[-] BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place 3 points 23 hours ago

What a useless deterrent

[-] BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

I would start watching Fox News just to get the petty sense of revenge from watching them shit bricks over an all PoC cabinet.

You have talent! Pls continue sharing if you make more

If you don't mind, can you give a general sense of the fucked up stuff people were accessing? Maybe place behind a clearly labeled spoiler tag so users can decide to view or not.

Am American. Can someone explain the meaning of the departure and destination cities?

Then keep digging, Watson

[-] BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place 1 points 2 days ago

Cool! What's the point of those walls in the water?

[-] BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place 1 points 2 days ago

If whatever learning meant +1 brain complexity then it we would never catch up because it would be the infinite hotel. example: learning one unit of brain complexity adds one unit of brain complexity.

if learning meant < +1 brain complexity, then the next limiters would be brain space and time. example: learning one unit of brain complexity slightly complicates an already existing complex.

if learning meant > +1 brain complexity, then the more you learn, the farther you get from understanding the whole thing. example: learning one unit of brain complexity requires the addition of another unit of brain complexity plus its relationship with other complexes.

[-] BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place 2 points 3 days ago

I think it's because we are designed with a somewhat blank idea of what love is. We are born with a system that will become love, but we are born with it undefined. It's similar to how we are born with a need for food, but not our culinary culture. It is during our formative years that we learn what love is just like we learn what delicious food is. Btw, in Spanish, when a kid doesn't like to eat a specific food, it's said that they haven't learned to eat it yet. Back to the topic, the part that does come predefined is that we are to attach to our caregivers. Thus, we don't leave them because we are designed to not leave them and have them teach us love.

Another issue is that as children, we don't know we are being abused. What we've experienced in our families is all we know. From the perspective at this age, that's just how life is. There's no reason to leave.

Once we start realizing that not everyone goes through our experiences and that there are much nicer ways of relating to family, we can start recognizing that our familial situation is terrible and we want it to be different. The issue here is that there are only two options. Either you suffer the bad parts of the abuse while surviving on the breadcrumbs, or you lose any possibility of ever having a childhood family. The person basically has to decide to lose a major part of life. That is an immense amount of grief to endure, and they have to do it without the support of family. In these situations, the victim usually just kind of learns to manage the relationship unless there is a major catastrophic event that forces a decision. Otherwise, they're learning how to overcome the frequent but comparatively tolerable difficulties. You'll hear them say things like, "My dad is cool as long as you don't expect him to..." or, "I love my mom, but I know not to..." They're consolations to salvage their one opportunity. The decision is then to either (a) take a humongous hit by losing childhood family or (b) learn to deal with the most recent difficulty. The latter is much easier to brunt.

tl;dr: We don't know it's abuse. Instead, we are taught abuse is love. We are designed by birth to attach to our parents. And once we figure out it's abuse, it's a terribly difficult lose-lose decision to make where one option is addressing a recent issue and the other is nuclear.


Caption: Oh no, I just directly pointed out the elephant in the room

Image: Homer Simpson backing into a hedge to hide



  • [Image] Below: A stranger at a partly looks at me like that
  • Me: Ooh, maybe they're like me ♾️!

Image: 2 panels. 1st panel is a puppet facing to your right but side-eying you with a blank facial expression. 2nd panel is the same puppet looking straight forward with the same facial expression.

Better than crack (lemmy.autism.place)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place to c/ausomememes@lemmy.autism.place

Image: Crack-addicted fictional character Tyrone Biggums scratching his neck.


Someone gives you a hug and says they appreciate how blunt and honest you are

Y'all got anymore of that validation?


Image: 2 panel meme. Top half is a mouth whispering into an ear. Bottom half is a close up someone's skin with goosebumps.

Caption: Ssssneaky sssnakesss ssslithering sssslowly sssouth towardsss sssskittlesss

The helpful truth teller (lemmy.autism.place)

Image: 4 panel comic of a business meeting.

Panel 1: Boss asks, "How are you?"

Panel 2: 1st man says, "Good!" Woman asks, "How are you?" 2nd man says, "Tired. Also, she didn't answer your question."

Panel 3: Boss is upset while 2nd man is relaxing head on hand.

Panel 4: 2nd man has been thrown out of a high-story window.

I think she's the one (lemmy.autism.place)

Image: 4 panels, each of Vince McMahon increasingly excited

Captions by panel:

  1. She says she doesn't like to go out much
  2. Prefers to stay home and watch TV quietly with a soft blanket
  3. Mostly informational program
  4. Especially "How Things Are Made"
Break a leg (lemmy.autism.place)

Caption: When my dance coach wishes me good luck on the performance but I don't understand idioms

Image: Befuddled Squidward from SpongeBob SquarePants


Caption: can I come over and stare at you like this

Image: Old painting that is a portrait. The subject is wearing a dark brown suit and tie. The head and face is that of a frog with wide pupils and a serious face.



"tell me about yourself!"

me trying to remember who i am and what i like

Image: Face and neck of a simple stick figure drawing. The face appears to be looking down and thinking. There is a loading symbol on their forehead with "loading..." written underneath it.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I have seen multiple times on Lemmy that the IRS wants people to report income from illegal means and that they don't care to bust someone for it. For example, an illicit drug dealer is expected by the IRS to report their drug sale revenue without having to worry about being caught for drug dealing.

Will the IRS seriously not report illegal activities or individuals that report they earned income through vague illegal means?

If they don't, do law enforcement agencies skim IRS tax reports to find people that report illegal income to further investigate?

Can IRS tax forms that report illegal income be used against someone in court?

It just seems ridiculous that reporting illegal activity, however undefined, to the federal government would be a safe option.

#ActuallyAsparager's (lemmy.autism.place)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place to c/justthinkingabout@lemmy.autism.place

I was really worried that they would tell me I wasn't autistic. I stressed out about it for over a month straight. Like, I would complete online autism scales to confirm "that I was still autistic". Once at the assessment, I remember thinking that there was a moment when the psychologist had already made a clinical decision as if the conclusion was that evident early on in the process.

Fast forward to today, and yeah...there is no way I would have passed as not autistic. I wouldn't be able to pass as not autistic if I was trained by a team of psychologists on how to look not autistic at that assessment. It's so obvious lol. I seriously thought that I would inadvertently mask the entire way my brain works to a specialist using a thoroughly vetted exam. How funny! All that stress was for nothing.

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