[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 11 points 3 days ago

'); DROP TABLE no_fly_list

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 5 days ago

"Surely they can't kill me if I help them win"

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 28 points 3 weeks ago

Between this and the balloon thing, the US seems to have a broadcast malfunction where the audio channel is CNN and the video channel is Looney Tunes

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 53 points 3 months ago

We should be critically supportive of the TSA, given that it helps accelerate the downfall of the empire by wasting 9.7 billion dollars per year on unfounded paranoia

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 39 points 4 months ago

I like to imagine that A. Meateater composed this sentence after he went to China and witnessed his first vegetable

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 29 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I'd not even buy this for 3 actual figs, and I have a fig tree

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 33 points 5 months ago

I love it when the people calling us insane and cowardly for not wanting ethnic cleansing in Gaza suddenly come forward with their phobia of Free Parking signs, jellyfish plushies, watermelons, and triangles

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 48 points 7 months ago

Zelensky on the Time cover is the perfect illustration of what having a bad migraine feels like


Costa Rica is a tropical country and has only two seasons; a dry season from January to March and a wet season during the rest of the year. It is geographically impossible for there to be a Four Seasons hotel in this country. If anyone has sold you a stay at such a resort, you have been scammed! Contrary to what is advertised, you will not experience autumn, winter, or spring in the way temperate latitudes do, nor do these hotels undertake any actions to emulate such an experience.

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 28 points 9 months ago

All roads are dark before the sunrise

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 38 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Look, the problem here isn't even that you insulted your Jewish grandparents by taking pictures with an SS volunteer. The problem is that you were part of a crowd that would strip naked and take a shit in the Chamber if everyone else did it. The problem is your boundless conformity to the crowd, your inability to stop and ponder, and your tendency to impulsively react to any stimulus whatsoever as if you were a squirrel on speed. Fascism doesn't succeed because of some sexist truckers from the Yukon. It succeeds because of people like you.

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 46 points 9 months ago

I can explain that! Podoliak is tormented by a neural affliction that is very common in the Western world, known to medical professionals as Redditis ugabuga, or in more common usage, "the Digital Disease".

This illness has both extraordinary rates and means of transmission, since it appears to spread via the visual centre of the brain perceiving digital signals from a screen. The disease vectors, so-called Nazions - vulgo Hitler particles - originate on websites, typically 4chan or Parler, and gather in the frontal lobe where they execute an SQL injection disabling the parts of the brain responsible for logic, critical thinking, and general conduct. They may also attempt to install a payload insisting that the patient's own nationality, ethnicity, ideology, religion, or language would be particularly close to Anglo-Saxon culture and therefore superior.

Symptoms involve frequent lapses in communication (both oral and written), poor judgement of oneself and others, social media addiction, putrid exudations, slouching posture, proneness to scams, and a diminishing social life. In advanced stages this may lead to a solitary life entirely devoid of meaning, pleasure, and joy.

As the disease becomes terminal, the spine of the patient increases its curvature to such a degree that their upper body folds forward by 180° (although some patients may insist it is 360°) such that the head then enters the rectum. At this point, anything that is fed to the patient has already gone through several rounds of premastication and digestion. In terms more apprehensible to the understanding of the anatomic layman, Podoliak "has their head up their ass", and "is full of their own shit".

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 46 points 9 months ago

Now hold your horses, Ukraine isn't completely isolated in the world just yet. I am sure he will come out next week with a well-pondered, nuanced, and diplomatic statement about Africans

submitted 11 months ago by HaSch@lemmygrad.ml to c/shitposting@lemmygrad.ml

As the abstraction of the act of streaming from its individual particularities, NPC streaming presents the distillation of the streaming profession, resulting in maximal efficiency in revenue generation. A quantitative increase in this kind of stream will eventually result in a qualitative transformation of the industry where it will be sublated by an entirely novel mode of production, namely the streamer-capitalist who relies entirely on the viewer for both the production and the consumption of their product, and who will eventually become a node in a never-ending tree of subcontractors.


Comrades, today I had the pleasure of participating in our city's First of May demonstration, and to purchase two books from the local chapter of the MLPD (Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany). One of them is pretty well-known, it is the Dialectics of Nature by Friedrich Engels; the other was an obscure philosophy tract written by one Mr Oscar Creydt where he attempts to reframe the entire history of the universe from a ML point of view, which is why I went in there with high expectations, namely that it would use recent discoveries from natural science to develop new ML philosophy.

Unfortunately for me however, whilst the book started promising and ambitious and it does demonstrate a good grasp of the historical developments of quantum mechanics, by page 60 of 220 it occurs to the author that he wants to deny Einstein's theory of general relativity, arguably the most well-tested and internally consistent theory in all of physics. But this was only the hors-d'oeuvre of the work, he goes on to try and reduce every single phenomenon in the universe to the vibration inherent to photons (which he calls "radions"), he spouts metaphysical nonsense about why the speed of light is constant, he declares the cosmic microwave background radiation to be the "primitive stage" of this vibration because Big Bang cosmology isn't real either, and he makes no attempt to explain cosmological redshift, gravitational lensing, or the perihelion precession of Mercury with his mental construction.

Now bear in mind that I don't necessarily want to accuse the author of being bad at science. The foreword of the book explicitly remarks that due to the anticommunist Stroessner regime in Paraguay, he couldn't rely on qualified people to empirically test or mathematically proofread his work, it is possible that the libraries he frequented just didn't have reliable books on the topics, and even the best scientists might publish utter drivel after having to work in isolation for decades. However, it is obvious that the mistake with this approach is that you cannot start with your own interpretation of dialectical materialism, and then change science to fit into it. This is a misconception of ML philosophy which many theoretically-minded comrades have already exposed, including on this very website. The refutation to it is that rather than relying on some rigid dogma formulated by humans, nature begets the shape of her own dialectics via her own interactions with herself; which is why we must study nature to arrive at natural philosophy and not vice versa.

The last thing I want to remark is that, if instead it had been let's say a Christian fanfic of science, one would immediately have noticed from the lack of footnotes and historical background knowledge, the presence of biblical and other nonscientific references, the use of odd figures and diagrams derived from gnosticism, or the extensive use of all-capital letter words. Here, there were no such signs. Marxist-Leninist scientific malpractice is especially worrisome because you might not even notice it until several pages into the book and even then the errors are of a much more subtle nature and require background knowledge.

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