Buona Beef because:
Their slogan is "Chicago's Original Italian Beef" but they opened in 1981
They had a bunch of billboards with dick jokes that relied on mispronouncing "buona"
Buona Beef because:
Their slogan is "Chicago's Original Italian Beef" but they opened in 1981
They had a bunch of billboards with dick jokes that relied on mispronouncing "buona"
I hate ads. If I see an ad for your prodct, I won't buy it... I don't watch TV. Adblocker is my king
McDonald’s. In 4th grade my class got to go bowling and we stopped at Maccas. I ordered a McFlurry and some other shit. Threw my receipt away. No McFlurry. They didn’t believe me. 20+ years later I still hold a grudge.
Gillette because I vaguely remember some preachy anti-men advert they did years ago. Just left a bad taste in my mouth, so I don't do business with them.
None. Current boycotts are based on choices involving human dignity and rights.
Pizza Pizza. My dad was once in change of ordering pizza for a company lunch, and Pizza Pizza cancelled his order without notifying him, leaving him with a roomful of hungry people. When he phoned to ask for an update on the order, they blamed him for not calling to confirm an order he had already placed.
It was probably just that one franchise that was poorly run, but we've tried to avoid the company ever since. I think I've bought pizza from them maybe twice in my life.
I spent many years working in retail. I often don't shop in the same places I've worked, especially if I didn't leave on good terms LOL
Not a brand, buy I will never stop or buy anything within the city limits of Antlers, Oklahoma
Oh boy, dare I ask; why?
Panini sandwiches because of an annoying radio commercial I head 20 years ago.
Also every single product that advertise on podcasts since I associate their brand with interrupting interesting conversations.
20 years? That's impressive pettiness, I admire it
I haven't gone to Pizza Delight (a chain in Atlantic Canada) in over ten years.
I went there as a teenager with my improv troupe and I received my meal over twenty minutes after everyone else had received their dessert. I was offered the opportunity to add a salad to my meal for a 50% discount, which I refused.
Now I understand that stuff happens sometimes, the service industry is hectic and I really didn't mind the screw up that much. The only reason I don't go there anymore is that the waitress never even apologized. (Also they're overpriced, not that good, and they got rid of the bread toasting station which was the only reason anyone wanted to go there in the first place)