
joined 2 months ago
[–] HexBeara@hexbear.net 11 points 1 week ago

I'm surrounded by assholes.


(Sorry you're going through it)

[–] HexBeara@hexbear.net 2 points 1 week ago

Not at all. I just now I've been a little unsavory at times more than others.

[–] HexBeara@hexbear.net 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

The CEO of antifa, Anne Teefa. Who are you again?

[–] HexBeara@hexbear.net 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

This. I play against globals time to time and still win. Imo it all comes down to team cohesion, recognition, awareness and knowing when to push the right buttons. I wouldn't even consider myself tryhard or pro, just a weird nebulous semi-pro cazual. And yeah the loss streaks suck because sometimes I'm MVP and my team threw or w.e. but it ultimately comes down to a better state of mind to get better games, but again it's hard when all u have is gaem and you waste a fuckton of time playing because your self quarantining and being a hermit and you're trying not to just end it all because of everything going on at once and having been shitass a lot because everything is shit...

Anyways like I've said before if I've attacked any hexbearinos in the wild because of my temper and sour grapes and mistook them for a capital G freeze-gamer , I deeply apologize and can ensure I don't slip back into that patterned thinking EVER again. Been doing much better, having better games and not been as pissy... cept when there's lag tho... But I've been touching grass and helping who I can when I can and it helps my mental state WAY better than a good ranked match.

[–] HexBeara@hexbear.net 7 points 1 week ago

Mark, just buy yourself a gooncave, you can probably afford it, geez

[–] HexBeara@hexbear.net 1 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Porque no los dos?

[–] HexBeara@hexbear.net 11 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

beanis forever a hexchanian, Reddit is only good for gooning

[–] HexBeara@hexbear.net 7 points 1 week ago

Many such cases

[–] HexBeara@hexbear.net 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This sounds like my ex who I tried enjoying dbd with. It's not a bad game, I would have a terrible time when not surviving with friends though... Even with I was hella ass but I'd pull off some funny shit sometimes. Like 'hmm, this medkit is too red, lemme hide it and then find a dark corner to cower in' then go back and grab it and GTFO.

[–] HexBeara@hexbear.net 1 points 1 week ago

Speaking of Nazis. Used to play killzone for PS2, would put 7 enemy (helghast, hamfisted Nazi analogs) bots, and only 20 lives. So I had to run around and find an unlucky bot, alert the rest, prepare for them to locate me, pew pew some more, repeat. Would use the shotgun and the sniper and the m16 looking gun with the under barrel grenade launcher. Got good at going 7:1. Pretty sure it's the strat I unintentionally used during bops2. S12, fast mag, anti uav perk, reptile, scavenger, tactician(I think?), fog grenades. Premise was to only let the enemy know roughly where I was and they couldn't locate me unless I gave away position by using smoke or shooting. I could flush out campers and draw nearby enemies into my perma smoke to get a kill streak ez.

I think most of em were Nazis too, happy I could be one of the ones to get them to rage quit. Either way funny that more things change the more they stay the same :p.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by HexBeara@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Some recent bangers If you want to share a tiktok load the share URL in your browser first. Copy the resulting URL without the &_t= at the end.




It'll be fine for whoever hasn't played through the games but kinda seems like they hacked up the source material and shat into its dying carcass.

Kevin Hart is playing Roland who's 5'11". Lilith is 22 being played by Cate Blanchette who's in her 50's. I guess Jamie Lee Curtis fits the aesthetic of Tannis but in the trailer doesn't exhibit the same mannerisms. And then claptrap is voiced by Jack Black but has a filter on to sound more like the goober anyways. Maybe it's the gamer-gulag in me but I'm really thinking this is gonna suck. Like they could've gotten Terry Crews for Roland, Brandon Rogers for claptrap(just someone a little unhinged and funny as hell) , some youngish, mildly attractive white chick for Lilith, I guess krieg is fine just needs to be slightly slimmer, I guess the tiny tina is ok too but there's not enough energy imo. And the rest of the cast might work but there's nothing about them in the trailer. And it feels like they just used the characters like dolls for a script they came up with set in that universe. Like why not expand upon the lore either before we meet them on the bus, or in between 1 and 2 similar to the presequel, or between 2 and 3 (I never played the tell tale games... side-eye-1 side-eye-2 ) or just really anything else. They could've followed other wacky vault hunters on other planets and could've had them interact with the main cast of 1 2 and 3, depending on when they wanted to set the story. Idk it just seems like a lack of creativity in all departments involved in the making of the movie. I might pirate it tho just to see how bad it really is.

It's just slop but it always happens to the Vidya Game movies. whywhywhywhywhy what're y'all's take on it? Am I just yells-at-cloud


Who are we voting for this election?

Voting in a bourgeois democracy yada yada... But seriously if we all came together and went out to vote, who'd it be? I saw joke responses for Markiplier that seemed to gain traction on tiktok the same day, other comments here and on YouTube proposed Jill Stein(or it was just yt and my mind is playing tricks). Asking because I had had a discussion with my roommate (the other roommate that isn't the LL) and he said something along the lines of if I don't vote I don't get to complain, which i don't agree with but understand the sentiment. That and we discussed more of an importance of local elections rather than national. And idk I'm not one for caring anymore. If things were better and more hopeful I'd try but teeth hurt and it's not getting better, hair is falling out, body is weak, diet is shit, youth is gone, and I've nothing to show for it. So I definitely don't care anymore and more than likely won't participate myself unless I really see some sort of movement even then I'd probably walk into traffic before voting again.


So once again there's more issues with my donation... They had to take a sample to test the protein levels, thought no biggie cool cool, asked the front desk how long that should take, was told 7 mins, turns out after they drew the sample, that it was actually 7 days because they need to send out the sample... Partner is able to donate tho so that's good but we were really counting on both of us being able to donate. Again if any of y'all can spare anything it's, like always, very very VERY appreciated.

https://hexbear.net/post/2907805 og post


Apologies for being jokey but it's better than anything else right now.

(Btw as an aside just in case any queer folks are considering donating plasma, you do have to pretend you are cishet which is unfortunate but usually some of the workers couldn't give a shit. I have let it slip that I wasn't a straighty once and nothing had came of it but ymmv so if you need that extra cash you got to be able to hide in plain sight and be careful to not let something spicy slip out.)


Think it's just enragement bait but idk might be cool if he got removed from yt or at least gets clowned on to hell and back.

Yeah looking through his other shorts, it's just hateful shit. Transphobia, body shaming, body count shaming, the works. Don't really care anymore. Shit like that needs to be stomped tf out. Go ham y'all but be smart, safe, and don't get ignorant/hateful. But by all means bully the shit outta him if you want.

https://youtube.com/shorts/4JIwn5m50Eg -yt short in question.


There's a lyric chain in Angel's post that we're retooling for Biden, please help, I don't wanna be cringe and be one of two people doing the whole thing.

https://hexbear.net/post/2923981 im-doing-my-part


cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/2907805

(Took about 2hrs to write and honestly could add more but I won't blame y'all for not reading it all)

Currently funemployed because I had quit a shitass job that didn't pay well enough to warrant the toxic work environment and busy workload. Been donating plasma to buy groceries (and MJ to keep myself sane and not be half-cocked as per my partners judgement), haven't worried about rent for about 5 months because my landlord had let the living space spiral into disarray from neglect and currently not worried about a phone plan because I use wifi. But. Yesterday afternoon I was pulled off to the side and told my proteins were too low and I'm at risk of being deferred from that center if it comes back low again, and it's unable to be clocked properly by their initial testing, it's how I was able to donate but later the donation was no good and or it's a health risk.

So went into the fridge and borrowed the LL's beyond beef without asking and cooked some beans. But I'm not sure it'll be enough and tbh I think donating has been a contributing factor in thinning my hair ( and it's been fucking with my self esteem and image heavily especially since I've been undecided with whether or not I want to start hrt at 30 and well... I'd rather be a bald dude if I'm gonna lose my hair, so it's very disheartening and just sux...) . There's that, I've had several teeth break and have dealt with that for about 4 years now with and without pain.

Partner is also funemployed but recently found something he just hasn't started yet and the rate will be a little low because it's training first and all that. I myself have looked but I have been pretty pessimistic about work culture , pay, etc. Been kinda hoping I just don't wake up vs having to be abused as a worker. Gaslit, guilt tripped, and squeezed dry. Done. But I know I need to find something, I just don't have a degree or a trade, and my experience is in customer service and hospitality so everything is gonna suck, holy shit balls.

I only smoke weed if substance is a concern, poppers (amyl nitrate) as well, but that's been awhile and tbh if I had my way I'd be sober, but sober me is an ass without the therapy I desperately need.

I've just been letting myself go to waste I guess. Not working, not working out ( hard to do with a barebones shit diet, partly due to my partners aversion to beanis and taste for b.s. ez to make processed foods, I've also been just letting them make decisions on food because I don't have many preferences, but I should fix that. Hard to do with someone who thinks they know everything and honestly we've had plenty of arguments about it...), letting my room get pretty bad with clothes strewn everywhere, dishes not getting done or done very slowly, at least showering semi regularly though like once every two or three days at the worst. I think if me and my current s.o. were in a different spot it'd better, but technically he shouldn't be here and the LL has made it clear they don't want them here, so he's been hiding when LL/Roommate is home, and he doesn't have a place to go since his parents house has been taken over by his siblings that have ignored him and his parents wishes in order to do as they please, and he called his older brothers probation officer because of his abuse of fent and by extention neglecting his 4 children. So kinda a narc but at the same time reasonable since he's been more of a dad than the actual dad.

The LL has also given me a silly written notice asking for the back pay which he settled on 1,510 that he wants by july 10th(I've been putting off making a post like this for awhile)(rent is $400, good on paper, but my room has a tin roof that turns it into an oven from 10-6) with ways to lessen the amount and potentially be paid but I'm still checked out of the situation and couldn't care less. Add to that, the floor that was water damaged was replaced, BUT the moldy subfloor was not. There's dry rot and mold under the kitchen sink, front porch light still doesn't work since hurricane Ian(2022), the lights don't flicker as bad in the kitchen anymore but the breaker trips every once in awhile while using the microwave, the bathroom still has a weird gap after the tub was replaced and the floor is still bare poured concrete where the toilet is at from when they fixed the outside plumbing and laundry room outlet for the washer.

Way back in 2018 I totaled my car with no insurance and as of right now have no valid drivers license and feel as though if I had that reinstated and a reliable car I wouldn't be in this mess.

If there are any class traitors willing to risk a modicum of their income to help me get out of this big ass hole I've fallen into, I think about 6 or 7k would barely cover every little thing that has gone wrong the past 6 years 10k to be absolutely safe and to be able to make strides after what seems like an eternity in purgatory.

Now for the comrades who aren't as financially able but still want to help, anything helps. It really does considering I lost out on $45 yesterday and by extention I won't hit the $100 for donating twice in a week.

After what's happened with a user here ( imo it's not their fault at the end of the day, but can't say one way or the other since I can't know the whole situation) idk what kind of rules or systems are in place now vs when I last posted on an account I no longer have access to, when I needed a new bike, groceries and a cheap phone. But I'll put my Cash app at the bottom and if there's anything y'all can spare, again it's greatly appreciated.

(NGL Reaaaallly hoping someone too generous for this world and their income bracket makes my day because on top of all this my mom and her bf(situationship partner? Idk...) have been homeless and she's developed melanoma and has been having identity theft issues along with just not having money and getting screwed over by clients with any painting jobs they line up. And it'd make me feel waaay less of a shit azz child despite the tenuous relationship she's fostered because of the shit azz relationship she's had with her mother and family...sigh and so on. Shit sucks yo, kinda why I don't want kids despite wanting kids of my own since I was little so I could be the one to get it 'right'...)

If anyone has any leads, job opportunities, resources, anything for (doxxing myself a lil) Pinellas county fl, more specifically St Petersburg that'd also be appreciated. Been using indeed and getting the same jobs over and over and no interviews or calls. Have thought about working on a cruise ship but reading job reviews and then seeing news articles about being left in port is giving me 3rd thoughts about it despite how much I could potentially squirrel away.


Listing my partners cashapp in case there's any issues sending it to HexBeara: $scherermatthewd97

Gotten $10 so far, from Seeking_Perhaps, which will help get both of us to the plasma center today to donate and get some groceries, but currently starving and needing more to be on the safe side and potentially pay back rent if need be if we're able to reach that amount (although not an obligation since technically with the moldy subfloors i could continue to withhold rent, but trying to be amicable and live in a cheap ass place still and not have him move forward with an eviction) Also don't know how to cross post properly using only the hyperlink I've seen in some posts. posting problems I guess


I've got green beans with an expiration date of Dec 2021. You think these might still be good? Currently, at least to me, botulism could be a potential upside, but unfortunately doesn't seem to be dented or damaged.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by HexBeara@hexbear.net to c/mutual_aid@hexbear.net

(Took about 2hrs to write and honestly could add more but I won't blame y'all for not reading it all)

Currently funemployed because I had quit a shitass job that didn't pay well enough to warrant the toxic work environment and busy workload. Been donating plasma to buy groceries (and MJ to keep myself sane and not be half-cocked as per my partners judgement), haven't worried about rent for about 5 months because my landlord had let the living space spiral into disarray from neglect and currently not worried about a phone plan because I use wifi. But. Yesterday afternoon I was pulled off to the side and told my proteins were too low and I'm at risk of being deferred from that center if it comes back low again, and it's unable to be clocked properly by their initial testing, it's how I was able to donate but later the donation was no good and or it's a health risk.

So went into the fridge and borrowed the LL's beyond beef without asking and cooked some beans. But I'm not sure it'll be enough and tbh I think donating has been a contributing factor in thinning my hair ( and it's been fucking with my self esteem and image heavily especially since I've been undecided with whether or not I want to start hrt at 30 and well... I'd rather be a bald dude if I'm gonna lose my hair, so it's very disheartening and just sux...) . There's that, I've had several teeth break and have dealt with that for about 4 years now with and without pain.

Partner is also funemployed but recently found something he just hasn't started yet and the rate will be a little low because it's training first and all that. I myself have looked but I have been pretty pessimistic about work culture , pay, etc. Been kinda hoping I just don't wake up vs having to be abused as a worker. Gaslit, guilt tripped, and squeezed dry. Done. But I know I need to find something, I just don't have a degree or a trade, and my experience is in customer service and hospitality so everything is gonna suck, holy shit balls.

I only smoke weed if substance is a concern, poppers (amyl nitrate) as well, but that's been awhile and tbh if I had my way I'd be sober, but sober me is an ass without the therapy I desperately need.

I've just been letting myself go to waste I guess. Not working, not working out ( hard to do with a barebones shit diet, partly due to my partners aversion to beanis and taste for b.s. ez to make processed foods, I've also been just letting them make decisions on food because I don't have many preferences, but I should fix that. Hard to do with someone who thinks they know everything and honestly we've had plenty of arguments about it...), letting my room get pretty bad with clothes strewn everywhere, dishes not getting done or done very slowly, at least showering semi regularly though like once every two or three days at the worst. I think if me and my current s.o. were in a different spot it'd better, but technically he shouldn't be here and the LL has made it clear they don't want them here, so he's been hiding when LL/Roommate is home, and he doesn't have a place to go since his parents house has been taken over by his siblings that have ignored him and his parents wishes in order to do as they please, and he called his older brothers probation officer because of his abuse of fent and by extention neglecting his 4 children. So kinda a narc but at the same time reasonable since he's been more of a dad than the actual dad.

The LL has also given me a silly written notice asking for the back pay which he settled on 1,510 that he wants by july 10th(I've been putting off making a post like this for awhile)(rent is $400, good on paper, but my room has a tin roof that turns it into an oven from 10-6) with ways to lessen the amount and potentially be paid but I'm still checked out of the situation and couldn't care less. Add to that, the floor that was water damaged was replaced, BUT the moldy subfloor was not. There's dry rot and mold under the kitchen sink, front porch light still doesn't work since hurricane Ian(2022), the lights don't flicker as bad in the kitchen anymore but the breaker trips every once in awhile while using the microwave, the bathroom still has a weird gap after the tub was replaced and the floor is still bare poured concrete where the toilet is at from when they fixed the outside plumbing and laundry room outlet for the washer.

Way back in 2018 I totaled my car with no insurance and as of right now have no valid drivers license and feel as though if I had that reinstated and a reliable car I wouldn't be in this mess.

If there are any class traitors willing to risk a modicum of their income to help me get out of this big ass hole I've fallen into, I think about 6 or 7k would barely cover every little thing that has gone wrong the past 6 years 10k to be absolutely safe and to be able to make strides after what seems like an eternity in purgatory.

Now for the comrades who aren't as financially able but still want to help, anything helps. It really does considering I lost out on $45 yesterday and by extention I won't hit the $100 for donating twice in a week.

After what's happened with a user here ( imo it's not their fault at the end of the day, but can't say one way or the other since I can't know the whole situation) idk what kind of rules or systems are in place now vs when I last posted on an account I no longer have access to, when I needed a new bike, groceries and a cheap phone. But I'll put my Cash app at the bottom and if there's anything y'all can spare, again it's greatly appreciated.

(NGL Reaaaallly hoping someone too generous for this world and their income bracket makes my day because on top of all this my mom and her bf(situationship partner? Idk...) have been homeless and she's developed melanoma and has been having identity theft issues along with just not having money and getting screwed over by clients with any painting jobs they line up. And it'd make me feel waaay less of a shit azz child despite the tenuous relationship she's fostered because of the shit azz relationship she's had with her mother and family...sigh and so on. Shit sucks yo, kinda why I don't want kids despite wanting kids of my own since I was little so I could be the one to get it 'right'...)

If anyone has any leads, job opportunities, resources, anything for (doxxing myself a lil) Pinellas county fl, more specifically St Petersburg that'd also be appreciated. Been using indeed and getting the same jobs over and over and no interviews or calls. Have thought about working on a cruise ship but reading job reviews and then seeing news articles about being left in port is giving me 3rd thoughts about it despite how much I could potentially squirrel away.


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