[-] hydroptic@sopuli.xyz 58 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I, uh… I don't get it. Somebody help an idiot out? I haven't had my morning cuppa yet so it might just be a lack of caffeine.

[-] hydroptic@sopuli.xyz 65 points 3 weeks ago

But why can a theme make web requests?!

Because we live in a broken world and nothing matters.

On a more serious note, it's a pretty horrifying misfeature. What's even more worrying is that by all appearances Microsoft doesn't give a shit, if they apparently didn't even bother removing the malicious extensions that were reported. Not that I'm surprised, but still.

[-] hydroptic@sopuli.xyz 64 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

unzip && strip && touch && finger && grep && mount && fsck && more && yes && fsck && fsck && umount && clean && sleep

Edit: and yes, this joke is older than the gods as evidenced by the presence of finger, and I'm not sure clean is a thing in modern UN*X distros. Not in FreeBSD at any rate

No hablo ingles (sopuli.xyz)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by hydroptic@sopuli.xyz to c/funny@sh.itjust.works

author: https://www.facebook.com/goattoself


4 panel comic.

Panel 1: there's a person and a black swirling mass with arms and legs. The swirly thing says "Hi! I'm your void!"

Panel 2: the void says "you can shrink me by feeding me booze! and the person is shown pouring booze in to the void. The void looks a bit bigger than it was in the previous panel.

Panel 3: the void says "and junk food!" and the person is shown throwing a burger, fries etc. into the void, which is again bigger than it was.

Panel 4: the person says "but now you're even bigger…", and the now massive void replies "no hablo ingles."

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by hydroptic@sopuli.xyz to c/funny@sh.itjust.works


Image of two men sitting barefoot on some grass, and one of them has a puppy in his lap.

Text above the image reads:

"that your dog?"

"no, actually it's adopted… the wife and i were unable to conceive a dog naturally"

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by hydroptic@sopuli.xyz to c/funny@sh.itjust.works

Description: white text on black background. "Remember -- the only thing standing between you and your dreams is your appearance, lack of talent, and general personality"

2meirl4meirl (sopuli.xyz)
NonCredibleFetish (sopuli.xyz)
[-] hydroptic@sopuli.xyz 58 points 1 month ago

Do you want to learn about probabilistic data structures?

  • maybe
  • no
submitted 1 month ago by hydroptic@sopuli.xyz to c/news@beehaw.org
Look buddy (sopuli.xyz)
oh… (sopuli.xyz)
[-] hydroptic@sopuli.xyz 58 points 2 months ago

“I tell you with confidence: I have changed,”

I tell you with confidence: he's fucking lying

[-] hydroptic@sopuli.xyz 58 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Conservatism as a political ideology is very attractive to psychopaths and sadists (and/or, in a word, idiots) – "the cruelty is the point" isn't just an empty saying, it's very often the literal truth when it comes to conservative moral judgements. Rulings like this are just an example of how devoid of any sort of empathy they can be. It's not a political ideology so much as it is a way for people with dark tetrad personality traits to wield power; conservatives are extremely easy to manipulate due to being on average dumber than non-conservatives, so it's a perfect combination.


In the present research (N = 675), we focus on the relationship between the dark side of human personality and political orientation and extremism, respectively, in the course of a presidential election where the two candidates represent either left-wing or right-wing political policies. Narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and everyday sadism were associated with right-wing political orientation, whereas narcissism and psychopathy were associated with political extremism. Moreover, the relationships between personality and right-wing political orientation and extremism, respectively, were relatively independent from each other.

We found eleven significant correlations between conservative [Moral Intuition Survey] judgments and the Dark Triad – all at significance level of p<.00001 – and no significant correlations between liberal [Moral Intuition Survey] judgments and the Dark Triad. We believe that these results raise provocative moral questions about the personality bases of moral judgments. In particular, we propose that because the Short-D3 measures three “dark and antisocial” personality traits, our results raise some prima facie worries about the moral justification of some conservative moral judgments

[T]here exists a solid empirical paper trail demonstrating that lower cognitive abilities (e.g., abstract-reasoning skills and verbal, nonverbal, and general intelligence) predict greater prejudice. We discuss how the effects of lower cognitive ability on prejudice are explained (i.e., mediated) by greater endorsement of right-wing socially conservative attitude. […]

Right-wing ideologies offer well-structured and ordered views about society that preserve traditional societal conventions and norms (e.g., Jost, Glaser, Kruglanski, & Sulloway, 2003). Such ideological belief systems are particularly attractive to individuals who are strongly motivated to avoid uncertainty and ambiguity in preference for simplicity and predictability (Jost et al., 2003; Roets & Van Hiel, 2011). Theoretically, individuals with lower mental abilities should be attracted by right-wing social-cultural ideologies because they minimize complexity and increase perceived control (Heaven, Ciarrochi, & Leeson, 2011; Stankov, 2009). Conversely, individuals with greater cognitive skills are better positioned to understand changing and dynamic societal contexts, which should facilitate open-minded, relatively left-leaning attitudes (Deary et al., 2008a; Heaven et al., 2011; McCourt, Bouchard, Lykken, Tellegen, & Keyes, 1999). Lower cognitive abilities therefore draw people to strategies and ideologies that emphasize what is presently known and considered acceptable to make sense and impose order over their environment. Resistance to social change and the preservation of the status quo regarding societal traditions—key principles underpinning right-wing social-cultural ideologies—should be particularly appealing to those wishing to avoid uncertainty and threat.

Indeed, the empirical literature reveals negative relations between cognitive abilities and right-wing social-cultural attitudes, including right-wing authoritarian (e.g., Keiller, 2010; McCourt et al., 1999), socially conservative (e.g., Stankov, 2009; Van Hiel et al., 2010), and religious attitudes (e.g., Zuckerman, Silberman, & Hall, 2013).

[-] hydroptic@sopuli.xyz 63 points 3 months ago

Looks like a totally fair election; normal countries always make their citizens vote at gunpoint.

[-] hydroptic@sopuli.xyz 59 points 3 months ago

seen doctors force sex change to children that lead to the child killing themselves in adulthood

Why do transphobes lie all the fucking time? Like, is there something wrong with your brain preventing you from not lying?

[-] hydroptic@sopuli.xyz 63 points 4 months ago

Can't remember the last time my car with paint on it rusted after a couple of days of rain

[-] hydroptic@sopuli.xyz 60 points 4 months ago

The idea that Europe isn't militarily self-sufficient is, frankly, horseshit. The US just has such an incredibly outsized military that anything will look "insufficient"

[-] hydroptic@sopuli.xyz 59 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I fully support Glacerán's or any other somehow differently abled person's right to do anything they want. It's unironically great that she got into politics, and it's great that people with Down's get representation like this which has been sorely missing.

This doesn't change the fact that Down's syndrome does have effects on cognitive function, and there's clear neuroanatomical differences that cause those effects. This doesn't mean she or anybody else with Down's is somehow "less than" anybody else, but it's undeniable that there's going to be some sort of cognitive deficit there when compared to the general population, which is why it's not exactly surprising that Glacerán felt that a conservative party was the most "attractive".

I don't see how it's ableism to point out that there's a lot of research showing that people who endorse right-wing ideals are more likely to have lower cognitive abilities (of multiple types). It's not like I'm saying everybody who has Down's is going to be prejudiced because they're 100% certainly going to be conservative, or that people with Down's shouldn't be allowed to participate in politics, for example. But the fact of the matter is that there's a lot of empirical evidence that conservative ideologies are attractive to folks with comparatively worse cognitive skills, because they're exactly the sort of people who would be motivated to support an ideology that emphasizes tradition and strict social norms, and Down's does lead to cognitive issues.

[-] hydroptic@sopuli.xyz 58 points 5 months ago

The biggest threat from AI isn't it going all Skynet on us, but how rich people will use it to the detriment of the rest of us.

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