That's right folks the year is drawing to a close so it's time to rehash last year's bit, nominate, and vote for your 2024 Hexies! These are the Hexbears you think exemplify what it means to be a real Hexbear 
Here's how it works:
Pick from the below categories
Nominate someone for that category by tagging them
If you are nominated respond to the nomination to accept it
Most upbeared accepted nomination in each category wins!
What do you win? The esteem of your fellow Hexbearian comrades of course. What more could you want?
The categories for this year's 2024 Hexie awards are:
Best Effortposter of 2024
Most likely to be called a tankie on a blocked instance
Most comradely Hexbear
This year we have a special bonus category to commemorate some of the new comms we added:
- Best bad poster (this is not the worst poster, this is the best poster that is bad at posting)
We got a lot of new posters this year and have a lot of great comrades visiting from federated instances, feel free to participate too! We love all of our great posters, don't we folks?
Alright comrades that's it from me, be sure and do your democratic duty and
for your 2024 Hexie winners and congrats in advance to the winners of this highly coveted and prestigious award!
And for one small trip down memory lane, here's last year's Hexies!
This bit was fun last year so I hope folks enjoy doing this bit again this year too, as a bit though
spoiler spoiler
Best effortposter: The man will write an essay on anything from how liberals fundamentally fail to understand communists to how the evolution of player killing in Ultima Online led to the modern state of MMOs. He's both very empathetic and very analytical, he has a lot of knowledge to share, and he doesn't hesitate to share it. Plus, I can always appreciate a fellow Clausewitz enjoyer.
Most likely to be called a tankie on a blocked instance: for sheer number of reactionaries self-destructed and for depths of completely justified hatred displayed of America, NATO, and the West.
Most comradely: With both of us being communist vegans, we've talked a lot about how the two intertwine and about our shared frustrations with both liberal vegans and anti-vegan communists. She just gets it in a way I've seen few other people do. I was very sad when she stepped down as mod (though I understand and support her decision). Please consider helping her pay her rent.
Best bad poster: It can only be
Fuck it I'm gonna list honorable mentions.
Honorable Mentions (Best Effortposter): (Keeping the news megas up to date counts)
Honorable Mentions (Most Comradely):
This wizard is honored to be mentioned ✨
Totally unrelated but what's your avatar from?
The Sword and the Stone after Merlin buzzes off to the 21st century and returns from Bermuda.
Oh, cool, thanks!
Aww thanks
Okay this is no longer a good bit, I got mentioned twice now wtf. Cursed.
I'll fucking do it again
You're sweet for mentioning me
Not been posting much for last week cuz social battery been very very low
(and still is tbh)
I'm cooking up some math posts rn, sometime I'll post them
yo, frauddogg doesn't use those pronouns
Oh shit, thanks for catching that. Fixed.
I accept that I am bad
You're bad (bad)? You're bad (bad)? You're really, really bad?
Yeah the whole world has to answer right now just to tell you once again, who's bad?
"I am bad [posting], and that is good [posting]. There's no one I'd rather be than me."