I for a long time thought of myself as an angry or even hateful person, but in the last few years I've realized it's because I love people generally that I can feel that way - when you have someone for their racism or sexism, it may help you to find peace if you consider that the reason it makes you hate is your love for those marginalized peoples.
When it comes to seeing people like that, I try to keep it mind "There but for the grace of God go I" - I'm in my late twenties and a white guy who grew up in rural America, had I not been exposed to leftist works during my schooling, it's very easy to imagine a world where I had fallen into very hateful ideologies. If you can see in others how they have ended up how they are, it's easier to understand them and maybe you'll still dislike or have them, but it's something you can pair with "I wish it didn't turn out this way for you."
If you're interested in switching over and that's the only hang up, I can give a few solutions a try on my machine at home this weekend and let you know if there are options for you that might not have come up through forum posts.
I know a lot of times when something gets added and "just works" no one bothers to talk about it so you don't know until you poke around yourself!