[-] The_sleepy_woke_dialectic@hexbear.net 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

There are 12 months to fill. We had to get creative! Also we've decided to let the straights have every third leap day just so we can laugh about how dorky their straight pride parade is.

[-] The_sleepy_woke_dialectic@hexbear.net 10 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

No, in fact they barely talked about the economy. Biden got a mild hardball question right at the beginning which was something like "The economy is the most important issue among voters. Even though inflation has ended people feel that prices of groceries and other necessities like housing are very high, what do you say about that?" And his answer was basically "I inherited a bad economy from Trump" and Trump said something about floods of immigrants and that was it

No, I've been told a couple dozen times that I'm acting like a one issue voter. They don't think genocide is particularly important and certainly less important than the economy.

Dialectical materialism is when you compare french and Italian fashion designers.

If it comes back too dilute they just have you come back in. It isn't considered a positive result.

There's this fucked up part of me that finds graphs like this comforting, that this will make the problem, and more importantly the liberal world's mismanagement of it, impossible to ignore. Logically I don't think about it that way. I felt the same way about COVID and the BLM movement but those didn't turn out how I had hoped. Emotionally I guess I have an accelerationist streak lol

You take a 40 minute break in your car at a volunteer event because you're getting a migraine from the sun and suddenly everyone thinks if they haven't seen you in five minutes you're not doing anything. Guess I'll take my free labor elsewhere

If you live in the USA they're spending just over $1,000 to advertise to you. I don't know about the rest of you but I feel like my attention being bombarded from every surface possible is causing me more than $1,000 worth of harms.

They're putting ads in the fortune cookies to make the frickin' proles pay frothingfash

I wear my socks pulled up because if they slip down into my shoe I'll die. Worst thing that can happen to someone with autism.

My favorite part of the r/moremoremoremoremoretankiechapo era was that the only discernable difference was that there were more trans people than on regular chapo lol

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