[-] ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net 0 points 14 hours ago

Ah yes, the reformist, homophobic, climate skeptical, patriotic socialist party. Obviously I am describing a modern extreme left party, and not a certain german party during the 1920's.

[-] ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net 1 points 15 hours ago

Parties change with the environment their are in or they lose support.

So why aren't you pressuring the Tories to support PR? Surely if the parties change according to the will of the voters you can just influence any of the parties in the same way, by just voting for them.
Besides, your original claim was that you could vote labour in, then pressure them to adopt PR - why is it now the voting itself that's going to pressure them? I'll admit it at least has some link to the labour party, unlike writing letters to podcasts, but you were saying there was going to be a vague something after the voting that changed their minds.

Anyway, I've noticed your a hexbear so .....

So what? I've noticed you're a fedd, but you don't hear me harping on about it.

[-] ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net 4 points 17 hours ago

Damn, Americans are abused. Vacations are literally a human right because of their importance to physical and mental health.

[-] ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net 5 points 18 hours ago

Which are the extreme left parties? Especially the one with members who make extremely racist and homophobic remarks?

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net to c/ttrpg@hexbear.net

Previous Thread

It's taken a few weeks to start moving peices (that is, the party finally stopped picking fights with librarians long enough to measure time in hours rather than rounds), but since their second night of resting after the murders they have been the targets of Nightmare spells, twisting their dreams. Unfortunately that's just been a soft chorus of clucking as they keep succeeding on the will saves, but it did prompt a round of worried discussion between the characters about whether chickens have souls.

After a new round of preparations they ventured back into the Gauntlight and started picking fights with librarians again. Also they tried to contradict a ghost administrator and got ghost slapped into purgatory for a moment, but eventually they got back en-route towards the first chicken ghost encounter: the smashed remnants of Krrrterra, who was obliterated with a landslide. Impressively, their first instinct was to go for diplomacy, apologising for killing it, and asking what they could do to help it move on to the afterlife. With a speak with animals spell and a critical success on a diplomacy check, I couldn't just have the chicken fly into a panic and cause a fight, so engaged in dialogue.
There were four issues here though: One, while ghosts are normally animated by unfinished business and can only be permanently put to rest by making right the injustices that created them, these ghosts are mostly reanimated by the giant spooky lighthouse that shoots beams of ghosts, so the primary answer is to destroy the 20th level artifact (they are currently level 4). Two, even without the lighthouse, they're motivated by revenge against their killers, so the secondary answer is for the party to be killed by the chicken ghosts. Three, ghosts are often unaware or in denial about their own deaths, nevermind what is needed to put them to rest. And four, chickens are not particularly capable of higher level thought, so the only thing their questioning actually established is that it wanted to eat some worms.

So they hit it with positive energy damage until it dissipated. It wasn't a difficult fight, a single PL-1 enemy, because even as a ghost a chicken isn't much of a threat (on its own), but it did teach them some embarrassing lessons about weapons attacks and incorporeal creatures while minorly inconveniencing them, as planned. The ghost chickens have been established as a fun callback, and soon a running joke. Once they start coming back (and in greater numbers), we'll have some good horror cooking and can really start the emotional rollercoaster, but I have to be sparse with details until future updates, as the Goblin Sorcerer's player is reading and I don't want to spoil too much for him.

New Art
It's bad. You wanna see some cool ghost chicken tokens, go back to the first post. First up, we have Krrrrterra, who was hit with a landslide:

get it? because she was... squashed. It doesn't get better.

Hyppokoko, bludgeoned and drowned by a blast of tsunami:

the file name is wetghost.png. like seriously i got no idea

And finally, and most [CW: meat]ly, Brrrkit, who was incinerated by a beam of pure heat: I'm sorry.

Applying the ghost template to a basic bird statblock didn't get me close to an appropriate challenge for the party, so I altered a ghost commoner statblock in different ways for all chickens. Krrrterra had the weak template applied, the Kinetic Assault ghost ability added, and a handful of minor additions and changes:

Are you saying you think FPTP has delivered representative Parliament?

What? Are you actually reading what I'm writing? How did you get this idea from what I said?

As for action, I bash FPTP every chance I get, including here on Lemmy. But also Reddit (less now), Mastadon and Twitter. I do write into some of the main stream political podcasts I listen to.

So you say that you don't like FPTP, especially on niche internet communities, and write in to podcasts. Could you explain to me how these influence the actual Labour Party? Like I used the example of an angry letter as a joke about completely ineffectual action, but you're genuinely suggesting that writing an angry letter to someone with no connection to the Labour Party is action.

I voted for AV.

oh god i'm gonna vote
You really are a parody of liberal activism.

The only right way to brew coffee is cold brewing, all other methods are quick fixes for the unprepared.

How dare you. The SWHS is the greatest christm- uh, Life Day movie ever made, an absurdist masterpiece. AI wishes it could make something as incoherent.

[-] ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net 47 points 1 day ago

It's a secret method practiced by the great masters through the ages, like Jim Carrey and Robin Williams, called crushing depression.

[-] ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I don't know what questions you think you're answering, but they aren't mine.

We have used FTPT since the creation of the house of commons in 1708. It's over 300 years of "the right [having] been able to use FPTP to have unrepresentative governments for decades". That's 30 decades, an unreasonable number to summarise as just decades. As a subpoint, [citation needed] on progressives being a majority - your file shows the Conservatives have averaged 40% of the vote for most of the last 100 years, with the Lib Dems taking another 10-20% most of the time, and 50-60% of the vote is definitely a majority before you start adding the conservative members of supposedly liberal parties like labour.

Secondly, nothing you said names a single actual action you're willing to take to pressure Labour. If you were being realistic you'd have said something like mail bombing or arson, but you haven't even said you'll write an angry letter or something. There's just this gap of thinking where they get into power, and then something vague happens that makes them do the right thing. Back in 2002/3 me and 36 million other people worldwide took to the streets protesting plans to invade Iraq. On the 15th of February the largest demonstration in history occured worldwide, with close to a million people marching in London alone. IT had absolutely no effect on government policy, with our nominally progressive government throwing their full support behind the invasion, so what are you going to do this time that will actually effect change?

[-] ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net 3 points 2 days ago

As everyone else says, probably not, but it depends on where you are: if you want a real answer, you're going to have to ask a local lawyer. Unless you're confident you can shoulder the potential costs (or otherwise be immune to them) it's probably not worth trying.

[-] ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net 13 points 3 days ago

Find a random data centre, break in, and start hitting servers with a hammer. Sooner or later you're bound to knock out an ai one.

[-] ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net 13 points 3 days ago

Back in the day I was subbed to /r/tall because I am tall, and the best part of the sub was short people coming over to comment on how much nicer the tall sub was than the short one. We were mostly trading tips on clothes that fit and desks that wouldn't give us back pain, while our nominally sibling sub was just raging about us existing.


oky ghost chickens and it's so fucking stupid.

So they found the Dooms of Tomorrow in B29 and after some experimentation determined that the Annihilation Beams were specifically triggered by creatures passing by rather than having a physical trigger that could be interacted with. Their first plan to disarm the hazards ended with the inventor's construct companion getting Annihilation Beam'd into lots of tiny little pieces, so they decided to buy some chickens and lob them in. They were hit with beams of pure tsunami, inferno, earthquake, monster, and undead. First two were pretty easy, I went with falling debris for the third, big godzilla hand for the fourth, and void energy for the last. Gonna be real with you, the description is "From Monster" and I just don't know how that works as a beam.

The thing is, quite apart from the ethical issue of throwing a defenseless animal into something called an annihilation beam, the whole campaign explicitly revolves around a spooky lighthouse that makes undead. I've been more subtley referencing it through various random encounters, but the first big event of the story is the lighthouse shooting a giant beam of light that creates undead where it lands. And there are a bunch of haunts and undead inside. Like there's basically a sign over the entrance saying "Undead made here". So now the chickens' ghosts need revenge on their murderers.

Honestly, no idea where I'm gonna go with this, but I've made tokens for an undead ghost chicken and a kaiju ghost chicken, so I'll give them some nightmares next time they go to sleep and see where that takes us.


The rogue went down at the end of a running chain of 4 encounters the party charged through, right as they decided they had bitten off more than they could chew and turned tail to run. Just walked off and left him with the remaining mini boss. If it weren't for the mini boss's tactics of getting other people to do things that require him to leave his throne, the PC would have been killed on the spot. As it was he regained consciousness about 10 minutes later, and slowly and carefully crept away with the aid of some great stealth rolls while the morlock tried to work out how to get a second casting of telekinetic manoeuvre.
And then the next morning he decided to be the bait in a plan to lure a drake out of its lair, got stuck trying to scrabble up an embankment out of the way, and was obliterated in a flurry of teeth and tail lashes. It was brutal, even with PF2e's generous dying rules he turned from alive to dead in only 4 seconds as the first strike knocked him unconscious and the next two burnt through his dying condition.

Luckily the player already had a backup ready so when the party turned tail and ran again I was able to maintain a natural flow of roleplay to reach a point where I could introduce the replacement, but it was sudden and shocking for all of us. For the players it was shocking because in a single turn the drake turned him from slightly damaged to chunky salsa, and for me because its not actually a difficult fight - I mean, a drake is still a dragon, so it is more dangerous than raw stats make it look, but if they'd put the tank front and centre instead he'd have easily withstood the initial barrage and they would have steamrolled it.

They're going to be so mad when they realise it's only as tough as the minotaur skeleton they took down instead in order to get some xp and level up before taking it on again.


feat. Jim Jones.

  • Obstruction
  • Boiler #4
  • Lightly Used 2008 Honda Accord
  • Rémoulade
  • Yorkie
  • Lock

Do with them what you will.


Campaign or one shot premises, world building, systems or mechanics, whatever ttrpg related stuff you've come up with but not filled out yet.


My normal process is to plan a session and then have it almost immediately derailed through a mixture of distractions, roleplay (or skipped roleplay), and sequence breaking. The planning done for a single session generally correlates to either 1/2 of a session or 2-3 sessions of useful content.
This time though, they actually did the things I had planned. All of the activities and events came in useful, and they didn't even try to set any of it on fire. Everyone's character made use of their bit of time in the limelight, and I managed to give almost all the NPCs voices, including the spontaneous ones. We even finished the session exactly where I wanted, with the first combat of the module I'm using

Conceptually I'm aware that there's a nonzero chance of it happening at some point, I'm just a little shocked it's happened to me.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Looks like Palworld has established "game that shouldn't have guns (with guns)" as a genre, so what games are we looking forward to seeing the treatment? Animal Crossing with guns? Football Manager with guns? Disco Elysium with guns?


I've got competitive tree felling, log flume riding, and caber tossing. There's archery and boxing/wrestling. There's chess, there's a pie eating competition, even an obstacle course.

That gives me all the mechanics I'm interested in settling the players into immediately - ranged and melee attacks, skill checks, saves, skill challenges, and roleplay - but I need more fun side bits to help set the scene. There's food stalls, a bar, a little gambling, and I'm probably going to have a children's storytime place the players can go and make up wild tales, but what other kinds of flavour do you pepper around your festivals for the players to interact with?

The campaign is Abomination Vaults for anyone with setting specific ideas.


I'm not interested in your PCs (or PCs you've heard/seen elsewhere), I want to know what the best PC someone else has played at a table with you is.

One of my friends doesn't have lots of TTRPG time, so generally just joins the odd fantasy game with the same character at different levels: Himbo Clerrick. Himbo lives up to his first name, being utterly gorgeous (think young Fabio on the cover of some sword and sorcery romance novel), incredibly heroic, and incredibly dense and oblivious, but not to his second name, being a Paladin.
Himbo had been a simple monk who had taken a vow of chastity to serve his god, but his incredible looks put the other monks' and nuns' vows in danger, so they gave him some weapons and armour, told him to go fight the forces of evil for his god, and then took a very cold bath. Powered by his devotion to his god and complete asexuality, he now travels the land looking for evils to defeat and goods to do.

Now, I'll admit the player has an impressive CV to begin with (experience in film and TV leading to setting up his own media company, Cambridge Law degree, nationally ranked cross country runner, decent jazz saxophonist, amateur boxer, etc), but Himbo inventively combines and subverts tropes in a way I only otherwise see from very experienced players, and the player has been happy to dive into and engage with the worlds as Himbo from the word go. Makes a great change from the people whose first character is Half-Elf Ranger #3752 and are scared to say or do anything even when directly asked.


I should have realised something was up when I saw his coat is black after they specifically said Grey.
Look at this shit, he doesn't even sleep right:

Bonus: Teaching the parent's Border Collie pup to sleep wrong

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joined 10 months ago