
joined 2 months ago

assuming official unicode emojis count: ๐Ÿ›‘

okay guess my day is over

I guess it has to do with the rise of live-action fantasy. in animation you can draw them as fantastical as you like but in live-action you kinda just have to stick that ice cream cone on that horse, unless you're gonna do it with CGI which comes with its own problems

well it's not the most depressing post I've made here

[โ€“] 16 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

yeah right I know you're just trying to get me to fill out a survey, I ain't falling for that trick ๐Ÿ›‘

lol I realized right after posting this that "political texts" could also mean theory. bit frankly I'm not reading any theory so I don't have that problem

I have no interest in either but paintball is more colorful so that one

[โ€“] 30 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

u can find my contact info here


I don't mean to be all "woe is me" but damn it really drives home the loneliness when literally the only texts I ever get are trying to get me to vote for some shit. or like, texts from my cell carrier trying to get me to upgrade my phone

and the only texts I ever send are just "STOP" lmao

[โ€“] 5 points 1 day ago (2 children)

weird that God waited so long to put a black woman in office

they're not good movies, they're impressive as a visual spectacle but the human stories just feel tacked on to add emotional depth that isn't really there. they're theme park rides. they don't take themselves too seriously but they're not camp enough either, it's very much MCU vibes tbh. there's some silly sci-fi elements so if you care about movies breaking the fundamental laws of physics and handwaving it away with BS jargon then these are not the movies for you. personally I don't really care and think hollow earth is dope as hell

King of the Monsters is actually the only Monsterverse movie I've skipped, sounds like I made the right choice there

[โ€“] 10 points 1 day ago (1 children)

fuck I just realized Kyle Gass' birthday wish officially didn't come true :(

Vedder sounds like he's doing a bad impression of Cobain, who had that sort of low grumble to his voice but it was more subtle and natural and you could feel it was coming from a place of genuine pain. but with Vedder it just feels like an affect he's putting on because he think it sounds cool. that phony grunge voice became so trendy and got even worse with post-grunge bands like Creed and Nickelback. Pearl Jam sucks but Creed makes Pearl Jam sound like Nirvana

[โ€“] 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Them! (1954) haven't seen it but it's about giant ๐Ÿœ

also The Host (2006)


yesterday I made a post in c/chat lightly making fun of ICP, because I heard about this movie. ended up watching it last night and it honestly fucking blew me away

it's genuinely sincere and heartfelt while also being funny as fuck, like several parts got an audible laugh from me, and I watched it alone. it does get super dark towards the end and there's some gross, disturbing stuff that might not be for everyone, but it's never mean-spirited or cynical and knows just when to pull back and ease the tension with comic relief

it's also very ACAB, as the plot revolves around our two protagonists getting hassled by small-town cops on their way to the Gathering. I don't want to say too much more other than that you should watch it. my only regret was not grabbing a bottle of Faygo first



I love the idea of dressing up like a scary clown and hanging out in a big field with a bunch of other scary clowns, getting high and listening to music... just not that music


for example, Talk To Me (2022) first premiered at the Adelaide film festival in October 2022 and therefore it's considered a 2022 film, even though it didn't get a wide release until 2023. It was one of my favorite movies of last year but you won't see it on many "best of" lists for 2023 because it's technically from 2022. but you won't see it on any lists from 2022 either because practically nobody saw it that year except a few Australians

the same thing is now happening with Strange Darling (2023) which was just recently released in theaters, well into 2024

this happens with a lot of smaller "indie" type movies because it takes time to get distribution after hitting the festival circuit

IMO the official release year for a movie should be based on when normal people can see it and not just a couple hundred film bros and industry people who attended some festival

  1. the IDF has W rizz
  2. Hamas is in its flop era ๐Ÿ’€
  3. still being a Zionist in 2024? that's brat af
  4. Gaza is not the vibe y'all...
  5. campus protesters are giving the ick
  6. settler colonialism is goated
  7. "from the river to the sea" is cheugy

share this with all your besties and remember - Gen Z stands for Generation Zionism!


haven't seen it yet but I'm shocked that it's supposedly good. anyone seen it and can confirm?

I'm pretty hesitant to watch anything by a wealthy aging comedian at this point, but it would seem he's at least avoided going down the anti-woke path or doing political comedy at all, although he's friends with Rob Schneider and had terrible politics in the 00s...

Sandler has not publicly discussed his political leanings. It has been reported that he is registered to vote as a Republican. He performed at the 2004 Republican National Convention, and he contributed $2,100 to Rudy Giuliani's 2008 presidential campaign (the maximum amount allowed at the time).


I don't recommend doing this

actually had no idea this show even existed until I saw it on Netflix and put it on out of morbid curiosity and self-punishment and needless to say, it's not good

why did they think a rehash of the most boring events of 2016 would make for a compelling TV drama? they're trying to go for the tone of House of Cards (they even got that one guy!) but it feels more like a bad soap opera

like, I shit you not, there's literally a shot of two Russians, vodka flasks in hand, toasting to rigging the US election

also Michael Flynn meets Putin and Putin's all "I can't wait to have you at my dinner, you're gonna be seated next to Jill Stein" lmao

I just got to the election results so I'm looking forward to seeing Brendan Gleeson in grotesque Trump prosthetics


so I don't know a lot about this topic other than that some fascist freaks are concerned about "overpopulation" as an excuse to cull the people they perceive as inferior, while other fascist freaks support population growth to satisfy their breeding fetish and seed the planet with their "superior" genetics

my perception then, is that we should just be normal about population growth rates and it's probably chill either way, like stop being so weird about it

I don't believe the overpopulation myth because there's plenty of room if we build cities smarter, most scarcity is artificial and our impact on the climate has more to do with the capitalist mode of production than the number of people. underpopulation doesn't concern me either with 8 billion people on the planet, idk seems like a lot to me

but again I haven't actually researched this subject at all, are there any genuine / non-fascist concerns with regard to population growth or degrowth?

edit: guess I should add that population growth is bad in say, a settler-colonialist state and population decline is obviously bad if it's the result of genocide or oppression


I never go there but I have a gift card and I need to go there to replace some garlic naan that I stole from my dad

edit: I have completed my trip to Trader Joes and got:

Garlic Naan x2

Roasted Vegetable Pizza

Chocolate Pretzels

Roasted Cashews (50% less salt)

Mango Smoothie

Aloe Vera Juice

Chili & Lime Chips

Moroccan Mint Green Tea

Soft & Juicy Mango

PS the cashier was very pretty crush


it's a bummer that I'm not the reincarnate of Kurt Cobain but hey, on the bright side at least I'm not Jeffrey Dahmer either


had no idea this was even in the works, but the first part (of 2?) came out on streaming (i.e. torrents). anyone seen it yet?

seems like it could be good if it's just a straight adaptation of the graphic novel and they don't fuck it up like The Killing Joke

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