Thanks! It went okay, I should know by Monday if I got the job.

[-] 14 points 10 hours ago

I went 3 months unemployed, found a job that I really liked, then was given 9 days' notice that our store was closing after a working there for a month. I have a job interview for a similar position in 45 minutes and I'm nervous because I couldn't sleep last night and I'm feeling sluggish and tired. Wish me luck!

[-] 8 points 18 hours ago

I actually had a friend tell me this once, in 2017 after Charlottesville. When I called those guys Nazis, he said, "You're minimizing what the Jewish people went through during the Holocaust. If they're not a member of the NSDAP, they're not Nazis."

[-] 3 points 20 hours ago

Lmao it doesn't even fit with the number of letters she sings.

[-] 12 points 20 hours ago

I deleted a post that I made on the dunk tank the other day of a funny comment I found on /r/politics when I realized it broke rule #8. You're all welcome.

This is unironically one of my favorite songs

Average Voting Fan (

Can anyone find the clip where Biden is incoherently rambling, stumbling over his words, forgets what he's saying, and after the moderator cuts him off with, "Thank you President Biden," he goes, "And by the way!......" and just stares into space for several seconds? That was one of the funniest (and saddest) things I've ever seen during a debate.

If I saw this at a thrift store for $5 or less, I would cop this and use it lmao

[-] 7 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Turns your kids into atheists and then transitions - continues teaching

She has always been pretty badass. I graduated 16 years ago and still have great memories of the classes I had with her as my teacher.

If it's going to happen, it sounds like the likely candidates might be Harris, Newsom, or Whitmer. I don't have much faith that any of them could beat Trump, lol.

[-] 83 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

The political history nerd in me is honestly finding this really fascinating to be witnessing right now. Seeing liberal pundits saying that Biden needs to step down before the convention, reading all of the articles about it, etc. This might be one of those things that gets talked about in Presidential history 50 years from now, how abysmal Joe Biden was as a president and how his own party could no longer deny how unfit he was to remain as president (4 months before the election lmao).

Yeah, my high school offered a "Bible as Literature" class that was instrumental in me denouncing my faith and becoming agnostic. That teacher was my favorite, we've kept in touch and she recently transitioned into a woman.

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by to c/

Some takeaways:

  1. Trump is the most pro-life, anti baby-murder president we've ever had, and it's a demonic plot that stole the election from him. The communist Democrats are hell-bent on killing as many babies as possible to show their allegiance to Satan.

  2. Then they showed a clip of a Muslim devotional video which claimed Allah was the one true god. After the clip ended, they started praising Trump for keeping the borders closed. If he let the Muslims in, rampant evil would spread across our great nation the likes of which has never been seen, collapsing our institutions to enact Sharia Law.

  3. They then showed protesters at an ICE detention camp, holding signs such as, "Family Has No Borders", "Close the Camps", and "Abolish ICE". They began to harangue the protesters, calling them Marxist actors who want to let as many illegal drug dealers and traffickers into our country as possible, in order to weaken our amazing president's administration.

This was all within ten minutes, lol. TV Christianity is literally just state propaganda of the Republican party. Nothing that they spoke about had anything to do with God or Christ.

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