[-] HeavenAndEarth@hexbear.net 17 points 1 month ago

The biggest degrowth guy is Kohei Saito. Check out his book, Marx in the Anthropocene: Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism

[-] HeavenAndEarth@hexbear.net 21 points 1 month ago

Start making love instead

[-] HeavenAndEarth@hexbear.net 20 points 1 month ago

I don't know if you're in the mood to read theory, but if you are, I would recommend Stigma by Erving Goffman to better understand/contextualize these feelings



He's earnestly advocating for imperialism.

I'm just going to post the last paragraphs and bold of the most eyebrow raising sentences.

So how are we to act in this depressive situation? We should above all avoid the false “public use of reason” which advises neutrality and the search for peace through negotiations. The most disgusting thing to do at this moment is to repeat with triumph the old motif “we were telling you for years that Ukraine cannot win…” – obviously true, but whatever the final outcome will be, Ukraine achieved an unexpected miracle in resisting Russia for such a long time. Another stupidity is the idea that the Ukrainian war is just a moment of the conflict between Russia and NATO, with thousands of Ukrainians sacrificed to the NATO interests to weaken Russia. Are Ukrainians really so stupid to play this role while they could have enjoyed peace? What peace? Russian occupation which would annihilate them as a nation… This is why the alternative “peace through negotiations or war” is a false one: Ukraine will be in a position to negotiate only if it will remain strong enough to present a real obstacle to Russian invasion.

In such a predicament, the only serious option is to finally accept that we are entering a global emergency state: we are at war and only a full Western commitment can give Ukraine a chance. The same holds for Gaza - here again only the US military intervention can save things. Not long ago a picture circulated from inside Gaza showing smoke billowing from the explosion of a US-supplied bomb, and discernible in the background was the outline of eight black parachutes dropping US aid in precisely the same neighborhood.[2] This photo renders perfectly the opportunism of the US politics: supplying the arms to bomb Gaza and then helping the people whose lives were ruined by these same bombs – this is what humanitarian help means today.

The US has been humiliated again and again. As crazy as this may sound, the fact that the US are no longer able to act as a global superpower also has its bad aspects - history repeats itself, just recall the US army’s withdrawal from north Syria to protect the Kurds, as well as the premature withdrawal from Afghanistan. **As I already suggested in a recent text of mine, ideally the US (with some allies) should simply invade Gaza from the sea, establish its own power zone there where millions of civilian refugees will be safe, providing for their elementary welfare and in this way constrain Israeli power - it is a safe bet that Israel would not risk an open conflict with the US. In crazy times, crazy acts are needed. **Before you dismiss this idea as madness, think realistically what would happen! It would be a great relief for millions of starved and bombed civilians. Similarly, one should take the risk to raise the Ukrainian war to a higher level, setting clear red lines that Russia should not overrun. One should, of course, proceed very carefully not to provoke a global war – but, again, the only way to prevent a new global war is to take calculated risks now.

Will something like this happen? The one thing one can rely on is that the US regularly miss the opportunity to use (whatever remains of) its global imperialist power for a good cause.


And what's an example of a non-atomized society?



Reality stranger than fiction etc etc...

[-] HeavenAndEarth@hexbear.net 34 points 1 month ago

Dude couldn't even pick a successor. SMH


Why was it removed monke-beepboop

[-] HeavenAndEarth@hexbear.net 19 points 2 months ago

God damn... A moral panic underway

[-] HeavenAndEarth@hexbear.net 29 points 2 months ago

Mfs out here using biological warfare

Xi is tractorpilled (hexbear.net)
[-] HeavenAndEarth@hexbear.net 31 points 2 months ago

This fits a general definition of alienation, but Marx was focused on alienation generated from capitalist production


The Amazon Labor Twitter hasn't posted since April 2022. They have so far been unsuccessful in unionizing any other Amazon facilities. According to this article, the union's funding has dried up since 2022, and workers in the ALU sued the union for alleged anti-democratic practices in 2023.

Is it over for them?

[-] HeavenAndEarth@hexbear.net 45 points 4 months ago

I mean, Bernie always said he would endorse the Democratic candidate if he lost and he was consistent in his career of being a liberal Zionist. So yes, he is not a hypocrite.

[-] HeavenAndEarth@hexbear.net 35 points 4 months ago

Damn, too bad being a conservative isn't a protected class

[-] HeavenAndEarth@hexbear.net 38 points 4 months ago

No. He was extremely crass and showed open disdain for the democratic institutions of the country. Dems aren't going to rehabilitate someone who breaks kayfabe about American democracy.

[-] HeavenAndEarth@hexbear.net 26 points 5 months ago

Don't worry, it's not likely that your potential children will behead you

[-] HeavenAndEarth@hexbear.net 25 points 5 months ago

Holy shit, will Pelosi be the first sitting congressperson to say the word tankie?

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