I don't know this particular group, but sounds interesting.

Fear and Greed Rule (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

I've got this shower thought hunch about why corporations are so into subscription services rather than sales.

If you look at Steam, a 60 dollar game nets Valve around 20 bucks (30%) for every sale. On the other hand a subscription like Xbox Game Pass can only get Microsoft a maximum of 16 bucks per month, not even counting how much they pay to the developers included in the program.

So at least from this shallow reading, subscriptions should be worse than sales.

But on the other hand, there are some advantages which are obvious.

First off, casual users might not even be a potential loss for more expensive games. Besides that, it further alienates consumers from specific products they might want to consume, taking away developer power. And finally lots of people might just forget to cancel it because "it's so cheap" even when not using it.

But my shower thought was: what if this is favoured because it's worth much more as a financial asset?

Sales percentages are unpredictable and depend too much on third-party developers. If only flop games come out for a month, Valve will only learn about their lost potential revenue that same month. It's all a series of events.

On the other hand, subscription numbers are easy to track. If they go down, Microsoft will have at least a month of a heads up. If they go up, they can know beforehand that they'll have more money in the future. They are much more stable. They're financial assets.

Does this make sense? Has somebody who actually knows what they're talking about ever written about this?


A bit late, but this is a good interview.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml to c/worldnews@lemmygrad.ml

If you want a horror story, read this other article about his confinement:

He has not been outdoors—apart from a minute when police dragged him into a paddy wagon—since he took refuge in London’s cramped Ecuadorian Embassy in June 2012. The embassy’s French windows had afforded glimpses of sky. Here at Belmarsh maximum security prison in southeast London, his abode since April 11, 2019, he has not seen the sun. Warders confine him to a cell for 23 out of every 24 hours. His single hour of recreation takes place within four walls, under supervision. His paleness is best described as deathly.


CAAAApitalism, the highest stage of CAAApitalism


People keep telling me I only deal in absolutes, and that it's unhealthy and I should sometimes find the middle-ground between two different positions. (I.e. caring for myself vs others, putting all my energy on a task vs not even bothering)

So what's the procedure to finding a middle-ground so I can apply it to literally everything in my life, as the Autistic Gods demand? \s

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml to c/games@lemmygrad.ml

Great article to revisit throughout the year if you care about game developers over game stock.

Most folks didn’t expect 2024 to be much better, but I’m not sure anyone was ready for it to be possibly worse—yet this year has kicked off with a string of big and small layoffs signaling that the corporate bloodletting rituals aren’t ending anytime soon. So Kotaku is going to try and track all of 2024’s layoffs as they happen. Hopefully, we don’t have to update this post that much.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml to c/genzhou@lemmygrad.ml

Recently had a friendly discussions regarding whether it was useful for Brazilian parties to buy into the (settler) notion of a "Brazilian Nation", but from a leftist lens.

Being from a peripheral region, I tend to disagree with this perspective, but I couldn't properly articulate whether it'd at least be an useful tool or not. He also didn't seem very theoretically advanced, basing his perspective on the (kinda racist) notion of regional "underdevelopment" rather than "dependent capitalism".

Since the text is from even before the Revolution, I wonder if there are other interesting texts building on Stalin's perspective or critiquing it fairly from a Marxist position.

Anybody know some?

Edit: elaborating some more, Stalin defines a nation as requiring a common language, territory, and economic integration.

To me, in Brazil all of those three feel like technicalities, as

  • the Portuguese language in Brazil is incredibly diverse throughout the country (specially due to various indigenous and African influences);
  • the territory is very vast and mostly disconnected regarding population centres (for example, there's no rail between even the litoranean capitals, and only a couple roads for the Amazon capitals);
  • and the economy is structured around an industrial centre in the southern regions, and mostly extractive economies everywhere else (that either export to the southern regions or to foreign countries).
    • This means that the regions aren't "underdeveloped", just that they're developed around extracting value for either the global imperial core or the national industrial core.
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml to c/worldnews@lemmygrad.ml

Creator had his house firebombed earlier after a different video about gambling and money laundering, with similar links to Liberal Party politicians.

Reupload on odysee


Taken from this massive article from the tricontinental: https://thetricontinental.org/studies-on-contemporary-dilemmas-4-hyper-imperialism/

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 59 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

How long until liberals start saying that the ICJ is controlled by Putin's ally, South Africa?

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 60 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

As capitalist, he is only capital personified. His soul is the soul of capital. But capital has one single life impulse, the tendency to create value and surplus-value, to make its constant factor, the means of production, absorb the greatest possible amount of surplus-labour. Capital is dead labour, that, vampire-like, only lives by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks.

I'm starting to think Marx wasn't just using an allegory there.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 44 points 7 months ago

Depending on how receptive he is (and I'm assuming he's a Yankee), send him some Parenti material. You can either start coy with something like his talk about the "Assassination of Julius Caesar" book that's pretty tame, or just go straight for the Yellow one or Blackshirts and the Reds if you're feeling bold. Parenti has a way with words and is more relatable with his New York accent than translated books from distant or long-dead communists.

And always make sure to ask what he thinks, make it a conversation not a one-sided lecture. Eventually he'll say something you don't know about yet, so don't dismiss it out of hand, but try to investigate his claims with him. If all goes well you'll both come out of it wiser.

So long as you are not confrontational and keep it respectful and educational, and most importantly acknowledge when you don't know something you shouldn't fear making him mad. Because if you do it with kindness and he still gets mad, that's all on him for not being respectful back. That's a bad sign for the friendship, not just the political divergences.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 47 points 8 months ago

And if Russia takes Ukraine then the rest of the EU is next.

Don't threaten me with a good time.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 41 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

There are usually half a million homeless people in the USA. That means that they could've bought each and every one of those a 200k dollar home with that money. They could also have paid a total of 50 million months of rent at the 2000$ median price. And this is even taking as a premise that housing should be sellable or rentable in the first place. And yet they preferred this instead.

Any Yankee around still not convinced that the USA government needs to end, this is your moment to reconsider.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 38 points 10 months ago

Having gone through some of that myself, it always annoys me to no end how liberal outlets hyperfocus so hard on the methods (and banning of those) or vague "reducing stigma" rather than actually addressing literally any of the reasons people consider dying. I understand that there's no "one-size fits all" solution, but really basic stuff like having access to mental healthcare, or, in the case of their listed example, dignified drug rehab, being relegated to half a paragraph while they spend most of it talking about guns.

How about public funding for free mental healthcare in order to combat a mental health crisis? No? Or how to build local communities for support and mutual aid? Not that either? Or literally just listing reasons people did it so we can think of solutions? Nah, let's talk about the absolute only thing that Democrats and Republicans actually sorta disagree on, that is tangentially related to this, but will never actually change due to how entrenched gun culture already is in the USA.

CW: Suicide Methods

Research indicates that firearms aren't even that much more effective than some other suicide methods, though they obviously require some more preparation. I doubt banning guns is going to do much, and just actually reading the low rates of mortality and all the cases of people who survived it to a long lifetime of suffering and severe disability was enough to convince me that it is just a horrible risk to take, even if you actually believe that it is worth it.

If there is a nation that actually needs actual humanitarian aid from the USA, it is the USA.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 38 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

At least I'm getting some gimp experience.

This quote is particularly telling.

Those concerns picked up steam in the past week after Ukraine launched a second push in the southern Zaporizhzhia region and has still come up mostly empty in the eyes of Western allies.

You know, like when you are doing a group project and all your "partners" just watch you do all of it, but in this case the project is made with other people's blood, and you already knew the whole class was gonna fail anyway.

It would be funny seeing the blame game getting heated between (what remains of) Ukraine and NATO, if not for all the senseless and pointless spilling of blood they could've avoided from the start. I bet eventually they'll agree on some third-party scapegoat a la WW1 Germany.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 40 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The article doesn't go into detail on that, so I just kinda guessed. I doubt that those "bribes" are only from bourgies since the demand to getting the fuck out is usually pretty high during war, and even some labour aristocracy folks (engineers, programmers, medics) could afford to go out. It's not some fantastic victory of socialism, but I prefer that over those same people getting conscripted to die in the front for nothing.

Though I could be wrong, are there ~~less trash~~ better sources than the Beeb on this that go deeper?

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 70 points 10 months ago

Officials taking cash and cryptocurrency bribes or helping people eligible to be called up to fight to leave Ukraine are among the charges, said Mr Zelensky, in a video posted on social media.

wtf I support military corruption now. These are probably the Ukrainian officials who have saved the most Ukrainian lives, and they're getting the treatment of Germans who helped Nazi targets flee from Germany. What an odd coincidence.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 64 points 10 months ago


[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 74 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

What a spez move. Pre-emptively de-federating is just a bad move, no other way to look at it. They're a very diverse group and generally much kinder than most lemmy users. At the very least you should've tested federation for a day or two to see how the interactions play out. But anybody here can go over there and see for themself how nice they can be even when disagreeing, which they do a lot among themselves.

Also where in the Code of Conduct does it say the only ideology allowed is liberalism? Going the way of Reddit with vague justifications and arbitrary decisions will make the administration a lot of profit some day, but there's a reason people left that one.

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