[-] alcoholicorn@hexbear.net 27 points 4 months ago

I was, why would capitalists let the IP go to waste when they could be milking it dry?

[-] alcoholicorn@hexbear.net 38 points 5 months ago

The manager is an agent of the company, the default assumption is that they have the company's interests ahead of the workers.

Individually, your experience may vary.

[-] alcoholicorn@hexbear.net 36 points 5 months ago

So what happens in the perfect scenario? Russia gets another Yeltsin in charge who sells off their industries for scrap, like what happened in Ukraine? Navalny or some other fascist gets in charge?

What's Russia look like in 10 years?

What's Ukraine look like after it's been immiserated by the fire-sale of it's state-run industry, schools, ports, and powerplants, predatory loans, war, and is politically locked into the right, having banned all leftwing parties?

What's Ukraine look like in 10 years?

[-] alcoholicorn@hexbear.net 27 points 8 months ago

Have Waller herself be the antagonist, getting frustrated trying to get it through his head that he's upholding a system totally opposed to his overly idealistic vision, but Clark just can't grasp it.

Even better, have 90% of clark's shit get assuaged by "oh actually it's OK because it's legal".

Clark catches an off duty cop shooting a black 17 year old for stealing apples and running away (Clark uses xray vision to tell the kid has a recipt on him)

Clark's article focuses on how the kid didn't steal the apples and the cop should have made sure.

Lois: Uhhh shouldn't you mention that cops shouldn't be summarily executing children for being black under the pretense of stealing? Maybe that the justice system shouldn't create situations where kids need to run from cops?

Clark: Whoa whoa whoa the internal investigation determined that the cop was not racist and had to defend himself incase the kid had a gun. The kid should have worked with the system, not against it. Both people are wrong here.

[-] alcoholicorn@hexbear.net 28 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Operating within the rules and not pursuing their lust for power is just one of the reasons we ought to be helping them attain that majority.

Why would I miss a day of work to vote for someone who is going to handicap themselves instead of using the tools at their disposal?

If dems kicked Mansion and Sinema off all committees, cut all discretionary funds flowing into the state, and Biden's AG indicted Manchin/his family for corruption and Sinema for campaign finance violations, then I could believe they genuinely wanted to pass the policies these people are blocking.

Instead the dem's actions are no different than if they opposed these policies.

[-] alcoholicorn@hexbear.net 27 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The government of the US does have its flaws, but it is by absolutely no means authoritarian.

It has more people in prison than any other country, both in absolute and per capita. As for democracy, letting the people choose between two candidates that represent the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and pass laws accordingly, is not democratic. This is evidenced by the actions of the state always benefiting the capitalist class over the working class.

[-] alcoholicorn@hexbear.net 39 points 10 months ago


It's not brigading, this is the top thread on both of our instances and the admin OK'd our input. blahaj had 2 Hexbear federation threads, one including everyone and one just for blahaj users.

Also hexbear doesn't have downvotes, so we have a culture of responding to add or refute information.

debate ideology

We're pretty disdainful of debate culture. A discussion where both people are trying to appeal to a third party instead of have a genuine discussion is inherently in bad faith.

[-] alcoholicorn@hexbear.net 40 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

"Ukraine shouldn't even exist, long live CCCP"

That doesn't sound like something that would be posted on Hexbear, except in The Dunk Tank.

It's the kind of concern a nationalist would feel, Leftists don't typically ascribe human traits to states, rather they're evaluated by how the affect the people within. When we say Israel shouldn't exist, we're not talking about the land or the people, we're talking about the state keeping over half the population disenfranchised and in inhuman conditions.

Not spending any more blood to enrich Raytheon's shareholders and strip the copper out of Ukraine's walls is infinitely greater concern than what flag flies over Kiev to us.

[-] alcoholicorn@hexbear.net 29 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Calling anything posted to Hexbear "bigoted" is truly staggering

I had the same reaction, but a user admitted to it. I didn't see the original comment, but the fact that they're not banned suggests they misspoke or something.

[-] alcoholicorn@hexbear.net 40 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Just for the record, nobody thinks you need to individually give up your houses. These are systemic critiques, the contradictions of capitalism aren't solvable by capitalists and landlords being more generous.

If the owners did all decide to be more generous, they'd eventually get out-competed more effective capitalists as the tendency for the rate of profit to decline squeezes them tighter.

[-] alcoholicorn@hexbear.net 37 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The admins spend days federated with nazi and pedophile shelters bloviating about the importance of free speech, then post a message announcing that they're defederating from Hexbear, pre-emptively as a last resort, because they oppose NATO and the IMF.

I am not making this up.

[-] alcoholicorn@hexbear.net 25 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Why are you trying to make them defend Khrushchev? It's hard to find someone who agrees with anything else the guy did, but sending in the tanks to put down an uprising co-opted by nazis is pretty unambiguously good, though history tells us he didn't do enough to purge the Hungarian right.

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