Who's mad at the admins
Stop it at once
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Who's mad at the admins
Stop it at once
It's bad that we lost the domain (from a security perspective) but it's also really funny. So who can say if it's good or bad?
What could happen security wise if we lose it?
Not much you can do as an admin when someone else holds the keys to the registrations.
I have it easy with TankieTube because I'm the only admin. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to manage hexbear, which is run by a sprawling ad hoc network of volunteers.
I've had nightmares about similar things happening to my website.
The reactions on hex vs the reactions off hex have been hilariously different.
On hex, the shit posting continues, like the band on the Titanic, except the Titanic has always been sinking so it's not even any different.
Off hex there are some who laugh with mirth thinking "haha they must be so sad at the end of their site!" Not realizing that it's never the end, it can't actually end, and that even if it were the shit posting would continue.
I'm not mad, I'm disappointed.
I think it's a really funny bit and I commend the mods for keeping it interesting
I will only be mad at them if they waste hundreds of dollars fighting for that domain name instead of just making a new one for cheap.
We have our ups and downs but as far as the internet goes there are far worse places. I appreciate you all.