[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 3 points 2 hours ago

Nyaa torrents

or some streaming site like 9anime make sure you have ublock origin.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 5 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

AOC is far less likely than the real Victoria Nuland lol.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 5 points 8 hours ago

You can't memory hole the NYT editorial board literally calling for Biden's head. You'd be right under normal circumstances, not this time IMO.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 15 points 8 hours ago

You have people running around saying the series is anti-war or whatever the fuck. Maybe you can find some buried recordings with the characters talking about some CIA op to topple governments or something. It is not front-and-center.

MGS 4's theme is literaly about how the war economy has pretty much destroyed the world and created hell on earth for Private Military Contractors. This is hte continuation of MGS 2 where the "government" is controled by some shadow group that controls the media and manufactures popular consent, an explicit condemnation of US democracy and an exposition of the ties between ~~capitalists~~ the Patriots, the media and the MIC. MGS 2 successfuly predicts the modern internet almost 100% correctly.

The literal title refers to a WMD created by the US MIC to push MAD to the highest stakes even though Kojima himself explains way back in MGS 1 how the post cold war status quo lead to nuclear disarmament and an attempt to control nuclear proliferation. The existence of MG is a commentary on how the US ignores and sabotages their own foreign policy just out of psychopathy and capitalist greed. The fact he is Japanese serves as an even bigger factor given their national trauma. The fact is the US would do another Hiroshima under the right circumstances. Kojima definitely says paraphrasing Baker(MGS) "nuclear war is closer now than ever".

Of course Baker isn't correct, nuclear war isn't going to come from some random small country(DPRK, Iran etc), the point though is to observe he perfectly represents the delusion and obsession with maintaining hegemony and their superpower status. As he says "we need a weapon of overwhelming power", except they don't.

That is the politics of MGS, a small part of it even.

But that loser manchild of a fascist gamer meant "political" strictly defined as the modern american cultural war BS. You should be aware of Ocelot/Snake. That is what they fear. They're not talking about the finer points of the US military industrial complex lol.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

If this is a lefty space that is frequently visited by non-leftists, and can be used as a way to persuade them, then we shouldn't be staking out the hottest possible take and telling people they should be shot if they disagree.

Hate it to break the news, but to be quite frank, literaly nobody believes this, nobody sees HB like this, certainly if you stick around for long enough you'd have seen the cycles of people coming and going and how discourse changes.

Believe it or not this site used to be quite a bit more in favor of "harm reduction" in 2020. The current trend you see of complete rejection of Biden is not something that came overnight, even if for some that was Oct 7th, for most others 2o20 was already the compromise. Just go back and look at the trauma people here got from Biden's handling of COVID.

That is now part of this site history, "harm reduction" is now a complete and utter shitty joke and a meme as a result.

So as you can see, nobody now visiting this site believes there will be any discourse with people to the right of us like liberal dems. We did that and the Americans here already got burned from it.

We welcome liberals and people further to the right if they're honest about learning and changing, but nobody is under the illusion there is any debate or convincing anyone anymore. We tell Libs can go and eat shit and die, after all its what they told us throughout COVID for example.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 31 points 1 day ago

Every nuclear power monitors each others nuclear assets, there is no credible way the US can say Russia launched a nuke without clear evidence corroborated by every other nuclear power. Its not like Iraq WMD where you can hold a picture and say Russia did it, not an actual fake nuclear attack.

The US certainly wont use that themselves, I think there are hardliners in the actual military that take MAD somewhat seriously and wouldn't dare it. Keep in mind if the US detonates a nuke in Ukraine that may cause Russia to think its under nuclear attack themselves and with a few minutes to make a call and a history of close calls throughout the 20th century, this is could just result in Russia nuking the US. I think there is enough "institutional" knowledge in the US military to know its not worth to sacrifice themselves for their "subjects". Why would the US risk WW3 with Russia to save "temporarily white" Ukrainians?

Israel is a completely different level because nobody there can retaliate against the US. This has always been the key point.

So the only alternative is some dirty bomb in Ukraine but Ukraine already tried to attack the ZNPP and at this point they can't do it even if they wanted to. But if somehow they manage to create something with US assistance it still wont move the needle anywhere.

Russia still has credible deniability, they have no excuse to use a nuke now that they're convincingly winning and even lib mainstream admits it. As for Russian leadership they know they've won the war and its a matter of time now.

I don't believe there is anything that would force them to escalate except an actual NATO intervention.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 17 points 1 day ago

The only thing that would achieve is to make EU more racist towards migrants and shit. There is nothing to be gained by anyone for doing this. Also Nordstream happened exactly because it is a strategic asset in a remote area only monitored by military and some government assets and not even completely 100% all the time. At the end of the day nobody even got injured and everyone can happily pretend to look away.

The idea that the US could use a dirty bomb in a EU capital and potentialy kill 6-7 figures is just on a completely different level of illuminati conspiracy.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 15 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I don't think liberals care about Ukraine at all anymore.

Only one thing matters now, the US must not be embarrased again, but this is unlikely in the short term. This is not Afghanistan and Russia will not march onto Kiev and have US diplomats evacuating in a helicopter.

As long as NATO is not threated they'll just say something like oh we tried but the primitive dumb Ukrainians couldn't even figure out how to launch offensives, also most of them didn't want to fight anyway so they kind of deserve it.

Everything Trump needs to do is point out the obvious problems with Ukraine

-Extremely corrupt by EU standards before the war

-Well known to be run by the same type of oligarchs as Russia next door.

-Literal Nazis in power.

-Literaly no elections for 2+ years.

-Something something Biden's child.

Of course Trump wont punch right but at this point maybe I'm wrong here but I'm not sure there are many liberals willing to die on the Ukraine is the bastion of freedom and democracy hail Zelensky shit anymore, not in 2025+. That is more like NAFO territory even.

Perhaps the small pacifists/naive libs pushing for Israel ceasefire are also kind of tired of Ukraine war too because Ukraine doesn't have a goal and refuses to negotiate at all. Russia is smart to start putting their demands already btw.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 40 points 2 days ago

The desperate need to always make analogies just to defend Biden is something else. Analogies should only be used if they add something to make understanding the subject easier. But it also assumes the other side is not intelligent enough to understand the subject in the first place.

You wouldn't use analogies to explain the newest Quantum mechanics to Einstein. You could use them to introduce them to a person with a poor math/physics background maybe. But at the end you wouldn't assume the person who "kind of gets it" through an analogy to actualy come out knowing about said topic. You teach an analogy to a kid to help, you don't make the analogy the entire subject and replace the actual topic.

So yeah, all these dipshits using analogies are just saying "hey you pathetic manchild that doesn't understand how democracy is supposed to work, here let me dumb it down for you all why you need to vote for my candidate. So imagine a restaurant menu..."

What do they expect? A bow and a thank you mr democrat asshole I understand democracy now and will proceed to vote for the person you just told me to. The only response should rather be a punch in their face.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 13 points 3 days ago

Jimquisition is old enough to keep referring "back in my days as a gamer journalist" unironically which it is mentioned often, too often even.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 24 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

The only thing I care about is I'm 100% sure China will be brought in several topics and

100% Both candidates will call Xi a dictator.

100% Both will say the US needs to be tougher on China. Trump will remember his "trade war" and call it a great success. Biden will call the Russia related sanctions a great success and both will promise more.

100% both will say some lipservice BS about protecting "American jobs" and this is why they need to be more racist.

60% Trump will say he has a great relationship with ~~Xi~~ Kim because he will mix them up.

75% Xinjiang or "Chinese slave labor/genocide" will be brought up.

100% Taiwan support for "democracy" will be mentioned and both will support it unconditionally.

30% Taiwan independence will be brought up specificaly and if the CPC still got any delusions about avoiding a war for Taiwan this should be their wake up call. There wont be any further excuses when literaly both candidates call and promise to support it.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 29 points 4 days ago

I don't get it, surely she didn't deserve to go to jail just for loving her abnormally large boyfriend from Denmark. blob-no-thoughts

submitted 2 months ago by BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

A long endorsement of open source software before announcing he will be making Godot tutorials now.

Might be a good incentive to switch or try out game dev if you're new btw.

submitted 2 months ago by BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

I prefers the term of Dialectical Materialism simulator.

It’s a fantasy game for closet commies, as HOI IV is for closet Nazis or Wehraboos in the end

I'm not bothering to read much of this(500 comments?), but after a few minutes quick glance its the usual fairly above average positive response as usual.

I wonder if it is because with the game becoming less popular again most of the mainstream is gone already.

submitted 5 months ago by BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net

WW2 poster Wiki


22 December 2023 Amazon may no longer sell its own wifi routers in Germany, as they infringe a Wifi 6 patent from Huawei. This was decided by Munich Regional Court last week following the oral hearing. The ruling does not affect the sale of third-party wifi routers via the Amazon platform.

Two European subsidiaries of Amazon and Eero – a manufacturer of wifi routers also owned by Amazon – have infringed European patent EP 3334112 and may now no longer sell Wifi-6-capable products in Germany. The Regional Court Munich handed down this ruling on December 15, on the same day as the hearing.

Huawei had sued for injunctive relief, information and accounting, destruction, recall and damages (case ID: 7 O 10988/22).

However, the ruling only affects wifi routers that Amazon and Eero manufacture themselves, such as the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4k. Other manufacturers may continue to sell their products via the Amazon platform.

Potential damages Huawei can enforce the judgment against a security deposit totaling €4.5 million. Amazon may appeal against the judgment, and this is considered likely. However, the court has not justified its surprisingly quick decision in writing yet. According to JUVE Patent information Amazon has not yet filed an appeal.

If the ruling stands, Amazon would have to compensate Huawei for the damages it has suffered since 19 March 2020. According to JUVE Patent information, Amazon has not thus far filed a nullity action against EP 112, but has concentrated on the FRAND defence.

Four claims against Amazon The judgment is part of a larger dispute over Wifi 6 patents. Huawei has also sued Amazon over another Wifi 6 patent in Munich (case ID: 7 O 10987/22). The court will hear this case in March 2024. In Düsseldorf and Munich, Huawei sued Amazon over a Wifi 5 patent, but the courts have not yet set a date for the oral hearing.

Huawei is also taking action against Fritzbox manufacturer AVM with two infringement suits at the Regional Court Munich. In November, according to press reports the court ordered AVM to cease and desist. The court was of the opinion that Wifi-6-capable AVM products infringed Huawei’s EP 3 337 077. AVM has since appealed against the ruling.

In addition, Huawei sued other companies such as Netgear and automotive group Stellantis. The Chinese company sued the former at Düsseldorf Regional Court. Huawei sued Stellantis back in 2022 over mobile phone patents that play a role in car connectivity. The Netherlands-based company manufactures about six million cars a year under the Fiat, Opel, Peugeot and Citroën brands.

Huawei turns to UPC While Huawei only sued Amazon and AVM in German patent courts, the Chinese company escalated its dispute with Netgear to the Unified Patent Court in July. Previously, Huawei had not had much success at Düsseldorf Regional Court. The court had dismissed one of Huawei’s lawsuits and suspended the second.

Huawei’s lawsuit at the Munich local division was one of the first SEP proceedings at the new court (case ID: ACT_459771/2023). According to the website www.upc.beetz.nl Netgear recently has filed a counter claim of revocation with the UPC.

Where are the "but but ze seeseepee only steals our technology!111!!" responses now lol.

submitted 9 months ago by BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net

Being a Unity tutorial maker in 2023 sounds like pain right now lol.

I do have to say the joker part is a bit silly, I've used Unity before as a hobbyist and Unity Engine is fine IMO, more than fine even compared to the alternatives. Every engine has problems, pick the right tool for the job.

Unity Technologies, the piece of shit company is the problem.


I have good word from :quark:, it just wasn't making the bean counters happy enough anymore.

Is... is this the light at the end? Picard and Discovery ending? :sicko-wholesome:

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joined 3 years ago