make my MyPlayer basically just Michael Jordan 😭) and probably Infamous for PS3, I probably played the first game like 18 times fr. What are your faves?

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