Huge fan of when he was gone. He wouldn't be so bad if he didn't post literally 50 times a day. There's being a power poster, then there's being annoying. Should've stayed touching grass forever.
And yes, I'm using a throwaway.
Ask Hexbear is the place to ask and answer ~~thought-provoking~~ questions.
Posts must ask a question.
If the question asked is serious, answer seriously.
Questions where you want to learn more about socialism are allowed, but questions in bad faith are not.
Try ! if you're having questions about regarding moderation, site policy, the site itself, development, volunteering or the mod team.
Huge fan of when he was gone. He wouldn't be so bad if he didn't post literally 50 times a day. There's being a power poster, then there's being annoying. Should've stayed touching grass forever.
And yes, I'm using a throwaway.
posting shade from a throwaway is just embarrassing. at least own up to it on your main
The posting is habit forming and I really, really should get back on task.
It's been an easygoing time of the year for me but still, you have a point about posting too much.
I'm sorry, I was pissed off earlier. I understand liking posting and interacting with people here. I hope you had fun while away.
My top five chapos:
UlyssesT how does it feel to be a treat yourself? When will you do a treat discourse session on how your posts have in fact become treatified?
UlyssesT how does it feel to be a treat yourself?
When will you do a treat discourse session on how your posts have in fact become treatified?
I've already said many times in the past that treats are fine and I have treats too so long as they don't become a definitive (or tribalistically defended) part of one's identity, but I guess being gone for almost a year Flanderized me somewhat. Okily dokily.
I've already said many times in the past that treats are fine and I have treats too so long as they don't become a definitive (or tribalistically defended) part of one's identity
It's really nice to see people treating (no pun intended) themselves well, the way you are here
Can we stop this cringe posting? Actively (and honestly seeming deliberately) reviving struggle sessions, especially about people who are here to experience it, is just thoughtless and unfun for all.
I'm just rolling it it, all the same.
I genuinely do enjoy your posts and personality.
I wouldnt ask you for private advice if i didnt.
like im dealing with some mental illness stuff right now, and i dont know where id be without some of my favorite posters making me laugh.
You thinks its 'bait posting', but i literally do like the guy and enjoy his posts. id actually call him a friend.
Dont try to paint this as shit stirring when its not.
I dont mind praising the posters who make my day better
UlyssesT makes me not feel weird about replying to multiple people in one thread
Bad habit; I really should get to some stuff I was putting off today.
I think UlysessT was well served by his time spent touching grass. Before his journey, he had a habit of blowing up on comrades over some really petty stuff, but I've not seen that sort of behavior since he's returned.
That said, I've always agreed with him on like 90% of his very vivid observations and criticisms of reddit dudebro culture, and I love it whenever its some unfortunate federated lemmitor on the business end of one of his very brutal and emojiful dunkings. Glad to see him back.
I appreciate the vote of confidence.
My well-established strong dislike of Gambo has offline precedent: that show was perhaps the last significant pop cultural monolith that I was not able to avoid while living and working around other people. When the hype wave finally crested and receded a decade later, what came after in the same genre of
may have been comparably toxic hog slop, but it has been a blessing that I don't have to hear about it if I don't want to, not anymore. Maybe it's just where I live now (haven't seen a single ZYBERTRUKKK with my own eyes yet) but the worst excesses of bazinga culture simply don't exist and having the choice to opt out has helped me significantly.
It is 2023 on Hexbear, people are worshipping UlyssesT for whatever reason.
It is 2024 on Hexbear, people are worshipping UlyssesT for whatever reason.
It is 2050 on Hexbear, people are worshipping UlyssesT for whatever reason.
With respect to the power posters keeping this site alive, I refuse to form a parasocial relationship with an anonymous poster on a leftist shitposting/fed honeypot web forum.
What happened, did he leave again?
Pretty wild how the last big "I like UlyssesT" struggle session showed he was lurking. Overall sentiment was negative so he came back to dominate the comms again lol.
I'm right here now.
When I showed up again, I was directed to what was a recent thread. I assume that wasn't the only one that popped off in my absence, but that particular one wasn't pleasant but then again, I feel like I had less chill back before I left and being out of CA and in a less aggressively hostile environment did me a lot of good, so some of my bad takes may have had that lasting ire coming, I suppose.
I have basically no opinions on any poster but guy really does not like me for some really meaningless shit so idk weird vibes
Blocked and will continue to be
The media critic Diogenes of our hour.
Diogenes' most vocal fans tend to have a "no veggies for dinner, no naptimes" sort of petty/selfish theoryless version of anarchist ideology going on in my experience, but I still really like that "in a rich person's house there is no place to spit but the rich person's face" line. A classic.
Or how about "I'm looking for the bones of your father, but I can't seem to tell them from the bones of his slaves"?
Good choice!
Darwin (before his name was dishonestly invoked for bourgeoisie-friendlier Spencer's "Social Darwinism") had the same observation: so-called nobles have no definitive biological differences to distinguish them from their so-called lessers. That scared the hell out of the ruling class of his day; the pretenses of heresy and all that were an afterthought.
honestly top 5 chapo to me
Wait, he's a drug dealer now?
Eh, seems more chill since he came back.
I'm still a BMF stan tho. His various alts fill my top 5, and 10, and most of my top 20.
The T stands for "stinky"
If that letter was the start of the word, that would mean it stands for Tinky.
Shitpost legend , slayer of
Of all the chapos whose books I own, he is my favorite
Of all the chapos whose books I own, he is my favorite
If you got any feedback to share about those books, let me know! Private message is fine.
The amount of emojis he uses breaks my lemmy mobile app every time I come across a comment of his lol
UlyssesT responds to my responses to his comments. Ranks much higher than most of y'all