
joined 1 year ago
[–] 55 points 1 year ago

Gymnastics. The skill part is obvious but monetarily its more than i expected. I thought it would be like going to a regular gym but its usually much more expensive to use the gyms and thats if you can find a time slot where adult males can train.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

And you can get that for under $100?


Okay so ideally it wouldnt be local but i'm behind a carrier grade NAT and my isp isnt very cooperative but monopolies gonna monopoly so here i am.

What i want is basically beeper. I want to use element on my phone with bridges so i dont need half a dozen different messaging apps.

Note that i know what i am doing is probably horrible in terms of security.

I setup matrix by following the ansible playbook docs. I skipped all the dns stuff. I set to a random made up domain. And changed my hosts file to point

to my server internal ip address.

I disabled ssl in



devture_traefik_config_entrypoint_web_secure_enabled: false

In inventory/hosts i also used my made up domain.

I hit go and eventually i got it to work. Even got a couple of bridges working. The issue is it only works on my desktop not on my phone. Both of them are on the local network. I think it has to do with the element app on my phone not liking that ssl is disabled.

I dont really know what the best option is at this point. Should i try self signed certificates? Or maybe something like ngrok or pagekite? Its okay if it is only local. I can play around with zerotier or something similar so i can still access it outside the network.

Note that im not able to pay for anything either which makes things more complicated. Cant buy a domin name or pay for a vps or any of the things that would make this easier.

Update: I got it working. The key was the self-signed certificates I think. That simplified a lot of stuff. Well, it made it so I could follow the playbook more closely, so I was able to use the work that other people put into that instead of having to tweak a bunch of stuff.

I also setup pi-hole to use the local DNS stuff on my made up domain. I think i was right that Zero tier gives me access to everything from outside the network using pi-hole for the DNS. I don't get cell service where I live though, so testing that will be a process.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Yep. I'll second this. I've used it for years and across many laptop changes, phone changes, etc. It's painless but you're also responsible for not losing everything.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

True. I want a nice car before getting a house. How the fuck else will I get to my job to pay for my car and house? And by "nice" I mean "won't break down on the way to my job." very few of my friends have ever bought a new car.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I really like dwm. It doesn't seem too popular so maybe the other ones are better but it was the first one I tried so the others feel weird to me. I like the idea behind suckless in general though.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Yeah. Honestly I'm way more active here. Granted my whole time on the fediverse is like a week or two, but Ive made more comments today than I have in like a decade on reddit. I could easily see myself not returning to reddit.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

This is great. Some big ones are already dark.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

From the outside looking in car culture seems pretty full of that kind of thing anyway.