
joined 2 years ago

Like one guy prioritizes housing the homeless and transportation, but the plans are vague. Whereas another guy has very specific transportation goals, and that's it. And maybe another guy wants to create more affordable housing and healthcare, but also wants to give a bajillion more dollars to cops.

Perfection is the killer of all joy and all that, but this is shit is annoying.


If the easement is extinguished and the plan goes through, Westside could create more than 3,000 homes in Northeast Park Hill, 75% of which will be market rate, and the rest will be income-restricted. The area would boast the fourth largest park in the metro area, and the developer would fund that. Buildings could be between four and 12 stories high, depending on their location on the site.

If this measure does not pass, it’s possible that Westside would sit on the land, and it would remain vacant as it has since 2018. The company could also run a golf course on the site, essentially making the land inaccessible to all but fee-paying golfers.

Keyword is here "could" create more than 3000 homes. But the article states

This second part of the measure doesn’t actually do much. It’s basically a way for the architects of this measure to communicate to the public what Westside plans to do. There is nothing for voters to allow, beyond the city extinguishing the easement.

Looks like another case of capitalists trying to use progressive language to trick the public. There's no clause in the vote that mandates the developer build anything.

Also, the city and developers are saying the land must be primarily used for golf if the contract is preserved, but the opponents say it's a lie and it can be used for anything as long as it sticks to the "open space" principles of the contract


The biggest drawback is that you have to rely that the manufacturer is ethical and isn't loading your shit with bloatware/spyware, which, lol. I suppose one benefit is that, theoretically, they can spend more time and resources on designing a laptop instead of licenses for windows, but I remember reading somewhere that Microsoft eats up market share by providing their OS for free for PC manufacturers. Is that still true?

I'm not currently looking for one, but I am curious about them. For my use case, it would be mostly light programming, web browsing, movies and videos, photo editing, and light gaming. Doesn't make sense for me to shell out $1000 for some spyware linux junk when I could just buy some used 2015 windows laptop and install a distro on it

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

open source sex toy interface

I recently watched a Richard Stallman interview where he talks about being horrified with bluetooth dildos because it's closed source and sending data to corporations. He must be thrilled with this new development

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Now im wondering how many spare parts I’ve bought were actually stolen and chopped :cowboy-cri:


Walked outside to see a fucker trying to jiggle my door and ran off when I confronted him. Shits worth $300 and has different color doors. Who’s chopping this shit up? They gotta be selling it to developing countries where they’re worth more. I suppose that’s why beat up cars are more valuable than high end ones because it’s more affordable overseas

[–] 12 points 2 years ago (6 children)

Everyone under the age of 25 should be strapped to a booster seat and given a binky and a rattle

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

full time job at NAFO’s parent company


I’m a Jew who’s family fled Denmark. I laughed. If he hates Jews he atoned for it, we forgive. The Russians call me a nazi. I’m more worried about Russia replicating the genocide that almost wiped out my entire family than an edgelord CSgo comment.


[–] 1 points 2 years ago



Breaking Bad came out in the late 2000s and this was a time when being "politically incorrect" was epic - and by politically incorrect I mean just punching down and being hateful. Slurs for disabled people were used without any meaningful pushback, and at least in my experience, kids were happily reciting lines from South Park and Family Guy at school and mocking kids from SpEd classes. These things still obviously happen today, but now there seems to be more criticism of when it happens and even the "anti pc" crowd will hesitantly shut up if called out.

Anyway, Walt Jr. has cerebral palsy, but unlike much of the media of the time, he isn't the butt of the joke (aside from that one scene in the store but the bully got his ass kicked) or made cynically by someone who doesn't care or know anything about the disability to get a cheap emotional response from audience. Obviously he doesn't have an identical life to someone who is fully able bodied, but overall he's just a kid with his own angst and goals who just happens to be different. Sometimes he needs assistance, sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes his parents struggle to relate and help him (both for his disability and puberty in general) and that's just life, especially for a lower income family that doesn't have access to all the resources or free time to discuss problems.

I'm not surprised that they made :dean-malice: racist because he's a DEA agent, but rewatching it I'm surprised they didn't make Walt Jr. a caricature because most people wouldn't have bat an eye.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

These are billionaire women. They’re likely pedophiles as well


Maybe it’s because I literally do not give a shit about the company or it’s products or customers. I just want money. In fact, I want the opposite kind of imposter syndrome, where I trick the people hiring me into thinking I’m much more qualified than I actually am get paid a shit ton more money. Yes I know C++, Pascal, Assembly, COBOL. Please pay me $500k.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

“A man is not killed when his heart is struck by a bullet; he is killed when he is cancelled.” - Joseph Stalin

“A woke peasant can harvest plenty of soy.” - Ho Chi Minh

“Many men wish death upon me. Lord, I don't cry no more; I don't look to the sky no more. Have mercy on me.” - Fidel Castro

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

there I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes

These are the same people telling you to read economics 101