Let's recap what a spectacular failure your administration has been so far. So much has happened already, I think it's important to keep track for you, as you bury your head in the sand of propaganda.
Drumpf launched a meme coin prior to the inauguration, of which he retained a massive amount, allowing any foreign actors to directly funnel money to his personal coffers without a trace. So far he stands to pocket somewhere north of a billion dollars from the venture. drumpfs final bribe total remains to be seen
This is, of course, naked corruption. Lest we forget, who was it that never released their tax returns, despite promises to do so? Who was it that was charged and convicted of a felony for using campaign funds to hide secret hush money payments to porn stars? Who was it that had 4 criminal indictments resulting in a fine of almost 500 million dollars? drumpfs criminal investigation tracker
He has attempted a blatantly unconstitutional executive order to end birthright citizenship. Gee, I thought we were a family of proud immigrants, that celebrated our German and Irish roots? My grandfathers fought nazis, their children helped put them in the white house. He's now allowing ICE to invade schools and churches to round up undesirables. All while rolling back key civil rights federal protections established in the Equal Employment Opportunity Order of 1965 that protects minorities such as myself from being discriminated against. This is while he pushes for his agencies to enact McCarthyism style witch hunts to root out and intimidate anyone who might value the true nature of the United States as the great melting pot it is.
His EPA is rolling back rules limiting PFAS in Americans drinking water, allowing companies to dump as much of the toxic chemical as they please. But don't worry the US ranks 23rd among nations when it comes to clean drinking water.
He has refused Dr. Faucis security detail, while giving a perfect example of stochastic terrorism saying he'd "Feel no responsibility should harm befall him." But hey it's not like his rabid base of mouth breathing supporters would try to harm anyone on behalf of their dear leader, right?
Here's a throwback to when he falsely claimed that a group of legal immigrants were stealing and eating peoples pets, which put an entire community in danger. A bullshit, racist assertion that he never walked back, despite it being proven false.
Additionally, after an innocuous sermon calling for empathy and compassion, drumpf took offense, and now she's receiving death threats from your wildly unhinged base too.
He's also rolled back a program aimed at keeping the cost of generic prescription drugs lower for medicare and medicaid recipients. While the rest of the GOP floats the idea to cut funding to medicaid to fund his destructive agenda.
Oh yeah, and I definitely saw this one coming. Representatives introduce bill to allow drumpf a third term in the white house. Just another example of the traitorous, disgusting, and insane behaviour we've all come to expect from your party. The pundits and yourself may laugh it off now, but as the years go on, soon you'll be in lock-step saying that "he should have 8 uninterrupted years of rule so as to enact his agenda" with as much vigor as your dear leader demands.
Oh and his proposed new tax plan would increase taxes on the poor and middle class, while giving huge tax breaks to the wealthy! Who could have seen that coming! Besides fucking EVERYONE?
"... we estimate the bottom 40 percent of households would see tax increases, on average, with after tax income falling by 0.6 percent for the bottom quintile and by 0.4 percent for taxpayers in the 20th to 40th percentile. Middle income taxpayers would see very slight tax cuts on average, with after-tax income increasing by 0.3 percent in 2034. The top two quintiles would see the largest increases in after-tax income, ranging from 1.4 percent for taxpayers in the 60th to 80th percentile to 3.1 percent for the top quintile. Increases for the top 1 percent are even larger, reaching 4.1 percent in 2034. In the long run, accounting for economic growth, all income groups would see an increase in after-tax income, although higher income earners would see a larger increase."
Hey, and this is just the first week! Please feel free to explain how this will lower the price of groceries?

I see.. So it's a racist German=nazi thing? Can't say I found it particularly funny. If anything this feels like it will piss off those who have blocked posts that mention Trump.
How is using his last name racist?
Because it's not his last name? The only reasons I can imagine someone using it is to make a nazi joke or middle school level name calling.
The man is in his 70's.
Concern trolling Donald Trump is a new one. The hell.
What's that supposed to mean
E: nice edit. Who the subject is doesn't change the fact that that's a racist joke. A type everyone here's apparently okay with
Are you ok?
I am. Sorry I got aggregated. It just frustrates me when progressive people stoop down to the level of conservatives just to poke petty fun at them
You're fine. We all need to lighten up a little. We're on a message board, not debate class championships.
I get aggravated too. We're human. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
You too, thanks
That's not a lojc-al conclusion to jump to.
Tell me what the purpose of that is then?
We don't have enough information to know that and it's not a very interesting question.
What a copout reply.
I think it's important to be aware of our cognitive dissonances. Maybe it feels good in the moment to be mean to trump but at the end it's still a bad tasting joke. Even beyond its racism against Germans, I also hate the implication that there's a point of evilness at which it becomes okay to deadname a person. There's no good side to this.
Avoiding wild baseless speculation is not a cop out. It's communication hygiene.
First of all: Germans aren't a race. (I'm not gonna do my usual NASCAR pun here, because this is serious.) They are a nation or a people, if you want. So this may be nationalist at best, but it isn't even that.
Germans will not be offended if you use someones ancestors family name. It's completely irrelevant for them and just a bit confusing and bizarre.
The person in question could be offended, if they feel they are disconnected from their German heritage and may feel more like an American. In that case this is basically like deadnaming them.
It definitely shows some disrespect, but it's fairly earned by this public figure. If someone pulls shit like he does, people doing wordplay on their names is part of the consequence.
I'd say, even for a respectable president it's part of the deal. You may remember wordplay on former presidents like "Obummer" or "Dubya". Wasn't it even Trump himself who disrespected his president nicknaming him "Sleepy Joe". Anyone who dishes out must also be able to take it.
If you do it because of/to imply that someone is a Nazi, yes, we will.
I'm a native German living in Germany.
Obummer is a wordplay to say he is a bummer, dubya makes fun of his speech and sleepy Joe is about his age. What does a German surname make fun of? What could be the connection op found between Trump and Germans? I don't think I'm reading too much into it when I say it's an underhanded way to call him a nazi. And no need to explain why that's offensive.
you know that trump himself mentioned his german ancestors on several occasions, right? he even falsely claims his father was born in Germany https://youtu.be/0trtsmbWm4k
I didn't know that. I guess that tracks with trump