They're also clearing out Poland's old growth forests.
badposting is a comm where you post badly
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Ever had a really shitty bit idea? Joke you want to take way past the point of where it was funny? Want to feel like a stand-up comedy guy who's been bombing a set for the past 30 minutes straight and at this point is just saying shit to see if people react to it? Really bad pun? A homemade cringe concoction? A cognitohazard that you have birthed into this world and have an urge to spread like chain mail?
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- This is not a comm where you direct people to other people's bad posts. This is a comm where you post badly.
- This rule intentionally left blank.
- If you're struck for rule 3, skill issue, not allowed to complain about it.
Code of Conduct applies just as much here as it does everywhere else. Technically, CoC violations are bad posts. On the other hand: L + ratio + get ~~better~~ worse material bozo
Clearing entire forests to make disposable shit furniture that can't survive a single move.
I actually really enjoy assembling Ikea furniture but the end result is not worth it. I'd much rather find a solid piece of furniture at a second hand shop that'll last more than a couple year even if I don't get to put it together myself
I think I just really like following step-by-step instructions
That makes me wonder; what's the lego death star of ikea?
It's ugly though
Easy solution: move to New York and get a job assembling Ikea furniture for other people!
That's a good idea. I've always wanted to live in an expensive city by finding or creating some sort of hole somewhere. Maybe I could be a janitor and secretly sleep in the mechanical room of some building or something. Who knows?
I feel the same way. Assembling furniture is kind of like when you were a kid and got a new Lego set.
Fun fact: Ingvar Kamprad, the oligarch who founded IKEA and from whose name the brand name is derived, was a personal friend of Swedish fascist leader Per Engdahl and was an active member of not one but two fascist groups, Engdahl's "New Swedish Movement" as well as the Swedish Nazi Party.
In 1942 the then 16 year old Kamprad joined Engdahl's group in which he was active until at least september 1945. A 1943 report from the Swedish secret police concluded that Kamprad held some sort of official position within the Nazi Party. Kamprad remained a personal friend of Engdahl until at least the 1950s. As late as 2010 he called Engdahl "a great man" in an interview.
Also, they lure you in with Social Democracy's siren song of gravy and meatballs. SuccDem meatballs.
they're not even good swedish meatballs
succ them meatballs
:bluhaj: is pronounce 'blue hazzzhh'
How is the end consumer's surplus labor exploited? It's not like you pay a deposit which you get back, or receive a rebate for making it to any specification.
It's a product, it's cheaper and more portable* than any new alternative, you put it together with dowels and allen wrenches.