[-] solanaceous@beehaw.org 3 points 1 month ago

In this essay I will

[-] solanaceous@beehaw.org 19 points 1 month ago

This is awesome, and also bordering on dwarven !!SCIENCE!!

[-] solanaceous@beehaw.org 3 points 4 months ago

In my experience, a lot of e-bike users have them to facilitate long commutes by bike. If they’re on pedelecs, they probably bring up the average, especially since someone who chooses a long e-bike commute over a train or car is likely to be pretty active in other ways.

Also they’re used a fair bit by old people. I’m not sure how that group would compare for bike exercise vs e-bike exercise though.

[-] solanaceous@beehaw.org 6 points 4 months ago

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a flask of acid, is a good guy with a flask of acid?

Or maybe the good guy's flask should have a buffering agent?

[-] solanaceous@beehaw.org 18 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Yes, but it doesn’t matter, these people don’t read the Bible.

They do read the Bible though, at least in my experience. I've gone to a number of different churches, Evangelical and otherwise, and the Evangelical or otherwise Calvinist folks were the ones that read the Bible the most and in the most detail — but perhaps also the ones who came to horrible conclusions the most often. Like that you should shine the light of Christ into the world by blocking women for promotion at your job, because 1 Tim 2:12 says that Paul does not permit them to have authority over men. (Real example, if possibly the worst one I've seen.) Maybe my experience is not representative, but I don't think the problem is primarily that Evangelicals don't read the Bible.

I have a long theory about some of the ways that Evangelicalism distorts Scripture, but one root of the issue is that (IMHO) Scripture was written by humans, reflects the biases of the authors and their societies, and has a lot of horrible things in it. If you take a sola scriptura view and then read it through a lens that's been cultivated over years to reinforce patriarchy and supremacy (see e.g. Manifest Destiny, the curse of Ham, etc) then you will end up absorbing the genocidal and supremacist bits and not the hospitable and altruistic bits.

For them, it’s just an excuse to do whatever it is they’re doing.

For sure. People don't want to repent. They want to find justifications for what they were already doing, or planning to do.

[-] solanaceous@beehaw.org 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Follow-on serious answer: there are also electric rays, which are known as torpedos. According to Wikipedia, this is from the Latin torpidus meaning “paralyzed” or “numb” (the same root as the English “torpid”). The weapon is named after the fish. Edit: some of these live in the Mediterranean, and that Latin name predates understanding electricity; they were also known to Hippocrates who called them narke with a similar meaning in Greek.

IIRC some of the other pre-electricity names for electric fish are based on their ability to numb, paralyze or stun people and other creatures.

[-] solanaceous@beehaw.org 20 points 8 months ago

So I wrote a long-ass rundown of this but it won't post for some reason (too long)? So TLDR: this is a 17,600-word nothingburger.

DJB is a brilliant, thorough and accomplished cryptographer. He has also spent the past 5 years burning his reputation to the ground, largely by exhaustively arguing for positions that correlate more with his ego than with the truth. Not just this position. It's been a whole thing.

DJB's accusation, that NSA is manipulating this process to promote a weaker outcome, is plausible. They might have! It's a worrisome possibility! The community must be on guard against it! But his argument that it actually happened is rambling, nitpicky and dishonest, and as far as I can tell the other experts in the community do not agree with it.

So yes, take NIST's recommendation for Kyber with a grain of salt. Use Kyber768 + X448 or whatever instead of just Kyber512. But also take DJB's accusations with a grain of salt.

[-] solanaceous@beehaw.org 6 points 9 months ago

People do build water control megaprojects to route (canals, aqueducts) and store freshwater (dams and reservoirs) and to prevent flooding (levees, dikes, etc). Cross-country aqueducts are just hugely expensive and generally don’t move enough water to be worthwhile.

[-] solanaceous@beehaw.org 6 points 10 months ago

Kyber is a to-be-NIST-standardized lattice encryption scheme.

[-] solanaceous@beehaw.org 4 points 10 months ago

Kinda weird IMHO to equate military coups orchestrated by the US against local and Soviet interests (in Latin America), with military coups against the US and France and local interests but toward Russia (in the Sahel), with a popular uprising supported but not instigated by the US (Euromaidan).

But regardless, the US is a serial offender here.

[-] solanaceous@beehaw.org 3 points 10 months ago

On the subject of Biden’s segregationism: this wasn’t closeted. He said that “jungle” bit as part of his enthusiastic and long-lasting opposition to busing to integrate schools, preferring the status quo of segregation. Kamala challenged him on this during one of the 2020 primary debates, and he refused to apologize or back down from that stance.

[-] solanaceous@beehaw.org 3 points 11 months ago

Slay the Spire maybe?

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