[-] laziestflagellant@hexbear.net 20 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

The funny thing is that elder dragons are canonically as likely to have no sexes/alien sexes as they are to have more familiar sex based reproduction. You have Lunastra and Teostra's collective species and possibly Ahta-kal's, but then you have Nergigante (explicitly monogendered with asexual budding based reproduction), the Magala family (parasitic impregnation based reproduction with two distinct species of symbiotic virus).

Unless we're given lore from the writers, any given elder dragon could be male, female, monogendered or something yet unknown. Stinky here could reproduce with the weird lifesteal effluvium and be part fungus, and that's its own can of worms.

also it's just using the same skeleton and animations as Kushala so like lol

EDIT: I also forgot about Fatalis, who is implied to be biologically immortal and able to replicate by regenerating from shed body parts, as well as Xeno'Jiiva and Safi'Jiiva who also possibly reproduce parasitically (there was a Xeno'jiiva egg inside the body of MSQ Zorah Magdaros) and Safi'Jiiva even does some really weird shit where it seems to molt into a form that resembles other elder dragons as a form of predatory mimicry, possibly as its method to get close and implant eggs in powerful elder dragons.

Okay that last part isn't explicitly canon but so many things line up for it not to be intentional, especially since the species does canonically use pheromones to attract other elder dragons.

[-] laziestflagellant@hexbear.net 21 points 4 days ago

One of the few bright sides to catastrophic climate change is knowing that sci fi horror bullshit like this will never come to fruition as much as techbros will crow and bleat about it

[-] laziestflagellant@hexbear.net 24 points 4 days ago

Time to teach kids the biblical defenses of slavery and its use during the founding of the nation soviet-chad

[-] laziestflagellant@hexbear.net 35 points 1 week ago

They'll crack open one of the same brand of birthing vats that Buttigieg squelched out of, this time less gay and more boring looking. This procedurally generated and Langley gestated homunculus will be the only available option

[-] laziestflagellant@hexbear.net 103 points 2 weeks ago

damn I guess I'll just have to actually commit to downloading and watching pirated TV shows and movies instead of endlessly grazing on video essays while I'm working on stuff

[-] laziestflagellant@hexbear.net 34 points 3 weeks ago

Is that diagram AI generated? That's not how the human tailbone works. That's not how how tail bones in general work



You just can't. There's too many of them. And they keep making more of them! When will the suffering end?


They should stop making games for at least a year so I can catch up.


This is not a high effort bit, this 'youtuber' has already made a name for himself outsourcing his videos to other people writing scripts and running it through an AI model of his voice. He's almost certainly doing it as a proof of concept tech demo to sell the AI pipeline and consulting to other media agencies but yeesh

lol. lmao.

[-] laziestflagellant@hexbear.net 49 points 3 months ago

ah yes

modded minecraft

[-] laziestflagellant@hexbear.net 70 points 3 months ago

"White man bad game" and its the Bioshock game where the group of black revolutionaries turn into a pillaging horde as soon as they lose their single authority figure so you are obliged to shoot them in the face through the rest of the game

Later DLC would ""reveal"" that the black revolutionary leader only pretended to want to kill a child so the white main female character would grow as a person by killing her.

bioshock infinite bad

[-] laziestflagellant@hexbear.net 41 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

The problem is that AI image models aren't dynamic like that. The AI groups already successfully pulled off the heist of the internet and went home with their image data sets with billions of images. The infinitely expanding google images AI slop isn't getting fed back into the model the same way Chat GPT is auto-lobotimizing itself by looking up autogenerated articles on the web.

In fact, at the moment newer AI image models are being refined not by being fed more images but by going back and adding more refined captions to their existing hoard, since the more descriptive the captions the more capable the resulting model tends to be. But hey, they're generating most of the captions with Chat GPT and at least that's fucking them over a bit I guess

[-] laziestflagellant@hexbear.net 46 points 3 months ago

dew it. make an enemy of the youth vote. make the 2024 the funniest election in American history


[-] laziestflagellant@hexbear.net 95 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Countdown until inaccurate AI images start appearing in American school textbooks because some shits in Texas wanted to save a few bucks on stock art


bottom text


Anti-piracy Nintendo paypigs have failed to consider how effective the wear and tear aspect of data rot is at eroding media preservation

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by laziestflagellant@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net



In my defense I picked up a cheap used VR headset and playing Skyrim in VR and holding all the sparkly spells in your hands is genuinely a pretty novel and magical experience


Uploaded 15 years ago

[-] laziestflagellant@hexbear.net 45 points 4 months ago

Him releasing Death Stranding before the covid outbreaks is still one of the wildest things in retrospect lmao


What the fuck is the 'authentic experience' of a chicken nugget that seitan is incapable of replicating, anyways? Also the burger patties I ate in school as a cringe baby carnist were 60% TVP soy to begin with, so if anything I'm being even more honest with my frozen slabs now


My license expired five months ago and I KNOW that I've been using it as an ID since then for various appointments but it was only today when I went to Costco that someone finally said to me 'hey your ID is expired' since they couldn't give me my prescription without a valid one.

what the hell man


I have really mixed feelings about this film because it's a robot emancipation film that feels like it was written by a leftist but at the same time it has some really serious issues as a film that holds it back from being an outright good movie

The Good

  • This is like, one of the only modern+mainstream man vs machine narratives I can think of that is explicitly sympathetic to oppressed humans hand in hand with the sympathy towards robots. In this film, the robots are in solidarity with the humans they are living together with (robots protect human civilians and vice versa, humans attend robot funerals, they're seen cohabitating together, etc) and they fight together against the NATO coded invasion forces.

  • In fact, there's even a scene at the beginning that, although brief, shows that working class western citizens are very sympathetic to the robots, and have to be conditioned and propagandized into dehumanizing them.

  • It's a very pretty film. The sets and sci fi designs look really good and the robots have some cool designs among them, humanoid and less humanoid. ....Wait it only had an $80 million budget? God damn

  • In addition to the more overt anti-imperialist themes of the film I feel like there's a lot of room for a Marxist interpretation of the film, that the robots could represent leftist groups in Southeast Asia, with the fear of use of nuclear weapons being one of the main propaganda pieces used by the West against them, the West's fear of the robots disrupting capitalist markets, the fact that the main goal of the film is to destroy a physical representation of Western military power and how that representation allows the West to invade and bomb countries with impunity, and so on.

The Bad

  • The first half is a fucking mess, both pacing and writing-wise. There's a lot of narrative choices that are inconsistent with the second half of the film to the point that it's a detriment to the story. In a film with a focus on robot sapience and compassion, we get a Star Wars-esq scene where a grenade thrown by a robot soldier is rolled back into a crowd of robots, and the following shot of their maimed bodies flailing around is instead played for laughs. The discrepancy in the two halves is VERY noticeable, it feels like some sort of editing fuckery happened.

  • It somehow manages to fumble 3/4 emotional beats that happen in the film. This is arguably the big issue here. Like it is genuinely impressive how consistently it missed the mark when attempting to pull off scenes that should have had emotional impacts. Like, my guys, you are writing a narrative about a grizzled reluctant father and an odd troubled daughter figure. This shit should be color by the numbers by now. I don't even think its the main actor's fault here because the scenes that do work, work fine. Like, the turning point when the lead starts seeing the robot child as a person? Skimmed over, no impact. Choosing to side against the West? Skimmed over, no impact. A sort of reunion with his dead wife? They bungled that scene so badly.

  • The worldbuilding can kind of get wishy-washy. I feel like the story suffers for not having a human voice on the side of the New Asia coalition. It didn't even necessarily have to be a big role either, just a named human character to be all 'hey I'm from Bhutan and robots are people too and we want to build a new future together'. There is technically a character who fills that role but it's the fridged dead wife character so her voice only exists in retrospect and in the lead's memories in relation to himself. Without that presence existing in the story, what the (human) people of the New Asia coalition feel about anything goes kind of unspoken when it should have been a bigger aspect of the story.

Anyways it's not a good good film but it's a fun enough watch and you can watch it here lol


Obligatory Sold a Story podcast link.

I can't help but feel that a lot of this is deliberate, the end result of decades of dismantling the public education system to further divide kids into the upper class in private schools, religious fundamentalists in home schooling, and everyone else abandoned to keep the population uneducated and in worse economic precarity.

Somebody please tell me that the kids are alright yea


For fucking years both the Repubs and Democrats have been aware of the science behind Climate Change. They know, their donors know, the military industrial complex knows, the information has been out there.

And both parties have had the opportunity to just blast the airwaves with constant propaganda for years priming people to be shitting their pants in fear over the climate, and they haven't.

They could have been dragging the most dewy eyed, trembling elderly farmers in front of cameras every week and have these sad old Classic Americana™ white men sobbing as they talk about how scared they are of crop failures and famines. They could have been showing piles of dead fish and animals against the backdrop of classic American landmarks. They could have done medical featurettes about how wet bulb temperatures would easily kill people (especially cute old grannies and children!) in the south eastern US.

And they could have kept doing this, all the time, week after week, the most dire doom and gloom predictions and warnings, whatever it would possibly take to start warming the chuds up to the need to make infrastructure changes in the US. Until people come to them demanding big structural changes.

And they haven't. They haven't done it. They still aren't doing it.

They're really going to run the clock out on this until they die of old age or they can all go to their defensive bunkers while everyone else dies of famine and war.

They're not even going to try stopping it. They're not even going to try proposing any Big Changes that could make a difference, because they know the majority US population would never agree to it. They're just going to keep promising miracle tech and gun down refugees at the border until they can sneak off stage while no one is looking.

They won't even paint the fucking roofs white, man.

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