The goebbels section is also great. Before the invasion he boasts about being the largest deployment in history and about victory being inminent, a couple month later he says their intelligence on the soviet union was completely wrong.
And it exclusively used anti-communist sources to prove it.
Make colonizers pay reparations for colonized people? 😡🤬😡
Make colonized people pay reparations for colonizers? 🥰😍🥰
How much land exactly is "large tracts of land"? For reference, in mexico an Ha of ideal farming land is like 20k USD, heavily inflated by cartel money btw.
nazi germany famously invaded the united states while signing a treaty with the soviets, source my heart of irons campaign
Yea cool stuff, but could he shoot arrows while riding a horse like Genghis khan?
he served the us military for more than a decade.
tell that to ukrainians 😐
its definitely more unhinged but its always been there
you think biden can even get up on the ring lol
DoD + veterans + homeland security is 64% of total goverment lackeys, you receive my total support comrade vivek