[-] Zuzak@hexbear.net 19 points 3 days ago

Ordinarily I'd say that having party elites just select someone would be damaging in the general, but in this case I get the impression there's a lot of people going like, "please, anyone but these two," and it's not like Biden ever had organic support anyway. Honestly I could picture whatever ghoul they'd drag out winning.

[-] Zuzak@hexbear.net 2 points 3 days ago

Good luck with your fucking gender!

[-] Zuzak@hexbear.net 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I came out to my brother and it went moderately poorly and tears were had but then I got some "fuck the closet" energy and got off my ass and started looking for a job and I got a promising lead but it's only part time so I'll have to see if I can make it work, my burst of energy is kinda fading, I called my dad (who I'm not out to) to tell him about the possible job but he wasn't really supportive because my parents don't respect a single one of my decisions and somehow still have expectations of me that are ridiculously out of touch with both me and the economy and anyway this week has been a ride and I didn't sleep last night and I think I'm about to crash.

[-] Zuzak@hexbear.net 14 points 4 days ago

Is it bad to accept a (part-time data entry) job at one of the major, "too big to fail" banks? I got offered it without even applying and I kinda need a job, and like I've worked at an Amazon warehouse in the past and it doesn't seem that different, but it just feels kinda weird. Like, "I'm a communist and I work at (for example) Goldman Sachs," what? But like we all have to participate in capitalism, right? That only goes so far though.

Are there important ethical concerns with being a pencil pusher at a big bank, or should I just worry about whether it's a good deal?

[-] Zuzak@hexbear.net 6 points 4 days ago

Dmitri Smirnov, KGB.

[-] Zuzak@hexbear.net 8 points 5 days ago

Oh no that's fine and I think you're giving good advice.

I'm coming at this from a perspective where I've always been closeted at work. Until uhh, two days ago the only people I came out to were people who I either knew would react positively, or who I could cut off if they didn't. Asserting myself on this (or anything, really) in the context of an involuntary and potentially adversarial relationship is new to me. Including my chosen name at all on a resume is a big step for me, so relegating my deadname to a note at the end instead of at the top of fine with me, emotionally speaking, for now. But it is kind of an awkward addendum.

[-] Zuzak@hexbear.net 11 points 5 days ago

I guess that makes sense. Part of it is just trying to avoid uncomfortable situations and defaulting to being upfront when I don't know how to handle things.

[-] Zuzak@hexbear.net 31 points 5 days ago

Biden was the accelerationist candidate all along.

[-] Zuzak@hexbear.net 16 points 5 days ago

How do people handle names with job applications? In the past I've just used my legal/dead name but now I'm using my chosen name on top and adding a note on my resume of my legal name and that I'm trans. It's a little awkward and I'm worried about discrimination, but idk how best to approach it.

For context I've mostly been working blue coller in warehouses or doing data entry or light technical repair type stuff, and I'm applying in blue areas in the US.

[-] Zuzak@hexbear.net 6 points 6 days ago

Writing physical descriptions is kinda it's own skill. I can't do it until I've actually drawn/seen a picture of a character, otherwise I really struggle to visualize them concretely enough to verbalize. Tbh even with people I know irl, I'd have trouble describing them without a picture in front of me.

Modern styles tend to be more action/plot oriented with less time devoted to florid descriptions of random stuff, so some authors may feel like if they write a physical description they have to justify the attention to it. And it's easy for things to get cringey. Like, if you give characters appearances that "match" their personality traits, that has potential to be problematic, then you've got the horny/objectifying types, and then there's, like, weird/uncomfortable analogies. For example, I remember reading some Philip K Dick and seeing the absolutely horrible, objectifying descriptions of female characters, while his male characters are barely described at all. Physical descriptions not being in style could be a reaction to various forms of cringe

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Zuzak@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net

Several people asked for a follow up after I asked if I should do it. Well, I did it. It didn't go quite as smoothly as it did in my head, but the important thing is that I saved the yaois and didn't get caught. Gay crime committed successfully


Posting about it might be dumb, but even if someone doxxed me, nobody else at work knew it existed so I'm pretty sure they'd just look like a crazy person. If anyone asks, I made this story up for Hexbear clout, also it was a satirical parody about capitalism's wasteful tendencies, also it all happened in Minecraft.

Another funny angle to this story: years ago, I lived in Japan for a bit, and collected way too much stuff and tried to ship it back in a huge overstuffed box. The box burst open, and I lost most of what was in it - including some NSFW yuri stuff. Once, my gay porn wound up in the hands of a random warehouse worker. Now, I'm a random warehouse worker, and someone else's gay porn has wound up in my hands. The circle is now complete, the cosmic balance is restored. Just like the Biblical story of Job, the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away :theory-gary:

I'm not quite at a place where I can inspect my haul throughly, so I will provide more details on this story as it develops.


I feel like the bizarre, nonsense logic of capitalism does a lot to obscure how much of a difference even a small increase in wages can make for people. Like, many people may see it as, a $1 raise for someone making $10/hr is the equivalent of a $2 raise to someone making $20/hr. But this is totally wrong.

The problem is that this accept the capitalistic logic in which everything is a commodity and all desires are the same and equal. You get your paycheck, and you may choose to spend it on food, video games, shelter, Funko Pops, you know, whatever you want. Obviously, this is a false equivalence. A certain standard of living is necessary just to survive and remain healthy enough to work. Since that standard of living is a prerequisite to working, treating it as just another option of what luxuries to buy makes no sense.

Rather, since people will have to spend a certain amount of money on necessities, then we can treat that money as earmarked from the moment they collect their paycheck. Which means that, rather that saying, "You get paid $10/hr," from another perspective, we can say, "Your boss provides you with room and board and transportation, and then an additional $1/hr." I know these numbers aren't super accurate, but just for the example to get the concept, if we say that $9 is what you need to survive, then at $10/hr you're really making "Necessities + $1/hr," and an increase from $10 to $11 is not merely a 10% raise - it's double what you were making before (after necessities).

The cost to provide the basic necessities does not increase as people get wealthier (contrary to what many economists seem to think), so you can subtract the same amount from the $20/hr wage and see that that person makes "Necessities + $11/hr." To get the same doubling of discretionary spending as a $1 raise at $10, you would have to go from $20 to $33. Which is fucking wild. As far as I can tell the biggest challenge to this is defining the cost of necessities, which can vary from place to place, but otherwise it sees to check out, conceptually.

The lesson here is that the law of diminishing returns is way more powerful than people give it credit for, and that a job that pays even a little bit more can make a big difference for a lot of people.

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