
joined 1 year ago

It depends on how much you compress the jpeg. If it gets compressed down to 4 pixels, it cannot be seen as infringement. Technically, the word cloud is lossy compression too: it has all of the information of the text, but none of the structure. I think it depends largely on how well you can reconstruct the original from the data. A word cloud, for instance, cannot be used to reconstruct the original. Nor can a compressed jpeg, ofc; that’s the definition of lossy. But most of the information is still there, so a casual observer can quickly glean the gist of the image. There is a line somewhere between finding the average color of a work (compression down to one pixel) and jpeg compression levels.

Is the line where the main idea of the work becomes obscured? Surely not, since a summary hardly infringes on the copyright of a book. I don’t know where this line should be drawn (personally, I feel very Stallman-esque about copyright: IP is not a coherent concept), but if we want to put rules on these things, we need to well-define them, which requires venturing into the domain of information theory (what percentage of the entropy in the original is part of the redistributed work, for example), but I don’t know how realistic that is in the context of law.

[–] 24 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Saying that statistical analysis is derivative work is a massive stretch. Generative AI is just a way of representing statistical data. It’s not particularly informative or useful (it may be subject to random noise to create something new, for example), but calling it a derivative work in the same way that fan-fiction is derivative is disingenuous at best.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It is (edit: arguably) legal to stream pirated video. It’s just not legal to host it


I’ve been to this site hundreds of times, but this is the first time I’ve noticed is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.0 or below on a Pentium 3±1 emulated in Javascript on an Apple IIGS at a screen resolution of 1024x1. Please enable your ad blockers, disable high-heat drying, and remove your device from Airplane Mode and set it to Boat Mode. For security reasons, please leave caps lock on while browsing.

[–] 19 points 3 months ago (1 children)

It’s (shorthand)[]. It says “prc(t)ml” with the p being in the obvious spot (though it should be just a downward line), the r is the diagonal line after it, the c is the little curl, the t should be more pronounced, but it should be a horizontal line slightly above the rest, the m is a concave-down swoosh, and the l is the final curl. No vowels b/c they’re largely redundant.

[–] 81 points 3 months ago

Jewish is also an ethnicity. That’s why they can be ‘secular’ while still being half Jewish.

70-100 years ago, so not really

[–] 7 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Was the aurora once-in-a-lifetime? It seemed like typical-ish solar maximum stuff, which happens every 20 or so years. Was there something special about those specifically?

[–] 49 points 4 months ago

Tillman is the youngest person in school history to earn a doctoral degree in integrated behavioral health.

I love how specific this is. Like, they have 12 year olds going through math PhDs constantly, but integrated behavioral health? She’s the youngest.

[–] 60 points 4 months ago (24 children)

Below the median

Unless scores follow a standard (or any other symmetric) distribution

Key word: old

Looks like it will still be a pdf reader (basically the free tier of adobe), but the pre-2023 engine is removed.

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