[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 2 points 5 days ago

FF8 was the first final fantasy I played; I found it nice; never finished it though.

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 59 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

If Ansar Allah have found out why we don't have healthcare, any chance they can tell us what that is?

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 54 points 3 weeks ago

When Russia went to war with Ukraine, the Ukrainians were horrifically maiming the enemies they took hostage, all to the cheers and drools of a Western audience. The Russians haven't committed even a 1/100th of what Israel has done to Palestine over the course of almost eighty years and these guys are forgoing meals and baking birthday cakes, all while in the middle of being genocided.

Why the hell are we still supporting colonizers?

Just a reminder: The Taino people that Christopher Columbus conducted horrific atrocities upon actually saved his life when he arrived.

God damn it I'm tired of this; in war people commit horrific atrocities against the people they're at war with, that's what always happens, but here we have people actually trying to abide by the scams of international law and Geneva convention that's used as a cudgel by Western powers against their political rivals and we're supporting the side actually conducting a genocide. They're even going above and beyond the expectations of international law and the Geneva convention.

These are good people, and I'm not just talking about the average Palestinian, I'm talking about Hamas; do they have an Abu Ghraib? No, and yet everyone expects they do. Twenty years from now we'll have the same damn libs telling us they were lied to by the experts that they won't stop listening to. God damn it, it doesn't benefit any of us to continue supporting this damn occupation; these are good people, these people deserve to win like the ANC did against South African apartheid and for their heroes to be remembered like Nelson Mandela, but our government and Israel is fighting even the propaganda war to make sure that never happens.

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 65 points 1 month ago

Maybe he'll turn out to be a communist and provide everyone with brainworms!

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 62 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Guys running the one platform be like "they're pirating our show," other guy hosting a different platform be like "no, in this region it's us hosting that show so it's us they're pirating from," third guy hosting another platform be like "next month it's our platform that'll be hosting it so it'll be us they're pirating from", fourth guy hosting another platform be like "we're the guys authorized to actually be selling that show in this region at this time, so they're also pirating from us", fifth guy also hosting another platform be like "wait, they're also pirating this show only we're authorized to stream but we don't offer our service in that country"

Pirate be like "I host everything"

(Not justifying it, just saying Gabe was right)

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 50 points 1 month ago

Oh no, North Koreans worked


[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 43 points 2 months ago

Yup, this place is basically Hogwarts commons and you're among fellow Gryffindors

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 51 points 3 months ago

negotiate an end to the war with Russia that followed Moscow's full-scale invasion two years ago

There's literally lame writing in video games and movies that talk like this. Protagonist from the past finds a newspaper that says something like "widespread devastation following the zombie outbreak two years ago". Are they writing this on the basis that a time traveler from the past is going to find it? I suppose I can at least give them credit for not just putting in parentheses "(the Russians started it)".


I saw a tweet from Jacksepticeye who was recommending a number of sites that can aid the Palestinians and this was one of them.

This site apparently sends an adclick's worth in donations to UN organizations such as UNRWA; On their site, you can select from and up to six causes to simply click a button and through zero cost to you to have an adclick's worth in donation made.

Not everyone can afford to spend money to help these causes, but if you can read this message then you have the internet and can click six buttons to aid six causes; this takes no money from you. If you want more details, they have a page on the matter: https://arab.org/click-to-help/how-it-works/

A click a day provides help to so many people; they've already gotten over 22,000,000 clicks. Even if a click is only $0.1, that's $2.2 million dollars generated, and hopefully more as more people find out about this.

Please click the buttons and share this site with the folks you know.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml

The person who's quoted in that tweet (Mirna Elhelbawi) seems to be part of an effort to spread esims to Gazans, a literal lifeline to the outside world.

I believe this is the website she talks about: https://gazaesims.com/

If you can afford it, please donate, if not, at least please spread the word, not many people know about this.

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 61 points 4 months ago

Sure there's some psychopaths but I really think the majority are just indoctrinated and insulated. They could be reeducated.

Nah, Stalin got it right the first time when he said they should execute 50,000 Nazi officers; apply his thinking here and maybe this time don't be so conservative.


This was hilarious; also we could stop vetoing UN resolutions calling for ceasefires, or really any UN resolution that hinders the occupation's colonization efforts or helps Palestine.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

After what China did to Japan 500 years ago ~~(under Mongol rule)~~ (not Mongol rule as a hexbearer pointed out actually), they have no right to condemn Japan for anything; also bacteria, viruses, what's the difference? Also it was an attack, not an epidemic that formed naturally like they have throughout history.


The mixed reality is actually legit really good; I played a free demo of a game that lets you summon creatures and to arm yourself with a bunch of swords, a rifle and a revolver (I think the swords each have a special ability as well). You can summon something as weak as a goblin (though with a shield), and I think it goes all the way up to a dragon, perhaps beyond that too; for context, the first creature was a straight up sword and shield goblin, the second a rogue type character that can throw a line of daggers at you from a distance, and the third was a straight up red giant who towers over you (also he's got like maybe four or five health bars), and those were three out of maybe ten or more enemies. The fight against those three enemies (I lost against the giant by the way) was actually good as a workout and I was tired by the end of it (then again I'm fat and out of shape).

The Q3 also has an air link feature that lets you stream your oculus games (which would have been designed originally for the Rift and Rift S) to your headset, and a steam link that does the same.

I bought some custom VR lens from a company called VR lens lab, and I'll hopefully have them in three weeks or less; they should allow me to use the Q3 without having to wear glasses, so that's awesome.

Honestly as much as I love VR, I think mixed reality is probably going to be my preferred game type as I can see the world around me so I know where I am at all times and where every piece of furniture or clutter is.

The headset isn't without its flaws though; it heats up uncomfortably, the battery life needs to be much longer, you can't use the air link or steam link feature I mentioned if you're on another network (so no activating your PC at home and trying to stream games from it at a friend's house; although apparently you can use virtual desktop to do that I think? Not sure how or if that truly works), they need to up the resolution of how the real world looks in the headset, the IPD despite my fiddling still isn't aligning properly for some reason, I could almost swear the FOV is smaller than the Rift S, the sides of the headset from within the headset are very visible making you feel like you're wearing goggles.

I tried finding some info on which games may offer the best workout and hilariously found a workout game called supernatural that actually has a subsciption model that's more expensive than a netflix subscription (the cheapest offer goes at $28 a month).

My room is badly cluttered, so unfortunately working out in my room is going to be somewhat unfun; I need to see what I can do about making space or playing somewhere else.


Something in the video I think is important for people to hear:

The IDF special forces were banned from simply executing people as they wished at some point, so instead the found another technique; they'd sneak into the home of someone they were planning on murdering and pointing a gun at his head and then waking him up. The troops would be ordered to open fire if the man screamed, pulled back his blanket, or moved any limbs, with the justification being that the person would assumed to be going for a weapon. Everyone in the special forces knew what this was, that this was an execution.

He also mentions how many Arabian Jews, upon meeting delegations from the occupation, refused to leave their home countries because they didn't know whether or not the occupation would even succeed, and their lives were fine where they were. The occupation would then send a group of people dressed up as Arabs to attack Arab Jews and to victimize them, and would then send a second delegation to tell them "look, you're not safe in these countries, come to Israel". And the occupation didn't do this because they wanted Arab Jews in occupied Palestine (the white colonists despised Arab Jews), they did this because they needed numbers to defend the occupation from Palestinians and other Arabs, and were placed in areas bordering multiple Arab countries. Arab Jews were treated horrendously, to the extent that they became among the most zealous so as to prove they were loyal occupying citizens, and even despise being called Arabs.


So let me get this straight: so they have business portfolios in their industry that people can invest in (piracy), they invest some of their wealth in local communities to curry favor with the average American I mean local Somalis, they keep the lion's share of the wealth and buy expensive mansions, luxurious cars and throw lavish, drug-laden parties.....and they make disingenuous claims to justify their actions. They make a claim they're using their funds for environmental projects, but then don't. Also they hinder efforts intended to benefit local communities probably because it would harm their own efforts and their own income.

But they're from the global South (Africa specifically, and they're black too), so hence they're called warlords, while ours are called businessmen. Their efforts harms Western countries so they're dangerous warlords, while Western operations harm countries in the global South and are at worst called controversial.

I'm not going to defend what these guys do, but I'm entirely fine with waiting on fixing this problem until Western countries knock off the crap they're engaging in first or actually actively fix it (rather than just stick a band aid on the problem). I wonder how many of these problems in the global South end up disappearing as a consequence of cleaning up Western actions.


I ask because I recall seeing a clip of Putin that was from a fair number of years back where I got the impression he was eager for Russia to be considered a Western country.

What's the opinion of Russians towards Westerners today vs how it was before the SMO? On social media, it's the easiest thing in the world to find some of the most caustic racism being levied towards Russians, and mass media is only 'gentle' when you look at American and British media, I've seen subtitled clips of news shows in Germany and France and there's some of the most heinous, flat out Nazi rhetoric I've ever seen.

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 78 points 5 months ago

Alright alright don't lose your head over it.


Just being direct about the idiotic anti-Palestinian propaganda; and that reporter is a coward for not answering his simple question.


A number of years ago I was working on a novel and the unified human empire in the story were quite advanced in many ways, but their views of the other species of the world was....let's say European. The human empire had colonized their continent and wiped out two fantasy civilizations in the process; I remember having a discussion on a writing forum about the human culture and their views towards the other remaining fantasy species and people told me it's unrealistic to have people be fearful or hateful of fantasy races that had never done anything to them or harmed them in any way, even more so to be genocidal towards races that had actually showed them kindness in their hard times.

I just recently saw videos on twitter of Zionists singing about eradicating Gaza and taking the land back as though they were the victims all along (they also called it Gush Katif I think?), and in another video someone saying Lebanon would be taken as well; videos of so many Zionists saying the civilians are all to blame and are at fault as much as Hamas, videos saying the murder and worse of Israeli civilians was by the civilians and not by Hamas; I am also reminded of something I saw on a Hasan Abi video where he got a (student?) of Israeli history who talked about how the early zionists in the 1880's/1890's had been taught how to farm Palestinian lands by friendly Palestinian Arabs as they themselves did not know how to work the fields (either because Palestinian lands were different to European ones, or because perhaps they weren't farmers themselves). Today you have members of the IOF literally shooting kids and taking them hostage (and Israeli prisons where Palestinians are kept are rife with SV), and you wonder how can they engage in this behavior towards other human beings.

Of course I bring up zionism because that's the most recent horrific thing we can see where people are happily singing about genocide, but doubtless this mentality existed with the colonizers who killed the indigenous populations of Canada, America and Australia in the past. You also read quotes off wikipedia of the horrors of Cuba's Batista regime, and you see stark parallels with another quote regarding the horrific treatment of enslaved people in Haiti before the revolution.

How can you write people like this without it coming off as cartoonishly evil? It seems absurd. Reminds me of a quote, something about reality being allowed to be stranger than fiction because fiction has to make sense.


I've gotten pessimistic enough that at first I thought that said union strikers and thought I was reading comments from libertarians but on a second read saw it said union breakers.

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 56 points 9 months ago

Lemme ask you this, does the US doing something bad nullify the wrongdoings of another country/regime?

When they're in the process or about to cause a humanitarian disaster in said country, yes.

Saddam's regime was terrible, however sanctions, plus destroying vital infrastructure such as water treatment facilities and power plants during war were infinitely worse. The sanctions on the DPRK that have been going on since 1950 compounded the nightmare of destroying all the infrastructure in the country and the killing of 20% of the population and are still ongoing.

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