[-] Mpeach45@lemmy.world 6 points 1 week ago

I like it, though it REALLY seems to me DE tweaked how enemies respond to Pull—making it less useful. But maybe I just haven’t spent a lot of time below enemies, pulling them off ledges before this game mode.

Jade Light eximus make Banshee relevant, and it’s glorious to jump in to one of the side spawn spots in the hall at the end as Banshee and wail away.

[-] Mpeach45@lemmy.world 9 points 1 month ago

How can anyone read any of this? The graphic is unreadable to me.

[-] Mpeach45@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

Mine? More cardboard. More wood chips.

[-] Mpeach45@lemmy.world 6 points 3 months ago

Doing two things or more at once is great, as Halasham says.

But most importantly, if the grind isn’t fun, don’t do it. If it’s not fun the way you’re doing it, find another way to do it. Back before they moved Harrow Systems, I spent roughly thirty hours getting it to drop in Caracol defection. It wasn’t super fun, but I made it more fun by experimenting with every frame I had to see if that frame could do the job effectively.

So to answer your question: anything that’s fun is worth doing. Because every piece of gear is worth having, and if it’s fun to get, then why not?

[-] Mpeach45@lemmy.world 4 points 3 months ago

I don’t especially have any insights, but with the rework, Inaros is going from “so boring and awkward to play that I never use him” to “always worth considering.”

The Daikyu/Nikana life steal combo makes him essentially immortal.

[-] Mpeach45@lemmy.world 5 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

The single most important thing a new Nova player needs to know:


I don't care if it's level 250 steel path, just don't do it. Rage quitting will ensue if you do.

The number two thing about Nova:

If there's any poetry in your soul at all, her reduced power strength version is not "SpeedVa". It's **"GOVA." **

Those important PSAs out of the way, I love Nova. She's one of the few frames that offers flexible enough powers to be truly creative. By which I mean her Antimatter Drop, which can be combined with Wormhole to do some truly amazing things. If you're wondering what I mean, check out DE's trick shot competition winners: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1189341-ultimate-portal-trickshot-contest-winners-announced/page/3/#comment-11548009

Importantly for SlowVa, range is typically very bad. That's because for survivability, you want the Null Star particles to stay close to you, not be heading off in all directions. Also the range of her 4 scales off duration, not range! Nova's Molecular Fission augment helps a LOT with this too. Low range does however mean you can't really use Wormhole. This is why I have three builds for her: SlowVa, GoVa, and Travel.

[-] Mpeach45@lemmy.world 6 points 7 months ago

Hey everybody! Don’t forget to eat the rich!

[-] Mpeach45@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago

Everyone is going to hate seeing the new Q warframe in defense missions.

[-] Mpeach45@lemmy.world 4 points 7 months ago

Some of the most fun I had in Warframe was running a 34% range Savage Silence Banshee. 34% is about 6m, so Silence only hit enemies as I approached them, and then they died. It required fast, economical movement and a weapon with a very fast finisher animation. Surprisingly this was NOT a dagger. After extensive testing, the fastest finishers turned out to be… SWORDS. Probably because their animations were done early and they aren’t fancy.

But the Eximius rework killed off 34% Range Banshee for me. With no reliable albeit momentary CC for Eximus, she gets downed almost regularly. However, 34% range Savage Silence lives on with Savagely Invisible Loki!

Nowadays it’s Resonance Eximus Deleter Banshee I run most, with just 100% range. She’s still excellent at Rescue since she just runs right past every enemy as they clutch their heads from Silence. The Eximus get their auras deleted at enough range to keep her safe.

Banshee’s main problem is the inability to take a hit, though this has been helped recently with the changes to Shields and their damage reduction. Even so, I have several blue archon shards in her to get armor up to some decent number. Also, Condemn to replace Sonic Boom is a godsend, plus Augur mods and Brief Respite.

Euphona Prime as Banshee’s signature weapon makes no sense to me. It has no unique buff when she uses it, and its stats and nature don’t synergize with Banshee in any unusual way.

If a syndicate weapon could be a signature weapon, Banshee’s would be the Rakta Dark Dagger. Its syndicate proc is yet another way to help her keep her shields up.

Sound Quake—-yeah yeah once it was great, though that predates me and I’m on day 1839. It’s extra problematic because it wants ALL the range, ALL the efficiency and ALL the strength, three things that all her other abilities either don’t need at all or only need one of. So you’re either building for Quake, or for the other stuff. And the other stuff is actually fun, as opposed to Quake. In one build, I’ve replaced it with Defy.

[-] Mpeach45@lemmy.world 6 points 7 months ago

The easiest frame to farm in the early game. I got Nyx by accident! My first built warframe, my second frame, and the frame I did the Second Dream with. That’s why she always wears the Scar sigil.

In the very early game, Nyx is marginally better at spy than Excal, which is why she was my go to spy frame. It might not be obvious to new players, but Mind Control works on cameras! Not especially useful except in that early game before you have a weapon with punch through to shoot cameras through glass—or before you even know that’s possible!

Psychic Bolts is her star ability, able to 100% strip armor at a lower power strength than any other frame—and again, achievable at a level where you might be doing that before you know that 100% strip is a totally different thing that 99% strip. Pacifying Bolts is surprisingly strong, as it stuns enemies after you strip all their defenses—and that means they’re going to be dead if you want them that way.

Mind Control got a bit of a nerf with the eximus rework and is the main reason I always pair bullet hoses with her, rather than big chunk damage weapons. Because it’s necessary to wear down the Overguard on high value targets before mind controlling them, and you don’t want to overshoot and just kill them. This ability works on some things you wouldn’t think of trying. While very handy on liches and sisters, Zanuka is the best example! Nyx makes the Alad V fight stupid easy in the early game, because controlling Zanuka means Alad gets no healing, and in fact Zanuka happily attacks Alad! Mind Control wants tons of duration but doesn’t need any strength. Strength does affect the target’s damage buff, but that’s not worth modding for.

Chaos, paired with Nyx’s passive, is her main way of staying alive aside from Parkour—and staying alive is Nyx’s main problem. Chaos wants a ton of range, but requires no power strength. A shame enemies affected by Chaos can’t perform finishers on each other!

Absorb is essentially a trap unless you have its augment, Assimilate. With Assimilate, Nyx transforms from the lowest survivability frame in the game to the single strongest tank—albeit a very slow moving one. It makes her literally 100% invulnerable to everything except nullifiers and falling off the map… and ledges. She can’t jump up a ledge in Assimilate. Assimilate Nyx demands the use of Twin Basolk with Rift Strike or Dual Daggers with the Amar mod set to enable quick movement around the map. Adaptation builds up while Absorb is running, FYI.

Uniquely in my experience, Nyx is not great at the early game, but shines in the late game once you’re on the Steel Path. DE’s stats showed this too—with the release of Steel Path, Nyx’s % use jumped up a LOT. I wouldn’t be surprised though, if that has fallen again now, as it seems DE wants every frame to be able to armor strip. That said, Nyx is great on steel path because the things she excels at: Armor strip and crowd control are important again on the Path. In the early game enemies are too easy to kill to need those things.

Nyx’s abilities can’t really all be modded for at the same time, meaning that for me, I’m always replacing Absorb (which needs tons of efficiency and energy) with some other survival ability. Pillage and Defy are my typical go-to’s.

My loadout for Nyx is typically Synapse, my Gaze Kitgun, and Azothane built for heavy attacks. Nyx can’t stand toe-to-toe with enemies so Amar-teleporting into an enemy’s face with the Azothane heavy attack means they’re going to bleed out while knocked down and never touch her. Pennant also works for this.

[-] Mpeach45@lemmy.world 8 points 8 months ago

What is “196”?

[-] Mpeach45@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

Peertube doesn’t make a billionaire asshole richer.

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