
joined 6 months ago
[–] 9 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Implying that “refugees” will hurt “Europe” is fucking racist

[–] 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

American poor is not the same as global south poor.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (9 children)

Are you only looking for cis women exclusively because thats is probably the greatest hurdle for you to getting in a committed relationship with a beautiful woman.


Earth 1: dicks to Mars.

Earth 2: being dicked by Mars.

Earth 3: Earth and Mars consensually dicking each other.



[–] 1 points 6 months ago

So we can do this but we cant build a road across the darian gap that is killing thousands of people every year who try to cross it. I understand that theres environmental concerns. People come before the environment.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Well if your trying to give everyone in america a gilded cage then breaking boeing up would distribute the wealth in a manner that would alleviate the contradictions in capitalism enough to give the workers enough treats to not rebel. I want the workers starving so they do the revolution, hence I believe that boeing should be bailed out so that american aviation and engineering can decline. Best case scenario is americas nuclear capability becomes so degraded it cant actually work and we get nuked without being able to retaliate.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Theres a genocide in Palestine going on right now

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (4 children)

I’ll alienate myself from any working class in the pursuit of communism


The first one was so good. The sequel has dark souls 2 graphics but it doesnt improve on anything unlike dark souls 2. Every two minutes my party calls me gay. I cannot restart the game without spending real money. Theres no fast travel unless you spend real money on it. It crashes every five minutes. This game is horrible, legitimate contender for worst game of the year. Which is sad because a lot of work was put into it. Oh well, I guess gamers need to suffer and hexbear needs to gaslight me into buying this piece of shit.


But it seems like every fucking day there’s a new video of drones blowing up cars, snipers shooting kids, POW’s getting murdered. Generals should have known that letting cameras on a battlefield was a bad idea since Vietnam. Now personally I think it’s good this stuff is being documented, not like I want it to happen or want to see it but at least there’s evidence, but I’m thinking from a warmongers perspective, why would you want footage of war to be so wildly disseminated? How hard is it to take away a phone from a soldier? I don’t know how to feel about this, I just know it’s an incredibly wide security gap that no army is willing to plug.


Wouldn’t it be fun for a Karl Marx impersonator to just walk around lecturing people about why they are bad who also has an online and journalistic presence lecturing people as to why they are bad. There should be a union of sorts for Karl Marx impersonators to make sure they are following strict Marxist doctrine in what they say, they will replace religious leaders as to who people go to guidance for. At the end of every year we fly all the Karl Marx impersonators to a giant altar of communism and the best Karl Marx ritualistically cuts the hearts out of the inferior Karl Marx impersonators on top of said altar. Then using the blood of the dead Karl Marx impersonators we anoint the next year’s class of impersonators and we have a brand new set of Karl Marx impersonators who were trained by the last set of them who were sacrificed. Marx trainees take on the role of Engels.

To make the lifecycle of the Karl Marx impersonator clear it goes

Selected in random lottery (1/1,000,000) every year - Forced to train as an Engel under the wing of a Marx - Get anointed as a Marx and take on an Engel - Get sacrificed and have your blood be used to appoint the new Marx.

Note if you are selected as the best Karl Marx you are not sacrificed, instead you preform that year’s sacrifice then get to retire in the goon cave with all the previous superior Karl Marx’s.

Any questions?


He was interested in politics at a very young age

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