[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 24 points 5 months ago

Or that oligarchs blame “capitalism” wholesale is also laughable.

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 23 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Well, to be fair, ISIS claims many attacks that aren’t theirs. They literally claimed they did the Vegas shooting, and that was obviously not true, it was an insane white dude with ZERO connections to Isis, it was honestly such a bad lie that Intel officials wrote it off immediately as desperation for attention

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 28 points 6 months ago

At this point, you could give Ukraine more money than ever existed and they would still claim defeat is imminent for Ukraine unless a few more Trillions are given for aid

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 28 points 6 months ago

The next time you’re on Tiktok, try to scroll thru 10 different Live streams, I can nearly guarantee you, if you live in the USA, you WILL get at least one military person doing a live stream and being like “yup just another day at work, Im just chilling” like maybe it sounds conspiratorial but I feel like they’re PsyOps, there’s no way they’re actually on break, it’s all PR

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 27 points 7 months ago

Biden also said “If there wasn’t an Israel in the Middle East, we would create one” He’s really not great at keeping things low-key

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 25 points 8 months ago

The media does most of the heavy lifting. You won’t see Fox or CNN say Russia should win, they won’t say Palestine should win, so everyone just follows what their only news sources (not literally, but anything beyond those is conspiracies to them) parrot to them back from US state propaganda

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 26 points 9 months ago

No amount of Agitprop can turn the Pepsi Kommercial Kardashian into a principled Marxist

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 29 points 9 months ago

I don’t mean to be rude, I love his tweets, but his historic tax cuts, attempted assassination of Maduro and putting in Rex Tillerson for head of Energy were too fucked up to be a funny administration.

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 26 points 10 months ago

East Germany deserves to be commended for their efforts to Denazify their territories, in Blackshirts and Reds, Parenti mentioned that they got rid of 80% of the judges in East Germany for their Nazi ties. And they did actually have decent LGBTQ rights


I really like Bob Dylan’s music and he even sang a few Irish Independence songs that were great, so I thought for the longest time that politically Bob Dylan was a pacifist-leaning Lefty. Lefty in the sense that he wrote Maggie’s Farm, some anti-war songs and stuff like that. But this song is HORRID. Bob Dylan sings about how Israel is lied about and outnumbered and trapped, how they can’t even defend themselves without everyone criticizing them. In case anyone thinks “well that was long ago, people can change”, Bob Dylan did shows in Israel in 2011 after being asked by Palestinian groups and sympathetic groups around the world to boycott them. This song The Neighborhood Bully was released like a year after they invaded Lebanon, murdering thousands. He made some good music, but Fuck Bob Dylan.

Favorite albums? (lemmygrad.ml)

What albums do yall listen to from beginning to end? There are plenty of artists and bands that I like with great songs but sometimes the album has filler in between the main tracks. Which albums do you feel like have little to no filler? I’d put up Chief Keef’s Finally Rich (debut album) Licensed To Ill by the Beastie Boys, maybe Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band by Beatles, Curtis (1970) by Curtis Mayfield and Cuba Libre by Carlos Puebla. What are your favorites?

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 25 points 10 months ago

Some Marxist rapper should sample the line where Parenti says “this microphone has a mind of its own” (from Yellow Parenti vid) and fit it into a song somehow

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 23 points 10 months ago

😎”Like, what is the point of BRICS even, ha, amirite lol🔥🔥”

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 25 points 10 months ago

“We did it, Zelenskyy, we took back 1 acre of land!”


I always thought the movie was controversial because it was about JFK getting killed and the story of who was involved, I was waaaay off the mark. This movie sounds awesome, lemme get my soda, popcorn and 3-D glasses!

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml to c/shitposting@lemmygrad.ml

Don’t pass this man the rock when he’s hot🔥🏀🔥🥵HE WILL COOK! Edit: For context, she was saying “China is killing Americans” through opioids and saying Biden is helping China to kill more.


I can definitely understand peoples’ issues with it being consumed, especially in a political context, but how do yall feel about “weed”? I won’t hide my feelings, I am very much pro-weed, it’s not great that I started in my mid-teens but in my area it’s FAR from uncommon. I don’t smoke daily or anything, I’m not addicted to it (people say it’s non-habit forming but any drug can be addictive with enough frequent usage) but I do smoke and dab w/ friends often. That’s not why I believe in legalization tho, my main thing is you shouldn’t make a naturally occurring plant an illegal substance. I’d point to the DEA’s destructive (legal) burning of thousands of naturally occurring marijuana plants found in nature; This seems eco-fascist to me and to deny the uses of hemp as a production material seems dogmatic to me. The USSR used hemp for industrial purposes during the war and it helped in a major way. I’m sure most of us are familiar with the badge given for Hemp growers. If you have any criticisms, I’m more than open to it, but I feel that marijuana won’t be easy to get rid of in future society and would probably be put to use in different more productive ways.


So I’m nearly half Belarusian, I understand that Belarusian is not a language I can apply nearly as much as Russian. Duolingo is pretty bad because they make you guess when it comes to past conjugation. Ex. Words that end in у,а,ого,ю, are all guesswork. Mango languages is a good app, it’s a paid service but free if you have a library card, but the app keeps glitching and won’t work. What is a good website SPECIFICALLY for learning Russian? I’d rather have a website specifically for learning one language than a jack of all trades that barely teaches you how to speak the language. And if any comrades learning Russian would like to practice conversations with me I’d be more than willing to PM


I am unfortunately not very tech-savvy(I’m better at it than my parents lol but that’s not saying much) but I would like to know more(just a bit at a time, not like my friends in middle school who built their own PCs which is apparently kinda common among tech/gaming hobbyists with a bit of money but I was absolutely blown away). When I was in HS, there was the whole Ajit Pai thing and talk about Net Neutrality. It quickly blew over and people didn’t talk about it much. Basically TL;DR What is it? How does it differentiate from not having net neutrality and what are Marxist opinions on it?


I got banned from my literal fav subreddit bc I got a high rated comment and the mods checked my profile and called me a “terrorist” (except I have never had any attempts at or approval of terrorism, terrorism is to create terror as Lenin said, it doesn’t stir up anything good among a terrified working class and I’m not a psychopath) so I just deleted Reddit. No more libs in my head. No more Yoocrane funds talked about every 2 seconds. No TieJuan talked about every 3 seconds. Peace ☮️ Finally.


I was listening to an ep of the Deprogram where they talk about how in China, many people have translated Hakim and Yugopnik’s videos into Chinese to understand Marxist discourse from around the world. I’m a lil jealous because they said it doesn’t happen much the other way around, most Chinese resources are not translated into English. I would like to learn more about Chinese resources on Marxism and modern Chinese takes on anti-Imperialism, I tried looking up Chinese sources and surprise surprise, it’s in Chinese and is not really translated well, barely intelligible in the translation I found. I’ll find the link if I still can. TL;DR Where to find good translations of Chinese resources on Marxism?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml to c/communism@lemmygrad.ml

I don’t need to know exact companies, no need to unnecessarily expose yourself or anything, but as we are a workers rights instance of Lemmy, I safely assume we are all proletarians. I for example work at a unionized grocery and I work outside. I have many complaints but I try my best to work as little as possible while getting my paycheck. Customers are usually fine but occasionally just dumb af to the point where it’s annoying(I have millions of stories) managers are very kind, only ones who were dicks left(unfortunately they probably got promoted if I remember correctly) and my coworkers are eh. Some are great to confide in and joke with, while others are rude or annoying, some are very nice but have garbage politics (libertarians who don’t understand their benefits from being in a union/don’t care enough about the differences to advocate for it). I plan on becoming a firefighter, not only for the pay, job security and union benefits, but it’s also an essential job that doesn’t exist just to create capital (no judgement to those who work in corporate environments, I’ve never done it and can’t judge it). I like my job overall but Goddamn the weather. Edit: Kinda cool to see so many people who are in tech.


Example: FBI is Fat Butted Idiots. CIA is Curmudgeon Ingrate Assholes. NATO is Nefariously Abusive Tragedy Organizers. What are some other good ones? Feel free to repeat these same groups with different acronyms too.


I live in the USA and landback is not discussed. If the USA somehow became leftist through different grassroots movements and political parties vying against the current imperialist regime, what would be a realistic way to do landback reforms? What does it mean? What does it entail? How far do they reach?

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