[-] piccolo@hexbear.net 2 points 3 days ago

I've definitely heard rizz from a more gen-z acquaintance of mine. He's also very much a bro type and very into hookup culture, not sure if that's related to the subgroup thing mentioned in the other comment

[-] piccolo@hexbear.net 22 points 1 month ago

Why isn't it called a teethbrush?

[-] piccolo@hexbear.net 10 points 1 month ago

Your username is anti outside aktion but you like working outside... Curious

[-] piccolo@hexbear.net 12 points 1 month ago

EA (and to some extent Valve) is also well known for profiting very heavily off of getting people addicted to gambling in the form of loot boxes. Also EA's former CEO said that they should capitalize on gamers in the heat of the moment to charge in-app transactions, like pay $1 to reload your magazine mid-combat in Battlefield. They're also notable for charging tons for DLC. Overall just very money hungry and gross.

Valve is not very good at censoring profitable fascist games from their marketplace (which goes in line with Gaben and his reddit-logo freedom takes). Valve also takes like 1/3 of the price of the game for themselves, which is pretty high, especially for indie game devs who don't yet have many sales, and given that they have a de-facto monopoly. They also tried really hard to break EU and Australian law and not allow for refunds on games beyond very limited circumstances. Their work culture is also notoriously sexist and transphobic.

I think Valve is probably the lesser evil of game companies but I think that their reputation is much much better than it should be given all this shit. That being said, as a tux enjoyer I'm happy they are trying to get gaming on Linux working better, even if it's just for their own selfish interests.

[-] piccolo@hexbear.net 17 points 3 months ago

Do you have any book recommendations for learning more about this? Really anything about how the world bank or IMF function as an arm of imperialism would be much appreciated.

[-] piccolo@hexbear.net 17 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

When I broke my collarbone in Amerika, I asked my friends to drive me to the urgent care (lmao can't afford to go to a hospital) instead of taking an ambulance. Even an Uber would have been like $50 from where I was

[-] piccolo@hexbear.net 12 points 5 months ago

I think it's probably just us-foreign-policy guessing that they're gonna disrupt the event to encourage him to stop the genocide. Better to just kick out the dirty brown people than be confronted yet again on supporting and encouraging genocide.

brump speech-side-l-1 "Why am I polling so bad with the Arabs again? I'm only genociding Muslim people and not letting people with hijabs in to my campaign rallies." speech-side-l-2

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