[-] FuckYourselfEndless@hexbear.net 14 points 10 months ago

Been thinking about getting one so I can just regurgitate trite Redditisms and feel content contributing nothing to the minds of others.

[-] FuckYourselfEndless@hexbear.net 26 points 10 months ago

You are a little pajama boy.


main lurkers, hello


Will get to the point where I've blocked myself into the void underside of Hexbear, behind the curtain of the universe and can finally just chill.

No one will ever pwn me again. No one will ever ppb me again.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by FuckYourselfEndless@hexbear.net to c/covid@hexbear.net

YT: https://www.youtube.com/@LongCOVIDPhysio/videos
Website: https://longcovid.physio/about

Has a podcast and a website and stuff. Seems OK, but really vague and kinda' useless from what I'm skimming. No obvious criticisms of how society's being run right now that I spotted. Worried if not this, then other future astroturfed groups will start where they say long COVID will be easily taken care of via rehabilitation, which as far as I can tell, will just be ordering people back to work in increasing number of hours.


elephant-pog: Please, I'd appreciate it ever so much if you could wear a mask to prevent my bronchitis from killing me. I finally got my COVID stimulus cheque and my life is finally looking up.

corona-and-lime sicko-pog : The world doesn't revolved around your massive head, John Merrick. I just want to get on with my life. You don't know how hard it is. You got to see a play last year. I've had to watch the last 4 MCU movies at home.

[-] FuckYourselfEndless@hexbear.net 1 points 11 months ago

Most people can't actually read that well, so there's that. And also once things get into political boxes people are going to be clumsy at putting you into the correct box, assuming there even is one. Anonymity and the passive-aggressive dunks on sites like Reddit and Twitter encourage this. It feels like they're trying to out-manoeuvre rhetorically so they can't get pwned.

[-] FuckYourselfEndless@hexbear.net 9 points 11 months ago

I think it's more so that "bear sex" was just joke-worthy enough that people talked about the game that otherwise wouldn't talk about it and news of the game spread beyond its usual corners of the internet. So more people heard of the game and I guess the openness that "bear sex" entails is pretty appealing for a CRPG.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by FuckYourselfEndless@hexbear.net to c/christianity@hexbear.net

It's known as the Mod's Prayer.

Here I log off, my posts you keep.
And thee, O Mod, I join in sleep.
Wake I ever, Or, Log in never;
For thee, O Mods, I post and dream of forever.

A Fox In Space and now this. Really good for the animated animal fans right now.


Seagal originally wanted to make his closing speech 20 minutes long, which might have rivaled the atmospheric effect of bovine gas emissions.

-Roger Ebert

Although another source said it was 40 minutes.

It wasn’t a massively well received film, and was notable for having an original ending that contained a 40 minute environmental message, at the conclusion of your otherwise standard Steven Seagal outing.

That ending was something Seagal was passionate about, and at that time, he had clout with Warner Bros, the studio that agreed to pay for the picture. Warners was keen for a sequel to Under Siege, and so agreed to stump up the $50m to make On Deadly Ground, on the condition that it got an Under Siege 2 as part of the bargain.

Test audiences, it’d be fair to say, weren’t best pleased with the environmental epilogue to On Deadly Ground, and it took studio pressure before Seagal bowed to the inevitable and cut the final scene down.



joined 2 years ago