[-] Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml 25 points 2 months ago

What else did anyone expect from the biggest terrorist organization in human history?

Deleted (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml



I know, it's not exactly the best way to measure where you stand politically but I'm just curious what your results are.

I score far left on the economical scale (almost hitting the edge) and about two squares from the center into the authoritarian quarter.

[-] Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml 28 points 7 months ago

I once read that some Russian diplomat said "we spit on sanctions" so here you go. Let's all spit on Western sanctions targeted towards any country that defies their hegemony.

GrapheneOS (lemmygrad.ml)

What are your thoughts on GrapheneOS? It's a custom version of Android that is far more secure and private than anything else out there. The only downside is that it only works on Google Pixel phones. For good reason though, as explained in their FAQ. TLDR, that comes down to hardware security features.

With many of us being activists and with state sponsored malware like Pegasus out there, we should probably step up our game to protect ourselves. Especially with Pegasus being Israeli malware, the current situation will probably incentivize even more attacks.

Other than iOS with lockdown mode enabled and perhaps DivestOS (which applies some of Graphene's security features but not all of them), everything else is a complete security disaster according to the GrapheneOS devs. So are all desktop operating systems.

[-] Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml 38 points 7 months ago

The US is so much of a paper tiger that even a paper airplane outcompetes it.


Are there any decent alternatives to Amazon? Please don't say Walmart.


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/2581229

To complement BDS, which products should we buy more of because doing so supports Palestine?


To complement BDS, which products should we buy more of because doing so supports Palestine?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

Anyone taking part in BDS knows that HP is one of the companies we should boycott due to their support for Israel. However, printer manufacturers generally sell their printers at a loss and make most of their money by selling overpriced ink instead. It's a complete scam in fact since those ink cartridges only cost a couple of cents to make. Wouldn't we hurt HP (and by extension Israel) more if we do buy their printers but then buying third party ink instead?

Although to be fair, I'd strongly recommend staying away from inkjet printers and using ecotank or laser printers. Does the same logic apply for those types of printers?


If the West is supporting Ukraine against Russia, then Russia should support Palestine against that Western fascist puppet state called "Israel". Sure, most of their resources should remain focused on Ukraine but Gaza could definitely use some S-300 air defenses at least. They've supplied Syria with the S-300 after all.


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/2516388

If you're outside the US, Canada, Australia and Isntrael, please consider donating to UK based Interpal. It's one of those charities that the fascist genocide supporters in those countries have designated as "terrorist" despite the UK clearing them of any wrongdoing numerous times. Needless to say, it has significantly impacted their work. Please support them if you can. They've been doing amazing work and Palestinians need our aid now.

I'm not affiliated with them.

If you do live in those jurisdictions, you can still make donations to the Palestine Red Crescent Society or the UNRWA. They can't exactly say that a UN agency or the Red Cross/Crescent is "terrorist" now can they. The Palestine Children Relief Fund has also been doing great work.

Or you know what, just donate straight to BDS.


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/2520802

It seems like some troll decided to hack the BDS Guide website so it redirects to a YouTube video of 'Israel's' national anthem. Whatever that's supposed to achieve. Anyway, here's a web archive link. It has a very extensive list regarding what we should boycott.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml

It seems like some troll decided to hack the BDS Guide website so it redirects to a YouTube video of 'Israel's' national anthem. Whatever that's supposed to achieve. Anyway, here's a web archive link. It has a very extensive list regarding what we should boycott.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml

If you're outside the US, Canada, Australia and Isntrael, please consider donating to UK based Interpal. It's one of those charities that the fascist genocide supporters in those countries have designated as "terrorist" despite the UK clearing them of any wrongdoing numerous times. Needless to say, it has significantly impacted their work. Please support them if you can. They've been doing amazing work and Palestinians need our aid now.

I'm not affiliated with them.

If you do live in those jurisdictions, you can still make donations to the Palestine Red Crescent Society or the UNRWA. They can't exactly say that a UN agency or the Red Cross/Crescent is "terrorist" now can they. The Palestine Children Relief Fund has also been doing great work.

Or you know what, just donate straight to BDS.

[-] Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml 30 points 8 months ago

Fascism in all its forms, including Nazism, Zionism and Capitalism.

[-] Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml 47 points 8 months ago

The PFLP are Palestinian communists. The libs must be shitting their pants lmao.

[-] Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml 23 points 8 months ago

Look at these two fascist insects plotting genocide with each other.

[-] Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml 35 points 8 months ago

Note how convenient it is that no electricity still means no journalists can contact the outside world.

[-] Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml 31 points 8 months ago

To be fair, most Western leaning countries are.

[-] Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml 26 points 8 months ago

Of course it didn't. The Western press is working overtime to create manufactured consent for the genocide of Palestinians.

[-] Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml 48 points 8 months ago

Nazis are siding with other Nazis, who would have thought.

[-] Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml 28 points 9 months ago

Oh look the Americunts are at it again. Terrorist cockroaches supporting their kind.

[-] Swinging6917@lemmygrad.ml 22 points 9 months ago

Look at all those genocide apologists downvoting this post. Libs are truly deplorable Nazi sympathizers.

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