Everyone who has ever eaten a homegrown tomato knows that the shit they sell at grocery stores and fast food chains are paltry imitations, not even worthy of the tomato name.
The Onion
The Onion
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That's what happens when you breed and grow tomatoes to survive industrial processing and shipping instead of flavor and texture.
I don't even like tomatoes and I agree that homegrown ones at least taste like something
You guys are really making me want to start growing some tomatoes
I've resorted to canned tomatoes for shit like salads lately, the fresh stuff is that bad.
Well tomatoe season is over but yea. Grow em in a greenhouse of ya can
Straight up tasting like pumpkin sometimes
That sounds delicious, maybe I need to look at tomatoes again.
Oh, just buy pumpkin then. At least you'll get what you paid for
Looks like the onion has decided to just tell facts instead of making satire.