It might be an easier game and that's fine (maybe Miyazaki is getting worse with age), but I never imagined that they expected standard players to opt out of using major gameplay features just to have a normal / balanced run. That would be so unlike FromSoft.

Simulacra and simulation.

Their outsized influence in the organizations is a benefit for them, but in the long run imo it doesn't benefit them to have a table for everyone to sit at and speak. Especially in the information age. I do think they see it as a growing threat to sovereignty and hegemony and are at this point trying to burn it down.

Sounds like they have an October surprise planned.

[-] 27 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Similarly, I really appreciate what XR (for example) is doing, but I worry that all of the good climate activists are going to get catalogued before they can really contribute.

I think they might just be so drunk on their own propaganda that they might do it.

Auto-encrypt is a shady feature to have on a shady site. I wonder if vendors had a way to deny those customers? Even if there was, I get the impression that it wasn't a common practice. It also looks like some people were still using BTC.

Wow that's pretty wild, even for the darknet. The operator is putting a lot of heat on themselves by doing this.

To think, if we all legalized drugs then there would be none of these darknet exit scams.

It sounds like those who practiced proper OPSEC are unaffected by the extortion. Hopefully that encourages more people to take their own OPSEC seriously.

Nothing to see here, just the typical reaction of a privileged person seeing pushback on their privilege. It's not like it's going to change his behavior.

Try off-brand Fanta, most grocers carry it.

Fascism must pander to its national mythos.

Since Brexit, there has been a fall in support for Northern Ireland’s remaining in the United Kingdom and a rise in support for Irish unification. Many voters saw the break from Europe as economically damaging and threatening to cross-border relations, as the island had enjoyed decades where E.U. membership helped shore up peace.

Weak, but whatever works. 26+6=1

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