[-] Strayce@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 16 hours ago

I use jabref and this extension quite heavily. I can assure you that it does send the URL to jabref; it gets added as a Misc reference with the site URL in the optional fields. On my firefox / windows system it does show greyed out in the plugins menu like you say, however it adds a jabref logo in the address bar which can be clicked (or alt+shift+j) to send to jabref.

I just tried it on my linux system though, and it doesn't work for me, either. Suspect some sandboxing weirdness because I have jabref as a flatpak but firefox running natively. I'm just coming back to linux from a few years hiatus so I'm hoping someone better than me at this can check in.

Jabref does have some troubleshooting steps for their extension that might be worth trying though, depending on your install.

[-] Strayce@lemmy.sdf.org 36 points 1 day ago

Okay, but did anyone notice he referred to himself in third person?

[-] Strayce@lemmy.sdf.org 3 points 3 days ago

Have a look at Infinity branded laptops. They're an Aussie rebrand of a Chinese OEM. Decent spec gaming laptops in the 1-3k range, subtle (IMO) design with the only RGB being in the keyboard. Intel or AMD, shipping with 40xx GPUs now. I got one from mwave about four years back and don't regret it.

[-] Strayce@lemmy.sdf.org 1 points 4 days ago

Probably doesn't fit your timing requirements, but this is my go-to for cycling to work: https://thelunasequence.bandcamp.com/album/they-follow-you-home

[-] Strayce@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 4 days ago

Low End Box indexes cheap VPS providers.

[-] Strayce@lemmy.sdf.org 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Suppliers should be paid fairly, and I'm glad the fines actually seem meaningful (in theory, anyway; those are maximum penalties. I doubt they'll actually get applied any time soon). It won't help the average consumer tho.

Supermarkets here use their position as middlemen to squeeze both ends of the supply chain; they short their suppliers and price gouge their customers. The code of conduct only fixes one side of this. It applies purely to dealings with suppliers, and has nothing to do with retail pricing.

It's more likely retail prices will increase to maintain the profit margin. Line must go up and the plebs just have to suck it.

[-] Strayce@lemmy.sdf.org 83 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

foremost proponent of corporate ethics

abandoning a pledge to pay direct suppliers a living wage by 2030

So, the "foremost proponent of corporate ethics" is NOT already paying a living wage? Fucking rofl.


Normally I'd go to r/mousereview for this kind of thing, but fuck that website.

Can anybody recommend me a mouse that isn't going to fuck out inside of a couple years? Was previously using an Ironclaw until the USB port went, replaced it with a Basilisk and the scroll on that one's started to jitter up and down now. I have fairly large hands and tend to use knuckle claw grip. Wireless is a must, builtin battery preferred, but requiring a single AA isn't a dealbreaker. I don't mind heavy, prefer a little weight tbh.

[-] Strayce@lemmy.sdf.org 82 points 6 months ago

Recording from free to air is legal because of the "time shifting" argument. The show is being broadcast regardless, just because it's at an inconvenient time for you doesn't mean you should have to miss it. It's also worth noting that media producers fought tooth and nail against this.

[-] Strayce@lemmy.sdf.org 82 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

It's the (insert current minority scapegoat)'s fault.

[-] Strayce@lemmy.sdf.org 86 points 9 months ago

I'm not against this, but I feel like the pizza needs to be on the bottom. You're just gonna get cheese all over your hands.

[-] Strayce@lemmy.sdf.org 106 points 10 months ago

If you're up for something, or down for something, it means the same thing.

If you fill in a form or fill out a form, it means the same thing.

English is fucked.

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