And Putler lives like a 8th century king while his 3rd century army behave like 8th century BC orcs

That's dope, the Whites king is metal af

[-] 13 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I hate living in the deep red/black color on these hell world temperature maps.

President is evil Stalin authoritarian when Red, president is smol bean figure head when blue.

Pass my strength to you comrade, make sure to stay hydrated in this heat.

No that's what I was looking for, it seemed odd to me but I know there's some struggle between them so I wasn't sure

Arce and Morales are vying for control of MAS no? My understanding is that Arce is see as more liberal and coopting the party. I will say I don't have much knowledge of Bolivia's situation since the fascist coup government was overthrown.

I saw this claim that that the Bolivia coup was a self-coup by Arce to drum up support and apparently Evo Morales is saying this as well, is there anything behind this?

I read this and the premise did removedme too. One of the theories is that this was such a loud and absurd operation to give cover to the real Israeli OP going on

[-] 35 points 1 month ago

France was sorta cool when they refused to fight in Iraq or wherever. But still, suffer not the French to live.

[-] 45 points 2 months ago

Idk what it is but Iranian government figures have such banger lines, like that general after the killed Solemanei "what heroes does America have? Are we going to bomb SpongeBob or Spiderman?


They say poorly worded but I know it was intentional volcel-judge


I use Hexbear on my phone mostly and almost every time I open it it will look like this. To fix it I have to reload it several times and if I click on anything it almost always starts doing it again. Wondering if anyone else has this issue and of there is a fix. Thanks in advance comrades.

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