
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 23 hours ago

You're not gonna be able to find Blowback anywhere online unfortunately :(

[–] 21 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Find what braincells you got left and rub them together and maybe you'll be able to make some real points.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Just steal them from Hobby Lobby. They don't have anti-theft towers or LP.

Edit: also if you want a nice back patch but the band you like doesn't make them you can buy a T-shirt, cut the graphic, sew it on, and go over it with clear nail polish or something similar and voila. Or you could staple it on if your hand starts to hurt from hand sewing a whole back patch on, not recommended but it's what I ended up doing when I was a punk kid.

Edit edit: You can also fill in empty space with safety pins, they look edgy but they also serve a practical purpose if any of your patches (or someone else's) start to come off.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

You don't live in reality.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

No one cares to know what you mean because you're treating political ideology like theme park attractions, like a child.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

jellies n jams n spreads

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (2 children)
[–] 7 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I have a hand-me-down from a friend, it's pretty nice but I hardly ever use it in handheld mode which is where it really shines. I use it docked with a kbm+monitor setup. I am using a 4k monitor that I found for free in a Walmart, but I don't know if it was the optimal choice. The Steam Deck was really only ever intended to play games at 720p or 1080p so I ended up lowering my resolution a pretty large amount just to maintain 30fps in more modern games.

I like it overall though. It runs everything I need to run at a fine enough level and using it has taught me a lot about Linux, it's a very fun computer. I don't know if I would pay for it personally because I'm broke as fuck but I appreciate owning it.

[–] 20 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

Here's my advice for you as someone that's worked in a few factories and a warehouse: Get insoles for your shoes if you can, they'll help a lot. Prioritize protein dense foods, maybe take a shake to work. I basically abused acetaminophen when I was working my 12hr shifts, try not to poison yourself with painkillers. Some factories or warehouses have massage chairs in the break/lunch rooms, if your's does remember to use it! A little less ethical depending on how your factory handles breaks but try to take a little extra time than you're allowed if you can. In the same vein, if you have time to clean you have time to lean! Take every chance you can to rest.

You said you're in storage and I don't know what that means specifically but in any case, optimize your movements, especially if you're palletizing or something. Do not twist your body left or right to lift, remember to use your legs to lift, and keep objects in your power zone! The core of factory and warehouse work is about optimizing your movements to minimize pain and last longer.

Oh also if you can sneak earbuds into work and you're able to do your work safely with them, use music or podcasts to power through the shift. My best shifts were when I was able to sneak my wireless earbuds onto the factory floor. If that's not possible for you I'd recommend getting some nice reusable earplugs. They should be more comfortable and more effective than whatever your work is giving you, if they are anyways. Save your hearing!

And one more thing, remember to be careful outside of work too. Something as small as an RSI in your wrist can be enough to not make it through a shift, jeopardizing your job. That's all the advice I have, stay strong comrade.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago (2 children)

This is probably eventually gonna get to the Toki Pona community I tried to get going and I'm fine with it, I tried getting it off the ground but obviously there just isn't a big enough audience for it.

[–] 4 points 5 months ago

Yeah the school's grants were embezzled by some dude and then they didn't meet the minimum amount of students so they were shut down. It was a pretty awesome school besides that, I enjoyed learning there.


Hey comrades, I'm thinking about getting a degree. About 7-8 months ago I made a post asking about the process of obtaining citizenship in China and I was met with the expected response that I should continue my education if I wished to stay there long-term. Initially I dismissed the advice and just put away the idea of living in China long-term, but in the past few months I think I've come around to continuing my education.

This is a big deal for me, I dropped out of highschool when I was 18 and just two years from graduation because the school I was going to would shut down and I couldn't stomach starting over again at a new school in the middle of the George Floyd Riots and the COVID-19 Pandemic. I eventually tried to finish my highschool diploma but when the school went under a bunch of my credits just vanished into thin air and I was looking at another 3½ years of highschool so I gave up again.

Now I'm 23 and with the support of my comrades on the commune I am finally feeling confident about picking up my schooling again, I'm planning on biting the bullet on the GED (which I should have done in the first place instead of going for the highschool diploma) and applying for college.

I'm looking at mycology, I've had an interest in it since I was 18 and I love microscopic organisms. Fungi are extremely interesting to me and I'd love to learn more about them in ways that are not from the pervasive pop-science or spiritual/psychedelic angles that dominate in the West.

I just wanted to share this with others, I'm excited and I've already started crawling through my old textbooks!


Here's a little video for folks new to adventure mode by Blind!

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

Aww man I'm so jealous. I tried to set one up for my friends and myself but I got stuck with all the weird server software and gave up 😞


I just wanted to express my appreciation to everyone here for making Lemmygrad what it is. I love reading your analyses and seeing the memes you share. You always make me feel better and give me the motivation to keep fighting when something horrible is going on in our world. No other online Marxist community has been such a positive influence on my life like this one has, love you all very much. <3


I'm so excited for adventure mode to make it's return! Do you have any favorite moments from adventure mode?

News from Niger? (
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Hey just wanted to see if anybody had any news about Niger, it's been quiet in my circles and I hope things are going well. If anyone has any news sites they could share that touch on Niger that would be appreciated.

Edit: I accidentally typed in Nigeria instead of Niger. I changed the title and body to reflect that I'm trying to learn about the situation in Niger.


Hey comrades, I'm looking to hear experiences from people who've received visas or citizenship for China.

I'm thinking about moving to China in the future but my resume isn't stellar. I've never graduated US highschool and my only work experience is as a farmhand, in a warehouse, and in a factory. I don't think I have any extremely marketable skills for something like a work visa. Interested to hear from y'all!


Hey comrades, I just want to make sure we're all aware of some basic opsec when it comes to leftist firearms. Whenever you take a picture on your phone or on a camera, Metadata is stored in the file. This metadata can include a lot of information like what phone you're using or the location it was taken. We all care about this for obvious reasons so it's very important that we're making sure to wipe the metadata and any identifiable landmarks or information on images we plan to post here.

Take a moment to learn how to wipe and read metadata on images, you can find information online of how to do this. I personally just use an app on my phone to do it.

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