this post was submitted on 18 Mar 2024
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[–] 16 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

on my 3rd injected dose of estradiol after switching from pills! I'm not sure if there's a noticeable difference yet, but I do feel that I'm more-or-less past the weird phase where the estradiol levels from the injections hadn't stacked enough to match the estradiol levels I had been getting from pills. and my 4th injection will be this Thursday!

on a related note, has anyone tried an autoinjector for E or T injections? I'm specifically considering this one from Union-Medico, as I've seen it recommended by trans people on reddit. I've noticed the hardest part of doing my own injections is getting past the fear of the initial jab, and this lil' device handily overcomes that by making it a simple button press – but for a whole $125, after conversion from EUR to USD, which is a bit steep.

and related to that, for my fellow transfems doing subcutaneous injections, do y'all jab at a 45º or 90º angle? and, if so, with what length of needle? I have 5/8" needles, and I'm wondering if those may be too long to go straight in at 90º...

[–] 11 points 4 months ago

i do IM but i jab straight in to the hip at 90° with inch and a half long needles, so i think you should be fine if your concern is going too deep

[–] 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I use the same needle and I jab at an angle that's closer to 90º now, but not quite straight. When I started out I did closer to 45º, but I got a lot less itching and irritation when I switched to an angle that wouldn't put the medication that close to the skin.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually giving myself an IM when I do thighs, because I have skinny legs ( boohoo ), but it won't really matter if you do, and recommended IM for skinny peole is still a 1 inch needle at a 90 degree angle iirc.

[–] 10 points 4 months ago (1 children)

oh, you inject subQ into your thighs? is that fairly straightforward?

the nurse that trained me on self-injections said that lower abdomen was a better place to inject, but honestly I'm not liking injecting there (it's itchy for a bit after injecting, and oddly sore for a couple days), so I've been debating switching to thigh or ass (literally just for the meme of being able to say I'm injecting HRT straight into my ass).

[–] 11 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, I rotate between both sides of abdomen and thighs so I don't use the same area too often, but for me thighs are more comfortable. It's pretty straightforward, the area of the thigh that you can use for subQ is really large and hard to miss, but be sure to search it up beforehand if you're considering it of course.

[–] 9 points 4 months ago

the area of the thigh that you can use for subQ is really large and hard to miss, but be sure to search it up beforehand if you're considering it of course.

oh wow, I was under the impression it was a fairly small area, but just looked it up and there's about as much thigh to aim at as there is belly. thank you, this is really helpful!