[-] Assian_Candor@hexbear.net 15 points 3 days ago

My cat caught a mouse and instead of killing it started playing with it, he caught it like 6 times and eventually he dropped it behind some wires, my cat got tangled and the mouse ran away 😔

Bro you had one job

[-] Assian_Candor@hexbear.net 19 points 3 days ago

Interesting strategy

[-] Assian_Candor@hexbear.net 13 points 4 days ago

Sure but unless you're a soulless freak like buttigieg you still see it, and when people fight against it, you provide support or at the very least shut up and get out of the way. You're not gonna be out there voting for Biden or whatever.

Also you can provide material support to folks which imo is one of the best forms of praxis there is.

[-] Assian_Candor@hexbear.net 35 points 4 days ago

This is good satire

[-] Assian_Candor@hexbear.net 49 points 4 days ago

Your personal conditions won't affect the superstructure of capitalism. Once you break free of the propaganda machine and see the demon for what it is, there's no going back.

[-] Assian_Candor@hexbear.net 22 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I feel you man I live in the country and all my shit is in plastic bins because of mice. Sorry you had to find out the hard way.

And yes you have to kill them or you will get infested. Use A LOT of snap traps. I have 10 in my attic and one in every cabinet. Poison baits hurt raptors and should be illegal tbh.

Get these

[-] Assian_Candor@hexbear.net 20 points 5 days ago

Cheryl Hines is married to RFK jr? lol

[-] Assian_Candor@hexbear.net 21 points 5 days ago

geordi-no Jimmy Fallon

geordi-yes Jimmy Falun Gong

[-] Assian_Candor@hexbear.net 21 points 5 days ago

That whole room should be sealed off and filled with concrete

[-] Assian_Candor@hexbear.net 14 points 6 days ago

Napoleon IV Let's go

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Assian_Candor@hexbear.net to c/movies@hexbear.net

Imagine the crumbliest crackers to ever crack but they’re well meaning liberals, who have expressed interest in learning more about diversity and inclusion. You are tasked with helping open their eyes to the racism they are immersed in and benefit from without scaring them out the gate with the specter of communism. This would be accomplished with regular meetings, probably once a month in frequency. Reading is ideal but we all know nobody does the reading. What films or documentaries are a good place to start that help open the door but are palatable to libs? Stuff like 13th


At first I was like heartbreaking but then I was like bruh



Op is 2023, this one is 2021

Now the question is do you take the man’s words at face value?

I struggle to see how you can call a unified coalition of armed groups fighting to depose the government “gang members”

Who the heck knows what’s going on here but the rhetoric speaks for itself, and CIA arming and funding of opposition militias would definitely not be unheard of.

I don’t know anything about the last pres who got assassinated before Henry (who is resigning today) took over in an “interim” capacity 3 or 4 years ago…

There is more to this story for sure imo, this is one to watch


Does anyone have good news sources? I am pretty wary of swallowing the state department line that this is all due to “gang violence”… particularly given how racially coded that language is, and when I read into the stories it says they’re mostly attacking government and police buildings. I see embassy personnel are being airlifted. Mainly trying to figure out who are the factions/what is going on

SOTU thread (hexbear.net)

IMO: Sleepy Joe looked about as good as he could up there. His brain left his body a couple of times but nothing that couldn’t be papered over, no McConnell freezes etc.

Overall the speech was the same liberal pablum we’ve been receiving for the last 20 years. He cited Reagan positively lol.

Biggest flop imo was he went hard right on the border, at one point calling for the president to have the ability to shut the border down if the number of migrants gets too large. At one point he talked about some girl who was killed by “an illegal.” Very bad look overall.

He also called for a two state solution which I guess has been the official policy or whatever for a while now. They’re going to build a temporary pier to land aid in Gaza. Time will tell how that goes. It will take a few weeks to build, many will starve by then, and there still need to be roads etc for aid to actually reach people.

Other topics covered that I can remember is a bunch of Lucy football shit; banning assault rifles and high capacity magazines, lowering prescription drug prices, protecting roe, raising the minimum wage and increasing taxes on the wealthy and corporations— you know, all the type of shit the dems could have done while in full control of the government but didn’t because manchin or the parliamentarian or whatever the fuck.

At any rate I think what he needed was to go out there and talk for an hour without having his brain leak out of his ears. Mission accomplished.

Whats your take?

submitted 4 months ago by Assian_Candor@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

Have you tried bombing civilians? I hear that is a good way to get money


Keep crushing those milestones!

submitted 4 months ago by Assian_Candor@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

I like reading on e-ink, my kindle just keeled over but want to get out from under the Amazon bs. Anything that won’t have me fucking with a laptop is a bonus.


My in laws gifted my kid this pretty cool RC car but it makes this awful music that’s REALLY loud. Can I wire a resistor in series on one of the speaker legs to turn the volume down, say 50%?

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