[-] d00phy@lemmy.world 37 points 1 week ago

In case you’re not being sarcastic, this is about 2-footed drivers. They tend to always have their left foot “resting” on the brake pedal “just in case.” What they ignore is there’s a small amount of movement in the brake pedal that will light up the lights but not engage the brakes. So even if they’re not just wearing down the brakes, they look like they’re braking ALL. THE TIME.

I also hate this.

[-] d00phy@lemmy.world 33 points 2 weeks ago

There’s a lot of depth to this reply, and it hits the nail on the head.

Seriously, as an emotional being, the guy is just empty. From his comment about not understanding why soldiers would go to war when they get nothing out of it, to his never ending willingness (eagerness, even) to toss literally anyone under the bus to save his own ass. This guy really has no earthly concept of sacrifice, honor, duty, community… seriously pull out a fucking thesaurus.

I think he is the single most self-centered person I’ve ever seen, heard of, or read about. I’m not even being hyperbolic. The greatest writers in history wouldn’t put a character like him to paper because readers wouldn’t buy it!

You say that’s how he understands friendship, and I agree. I’d only add that he genuinely thinks everyone else is just wrong about it. It’s kind of sad, and also kind of amazing to watch.

[-] d00phy@lemmy.world 39 points 1 month ago

So one of his reasons for not prosecuting criminal behavior by the sitting President is, “the country doesn’t feel like it!?”

  1. Says who?
  2. When you say shit like that, it’s really hard to believe the myth that nobody is above the law.
  3. You no longer get to say you’re the “law and order” anything.
[-] d00phy@lemmy.world 38 points 2 months ago

Specifically the part about suing one of the conspirators instead of the actual guy in power who did the thing.

[-] d00phy@lemmy.world 35 points 2 months ago

I work around a lot of technical people. From software to devops, sys admins to hardware engineers, entry level to exec suite; and I have contacts around the world from my job. It’s a mixed bag as to which phone they all use, and it’s never had any effect on how I view their technical abilities. My personal phone is an iPhone, and my work one is a pixel 7 pro. It’s been that way for over a decade. There are things I like and dislike about both platforms. At the end of the day the “technical” things I do have little, if anything, to do with my phone.

Any personal judgement a stranger makes based on phone, OS, sportsball team, etc really only highlights their own childishness, need for something to lord over others, and propensity towards tribalism. I have no time for that BS.

[-] d00phy@lemmy.world 38 points 4 months ago

Might be a bit controversial, but I really enjoyed sense8.

[-] d00phy@lemmy.world 39 points 4 months ago

Putin was interviewed in detail by a US journalist for the first time since he started the full-fledged war against Ukraine almost two years ago

And in the next paragraph, he’s a “television personality.” I mean the second one is more accurate, but sloppy reporting and editing nonetheless.

[-] d00phy@lemmy.world 39 points 5 months ago

Title of this post is a bit misleading. You’re suggesting the article spells out how Disney’s, and other companies’, rabid protection of its IP is a Bad Thing, when it’s really more of a history and primer on what’s changed with Steamboat Willie entering PD.

[-] d00phy@lemmy.world 45 points 6 months ago

I mean, it was about what people could and couldn’t do… Like buying, selling, & OWNING PEOPLE.

[-] d00phy@lemmy.world 31 points 10 months ago

scheming with other dudes how they can work together to trick women into ~~having sex with~~ earning money for them.


Call him what he is: a pimp. He made his money pimping women online. They're not full blown prostitutes, AFAIK, but he's still just a pimp. The dangerous part is he's successfully parlayed this into a "hustle mindset" to get rich, when pimping and conning people into paying him for his "wisdom" is how he got rich. So he's also a conman.

That's the dangerous thing about him. My step-kids think he's worth listening to because, "it's just different for men, you know?" No I don't know, and I've been a man a lot longer than this asshole or them. Any time I ask them to explain it to me, they can't. "It's just different." It's not that I think my step kids are going to start grooming women for sex work, but it's entirely possible that they're subconsciously seeing women as "less than" and painting it as "men's responsibility to protect and provide." And that's pretty toxic IMO.

[-] d00phy@lemmy.world 35 points 1 year ago

Arch is the cross-fit of the Linux world.

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