Some of these I roughly get, but manjaro, ~~facebook~~ the other f ;), and opensuse just don't make sense to me.
A computer wouldn’t see why they would break a fictional arm so a parental figure could give them a hand
No computer 'sees' any of the logic behind the language. It's all fancy tables and probabilities from beforehand. That's why there was the famous example of the LLM telling that girl to off herself when she was doing her homework. If the learning datasets include anything like reddit, some LLM may answer or respond (in)appropriately to those ideas.
Suuuuure, you're caaaapable of it, but I don't see you doing it, bot!
Tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet trump is a literal rapist. (tweet)
I hated to be the voice of reason whenever someone brought up sex on the beach or in the actual waves, but damn do some people need to learn that water is not a lubricant, and sand is just as bad as anakin whined about when in your crevices.
Someone figured out that you didn't have to install starcraft to play it, just copy/paste the files. Those were some good times.
I would, if she were to go out with a public opinion that it was okay for trump&allies to call black people niggers and sell them into slavery. I wouldn't do it on a public internet forum, most likely, but I would do it to her face. It's following the (her, in this example) premise to its natural conclusion and it's supposed to be extremely jarring and uncomfortable. It's similar to satire, where it takes trust to know that the person 'performing' isn't actually espousing what is being acted... which is why an internet forum like here, where nobody trusts nada, isn't the proper place to do it. Directly responding to them on bluesky like there? More acceptable.
Bin laden bean laden was suffocated by satan.
You gotta ride their butt until they come up on traffic.
I happen to know where a 'graveyard' of unsellable teslas is within 20 miles of where I live. The company has insurance on them though, I guarantee it.
Thank you for helping trigger the memory of rogue squadron, a game I spent far too much time playing. I always thought the energy/ammo were contained together in the equivalent of magazines. I vaguely remember the shadows of the empire game, and maybe the jedi knight series, having ammo packs that look a lot like boxes of ammo you'd find in a store today.
Fuck Epic. I just lost the ability to play rocket league because they bought the developers, ripped it off of steam, and now force you to agree to some wickedly invasive TOS to have an epic account.