like I said I wish I lived where you lived
yeah, again, just like Chromium technically speaking.
Let's use the lesser, Foss version of Google's product so they can continue to have a monopoly, so then later they can force you to install a proprietary blob or account apps or services need.
Fanboys are not the same as people flaunting wealth.
while they are not the same, a lot of people who use either Apple or Samsung are both, and will constantly fight against right to repair when they don't know what they're even talking about, for very stupid reasons, and constantly fight against open standards that are just better, like using type-c for their products, etc etc. these people buy iPhones for the image of wealth, I agree, but these same people also argue about its apps and ecosystem's and argue that rich, trillion dollar companies are fine and pose no threat, because it is completely fine to be a monopoly and choke hold the industry. they defend their status symbol in every opportunity they get, and often times I've seen them make it personal, probably because its personal for them.
sometimes I see these same people who buy Apple as a show of "wealth," get into those political arguments when they just have no idea what they're talking about, because for some reason they want to defend the status symbol Apple or Samsing is even if it kills people and the planet.
That's just my observation over the years.
Foss ftw baby
its most definitely the lesser, but there are still many people who would suck off Samsung and Google if they had the opportunity to.
trust me I've met them
based asf
damn I wish I lived where you lived
yeah just like Chromium technically speaking
no of course not, just like how framework wouldn't be the equivalent of Microsoft even though they ship with Windows, but you understand my argument. but maybe I was generalizing too much.
Android I meant as including the likes of Google and Samsung etc etc
unless maybe it automatically restarted and put all my applications back on screen that I had running, not sure. but I know it didn't shut down since I literally hit the power button and it was immediately on, it was asleep.
iirc there are problems with trying to use some mainstream apps on these operating systems. When I say lesser I don't mean to demean them, I mean they're the lesser used and not really known about alternative and thus not really supported unless you can live your life in f-droid which if so, kudos to you, you're livin' the dream.