These fires have left me kind of anxious, not over the possibility of losing my belongings or even the home that my partner and I have managed to buy together. I'm terrified of losing our future. It's so clear now how fragile it all is. One disaster could ruin any hope we have of keeping a home and saving money for retirement one day. And this is happening right now to thousands of people. Historically LA fires have mostly impacted wealthy neighborhoods, but this is something else. I know someone whose home burned down that they just bought a few months ago. They are completely fucked.
Edit: In case there's some confusion, I'm not talking about rich suburbs burning down. Yes, of course the mcmansions in the hills are going first. Those idiots insist on living in some of the most flammable regions on the planet and can afford to rebuild over and over. I'm not going to try to justify whether I deserve my home, but it's a single bedroom condo "worth" under half the median price in LA that I share with my partner. If it burns down, we'll be priced out of a home permanently while paying off a mortgage for a pile of ash for the next 20 years.