Not really a movement, but what I've noticed is that within liberal religious traditions that have a bit of a history of social justice and mutual aid, the younger generations (who are mostly not active churchgoers at this point) have taken very kindly to radical literature and ideas.


Inspired by a subthread in the post on sci-fi and fantasy tropes. A few books I've liked:

Iron Widow: a YA novel set in a fantasy version of medieval China. The main character has more than one love interest and from what I remember has a nice little spiel about resisting the social pressure to choose. I won't give any spoilers where it goes but I'm looking forward to the sequel this year.

Sing for the Coming of the Longest Night: a cute little winter soltice tale about two metamours that begrudgingly team up to go rescue their respective partner from a magical realm.

The Giddy Death of Gays and the Strange Demise of Straights: a bit of a chaotic story with a whirlwind cast of characters trying to make sense of all the heterodox ways that they love each other, amid a rising homophobic backlash. This one is a little rough around the edges as I believe it's self-published but has great showcasing of some unique kinds of connection. Set in Wales.

As for movies I haven't seen many, but Professor Marston and the Wonder Women is very cute, despite falling into some thruple tropes. Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice gets a shoutout for being a very well-made, early (1960’s) take on sexually open relationships.

What have you enjoyed?

Wanna send me the epub? I'd love to put this on my reading list.

Not nearly so detailed, but Sing For the Coming of the Longest Night is a great little fantasy story about two metamours that have to go rescue their mutual partner from a magical realm.

I can't understand how anyone remotely progressive actually liked Kingsman for the reasons you listed. It also just reeks of traditionalist masculinity, especially with the princess at the end 🤢. The only redeeming quality is the villain's silliness and Samuel Jackson's performance in that role.

Iron Widow is decent for this too if you like YA fantasy. Bonus for a Chinese setting.

Thanks for keeping my beaver in your thoughts ❤️

Absolutely not! I'm lucky that the trail wasn't actually backcountry for most of it, and I had an emergency sat phone, first aid kit, etc. with me, but I have seen some shit go down in the woods and know when to be careful.

I probably planned it a bit too ambitious in retrospect. I'm a very experienced adventurer and camper with some long canoe and cycling trips under my belt, so I'm well used to keeping up spirit and mental resilience in tough conditions, but never done a hike longer than a few days.

The pace was forced on me by the rest of my summer and fall being busy af, as well as difficult logistics on spots to stay (the trail I was doing has few official camping spots and they are far between). If I dedicate more time to it next year I could go quite a bit slower but I'll just miss out on all the other shit I wanna do in life, especially in the warm weather.


I made it 546 kilometres in 19 days, with ~350 left to go. Idk if my water filter failed or there was a hygiene slipup, but I woke up Thursday feeling super fatigued and that quickly slipped into beaver fever symptoms (or some kind of infection/parasite).

Now I've spent the last few days recovering on the couch and picking up reading again. Still feels like a big achievement, but I had a bit of a short time window to finish the trail. Now I'll probably be too busy for the rest of the warmer season and have to wait until next year. sadness

I was in tech for two years recently. It gave me enough money to purchase a vehicle to live in and to coast for the next little bit, but among the many reasons I quit (it was bad for my brain, it took up way too much of my time) was feeling the distinction in class interests. The biggest expression of this was that my coworkers had such bubbled views of social relations and had strange expectations of what the world owes them simply on account of how much money they have.

I think if you're committed to your principles you'll be fine. I just found I didn't like being around people of that class for such extended periods of time.


I mean something like marketplace or kijiji, but not necessarily monetary. It's probably a ridiculous question but I'm curious if anybody's been exploring this space.

[-] 33 points 9 months ago

I don't tell people. They infer both almost immediately from my physical stature and vocabulary. gigachad

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