[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 9 points 3 hours ago

Or in the style of Goya's Cronos helplessly devouring his own son

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 5 points 5 hours ago

Only one thing matters now, the US must not be embarrased again,

Biden is their guy, I guess

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 2 points 5 hours ago

Or crushing them up and snorting them

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 4 points 9 hours ago

Also, "casualties" refers to wounded, missing, and captured as well as killed, so who knows what "losses" refer to

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 22 points 10 hours ago

Game devs often suck at video games, by virtue of having jobs.

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 2 points 19 hours ago

Which has the silly implication that there are no other cities under your state, or your state has no industry for producing construction materials and educating construction workers domestically outside of this specific city.

You do spend a lot less money if you do have other cities under your state, but that's usually not the case if you start a new game on a random map though. You can set up a custom map with a starting city tho (it's sometimes hard to get to a stage where sewage works on an edit-map since you can't test the sewage system as you go along)

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 17 points 1 day ago

nods sagely Pissrael

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 9 points 1 day ago

Started getting tik history youtube channel in my recs again >.>

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 11 points 1 day ago

Giant dicks that cum like horses - Ezekiel 23:20

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 2 points 1 day ago

I thought the post title was the bird speaking about its balls, not ai picture energy costs

submitted 2 days ago by keepcarrot@hexbear.net to c/freecad@lemmy.ml

Hey, I've just finished my diploma of mech eng and them and my new workplace use largely solidworks. Solidworks might have the most annoying subscription service integration I've ever seen, but also I've clicked with its interface.

Any guides or tips for switching over?

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 4 points 2 days ago

Nah, just faffing about with solidworks

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 10 points 2 days ago

I've begun my translation of a soviet factory set up manual, so I'll probably end up doing my silly project in 7.62x39 or 5.45x39, unless I just make my own standard >.>


It does often seem to be correlated to reactionary conspiracy sentiments. There is the "non-white people could not have possibly stacked rocks this big!" thing

I guess also flat earth?


My partner has a big butt and has asked to see it. I cannot find it. Several others have asked to see it also.

It is manga, full of text, and the main character gets more unhinged and full of energy as the comic goes on.

Random notes: boobs are hereditary or bought

Butts are the product of labour.


submitted 2 months ago by keepcarrot@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

Was around a guy who literally never said anything that wasn't making fun of someone, complaining about someone, or direct work stuff (we were pulling up star pickets). Just kinda toxic to be around. He seemed to enjoy himself though.


Inasmuch as I disagree with XR, I disagree with this meme more.

submitted 3 months ago by keepcarrot@hexbear.net to c/history@hexbear.net

I saw a conversation here where someone thought homophobia wasn't that bad in the 90s.

I had someone else say they didn't remember any anti-Japanese racism in Australia in the 90s. I being on the receiving end of it would remember it pretty strongly, but to forget it entirely?

Just really poor memory

(History? I guess this is history subbear. Given how much people seem to misinterpret events happening now, what does that say about writing of events at the tim?)


submitted 4 months ago by keepcarrot@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

So, a while ago I was in a community theater and we put on plays that would break even largely. Our biggest costs were theater rent, followed by specialist hires (a worker with safety training that did our ropes and high powered electrical stuff). We charged pretty cheap tickets in the context of theater, which given the majority of our actors, costuming and props labour etc. was volunteer.

It got me thinking about games. I realise there is an intense dislike of DLC, particularly AAA companies doing day 1 DLC, but even longer term DLC that could not have been made on the budget of the original game and released like a year later or whatever.

The idea was having a platform for, say, RPG systems that's well coded, slick, bla bla bla, and comes with a few base stories, but after that the majority of development after that is done by something similar to the theater group but indie artists, writers etc. and you buy into a long form RPG (or, idk, subscribe on patreon or whatever). Every month (or whatever), some sub-team releases a new part of their adventure or a new system with a new adventure, and you can keep playing with what characters you had before (if that's what's happening).

Things like the Adventurer's Guild (or whatever the D&D one is, where you register and play each adventure bit once alongside thousands of other players) are a thing, this would wind up be something similar but system agnostic and more tech oriented.

IRL, every time a community theater wants to do a show, they don't rebuild the theater and stuff. It's not "wholly original".

I'd also want the writers/artists to be more connected to their community, hypothetically.

The system would have to have very non-coder friendly tools for writers to pull together systems and make maps and stuff. Dialogue trees may be a bridge too far.


I've seen it pop up in quite a few threads, sometimes in jest (or sort of in-jest), but I think it comes up enough to talk about seriously, both from an individual behaviour standpoint and a broader activism/socialism/whatever standpoint.

This is also coming from someone that sees themselves as very extroverted (but also autistic and socially anxious, so pretty poor at getting my social needs met), so maybe this whole idea is way off base.

There's two narratives here for discussion in this thread:

  • I struggle with pushing myself to be social, and I am afraid this makes me a poor activist. At some point or another advocating for socialism will rely on socialists to talk to non-socialists in spaces and circumstances that are not comfortable.
  • Socialism, on some level, involves a society with more time and space to socialise. What will this look like for a severe introvert? Will there be room for a person to buy a plot of land in the hills and live separate from society forever? Will I have to go to Commissar DanceClass's Dance Class?

And two sentiments that should be discussed with those narratives re: other people:

  • Introvert, socially anxious, autistic etc. There are people they get along with and comfortable social situations, but for a variety of reasons need a break regularly
  • "I just hate people"

This whole post was a thought I had when reading the second people-hater. My initial thought was that this was an internal pathologisation of people based on the society we live in. If the only people you encounter day to day are ladder climbing suburbanites whose main interests are competitively assessing lawn heights and promotions, you're probably going to "hate people". However, this may not be the case for all people who claim this of themselves. Maybe they hate other people on the road, people in queues for groceries etc. I just find it hard to believe that someone who genuinely hates all people would hop on to a forum (an entirely social activity) and spend any amount of time there. Nonetheless, it probably happens.

But, I figured that the topic had enough range and nuance to turn into its own thread instead of responding directly, and saw someone else post the introvert activism thing.

One of the things I thought of was the social battery and how it's often expended on work and commuting. If your main social energy is spent at work/commuting, I feel like it's very possible that one might come away with a dim view of any social activity (incl. organising) and your ability to participate in it, especially if you'd largely done it since school (another cutthroat highly hierarchical social setting).

(how is commuting social? You're in a constant negotiation with other drivers to avoid bumping your 2 ton $20k machines into each other, with a wide variety of levels of aggression, empathy, engagement etc. It's not words, but there is a communication there that can be very draining)

submitted 11 months ago by keepcarrot@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

I just had an odd interaction. Someone called me a liar (online, heavens to betsy), so I gave a very low energy "grey" response. They escalated and seemed to get angry at that. I kept giving just very short "eh" responses and their responses rapidly got more extreme and unhinged. I don't think I even really defended myself or anything.

I realise I've had this a few times. Just people weirdly escalating to exterminating all leftists or threatening genocide after what were very normal responses on my part. Maybe my responses weren't that normal?

The hell was going on? Did they think they were winning something?


So, in my circles of friends, I am the most terminally online person. I remember being a soc-demmy kinda person (who called themselves socialist) when I joined r/cth when it hit 69,420 members.

Now here I am with opinions like "Stalin and the USSR weren't so bad" and "The tanks rolling into Hungary in 1956 were correct, actually". I feel like the community here on hexbear has kinda shifted in the same way. That said, we've steered clear of the patsoc menace, who aesthetically venerate AES while following the most regressive social/nationalist opinions of what they think of as the working class.

This has somewhat put me at odds with a lot of my RL friends, who are anarchists or trots of varying degrees. I'm generally not down with getting into spats with said RL friends, so I keep a lot of my opinions to myself. This is especially onerous with opinions about the Ukraine war.

How did I end up here? How did we..? I remember back on r/cth the line "This is enough to turn me into a tankie", or some such thing, as though being a tankie was just socialism + willingness to use violence to achieve it.

I can remember online anarchists posting fairly high profile Ls that I think split actual anarchists and left-liberals who just liked to call themselves anarchists (and now online anarchists who really like NATO? idk). But those events had a lot of people shy away from the anarchist label and kinda mull about their own beliefs. The main ones off the top of my head were CHAZ, Vaush audience watchers, and the anti-work breakdown. Certainly, I remember r/cth being a lot more awash with anarchist rhetoric and population (claimed or otherwise) than hexbear currently is.

I don't want this to be a sectarian rant session, but more a reflection of political journeys from r/cth's medicare for all socdem position to the current vibes of hexbear, both personal and pontifications of why this shift occurred.

This isn't the be-all and end-all of my thoughts of my own political evolution. I'll comment some more as I think of them (in between cleaning for rent inspection)

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