especially when the "mass" is 147 grains of jacketed hollow point and the "movement" is 1000 feet per second
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Here comes Sanders to sheepdog the angry masses back to the Democrat Party grave yard again yippeee!
Oh like the one you assimilated into the Democratic Party and killed off
And you're standing in the way of it old man, sit down and shut up
Let me just say this: it goes without saying that killing anybody — this guy happened to be a father of two kids. You don’t kill people. It’s abhorrent. I condemn it wholeheartedly. It was a terrible act.
Yeah that's what I thought you media trained dog, keep playing teacher's pet
You don't kill people. It's abhorrent.
Remember when refused to call for even a ceasefire in Palestine? I guess he, like all the
politicians, doesn't see Palestinians as people
You don't kill people. It's abhorrent*
*Untermenschen excepted
Kosovo War, 1999. Sanders voted yes on this measure to authorize the war
Post-9/11 authorization for the use of military force, 2001: Sanders voted in favor.
A Sanders White House, according to his campaign, would be open to launching a military strike against Iran or nuclear-armed North Korea to prevent (not respond to) not even a threatened missile or nuclear strike against the United States, but a mere weapons test.
Question: President Trump’s national security strategy calls for shifting the focus of American foreign policy away from the Middle East and Afghanistan, and back to what it refers to as the ‘revisionist’ superpowers, Russia and China. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Answer: Despite its stated strategy, the Trump administration has never followed a coherent national security strategy. In fact, Trump has escalated tensions in the Middle East and put us on the brink of war with Iran, refused to hold Russia accountable for its interference in our elections and human rights abuses, has done nothing to address our unfair trade agreement with China that only benefits wealthy corporations, and has ignored China’s mass internment of Uighurs and its brutal repression of protesters in Hong Kong. Clearly, Trump is not a president we should be taking notes from.
Parenti stopped being friends with Bernie after the Kosovo vote afaik
Parenti in 2015 when asked about Bernie:
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
and back to what it refers to as the ‘revisionist’ superpowers, Russia and China
lmao did trump seriously call them "revisionist" or was the journalist confused?
Fourth line of this page of the 2017 national security strategy
He didn't say it or probably signed off on it, but his administration did
Let me just say this: it goes without saying that killing anybody — this guy happened to be a father of two kids. You don’t kill people. It’s abhorrent. I condemn it wholeheartedly. It was a terrible act.
coming from the guy who won't name the genocide in Palestine, this shit is insulting
Well you know by now Palestinians arent people to them.
probably could have been built over the last 4 to 8 years if he hadn't capitulated to the democratic party and had broken away from them to form a workers party at the height of his popularity
Could have, Bernie
How many people have died in that time frame because Bernie failed and capitulated to democrats? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands?
This rich old fuck is fine biding his time for eternity, he has no urgency
I truly wish he was just evil instead, its so painful seeing him say shit like this and be useless
Useless for the left not for the democrats. He stood in the way of true change and like a good social fascist.
So why are you working so hard to prevent a mass movement? Just retire already your legacy is already ruined
The sheepdog continues to bark long after the flock has learned they can ignore him
Is killing people only abhorrent if you don't use f35 gun made in vermont?
You had a mass movement in 2016 and rolled over for Killary, your good friend Joe Biden, and Kopmala.
"Health CEOs" are fair enough, but libs have some weird Voldemort hangup calling out the shareholders.
Even the peasant bean counters and pencil pushers of the health insurance industry are a parasitic leech on society and need to be reassigned to socially useful work
That's fair enough, but Americans are bringing in this cancerous "upper and lower, not left or right" rhetoric that I am convinced is a psyop to take the class consciousness and cool with meagre reformism. Not even like the Bismark health reforms, but "yay, we don't have to pay for anaesthetic while covered, terrorism rules" reformism.
Tell me what I am saying it is just clinical depression. But the left is in no way ready for this and this whole thing is going to be co-opted by the far right.
I want for Bernie what he is willing to tolerate visited upon Palestinian children
No guys dont do things that could actually force change! Just remember to go vote vote vote! And if you get sick and die due to lack of healthcare in the meantime ill be sure to vote in your honor! Im rich so i dont have to worry about that you see thats why im 1000 years old.
Why does anyone still care what the guy has to say?
Silly proles, you don’t kill people. The US army kills people
And that’s totally different!
Next year will be the 10th anniversary of this succ dem announcing his presidential run, 10 years of him demonstrating more and more that he’s objectively the left wing of and so on and so on
I'm so sick of this spineless loser
blah blah blah stfu
what-a kinda mass do you mean-a?
Fucking die already
Really Bernie? Now?
Here's how Kamala could have won
The treasure is over there, in the electoralism! Go on, have a look...!