
joined 4 years ago
[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Nxd8 also leads to a mate in 3 or 4. Black has to respond Kh8 or Kf8, so Qe8 or Qf7 respectively. This is a cool play as well though

[–] 29 points 1 week ago (3 children)

In Taiwan, where the legal drinking age is 18, high schoolers who said they drank nonalcoholic beverages were more likely than those who didn’t to express an intention to drink alcohol.

This article seems to me to be completely reversing correlation and causation. Isn't it far more likely that young people who are more interested in drinking alcohol are more likely to drink non alcoholic beer etc?

[–] 20 points 1 week ago

You love to see it. Murderous scum stay mad

[–] 24 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

All mechanical (fully non computerized) diesel engines are the only internal combustion engines which should be produced and automatic transmissions should be outlawed on new vehicles, and on board computer systems should be kept to an absolute minimum. Under a planned economy all cars will be tanks designed to keep running for 50 years with routine maintenance and anything else is counterrevolutionary.

A large majority of pet owners are actively abusing their animals, either through neglect or through the inherent space limitations of their living space, or through isolation or through mistreating it. They in general don't have any regard for their animals except as far as they are cute or entertaining to the owner. This especially goes for anyone who keeps dogs in crates, but also any dog and cat owners who don't have space for their animal to roam- you have no business owning a pet. "B-but my pet loves me!" Of course! You are almost it's only source of food, companionship or any form of support

[–] 35 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Rasputin for the 21st century just dropped

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago


c/badposting is that way

[–] 11 points 3 weeks ago

Pretty cool

[–] 13 points 3 weeks ago

Wtf I love electoralism now

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Got into a wreck going 30+ mph on a steep downhill a year ago. Fractured my wrist, messed up my bike and shattered my helmet but walked away. Thank God for my helmet on that day.


This thing is still running strong after 4 decades of use and abuse, so I'd say it was pretty well constructed. That is quite unusual for anything made in ukkk

Based on some of the bolt placements, I think it was designed by goblins though. Some of the bolts are just in absurdly tight places.

When the part you are replacing says "made in West Germany" though 💀💀💀


Finish 14 hr shift, drink half a bottle of cheap brandy, do a bunch of writing instead of sleeping. Only sleep 5 hours then off for another shift.

This is great and healthy, I'm sure this-is-fine


cross-posted from:

Students have barricaded themselves inside the building, and their pickets outside. Cops withdrew last night but they could be back at any time. If anyone here is in Humboldt county it would be awesome if you could come through and take a shift on the line. There is food available


Students have barricaded themselves inside the building, and their pickets outside. Cops withdrew last night but they could be back at any time. If anyone here is in Humboldt county it would be awesome if you could come through and take a shift on the line. There is food available


Feeling pretty good afterwards. AMA


At last


I would have to go with turnips. Incredibly versatile and nutritious root, plus delicious greens to fry up


Apologies in advance for the rant, I just don't understand how my brain works and I need to get this off my chest a bit In the last couple of years, I have generally only gotten good sleep under two circumstances. When I am severely intoxicated or when I have done a genuinely massive amount of exertion such as a full day of hiking with pack or genuinely backbreaking manual labor.

The first I have cut back on significantly, because I an pretty sure getting blackout drunk that often is not healthy long term.

The second is somewhat more sustainable but not really- I work in a specialized field of construction rn, which requires some physical exertion, though not nearly as much as some of my previous less "skilled" work, which generally payed like shit. So i don't fully get my energy out the way I used to, especially when I'm spending a significant portion of my work day driving from place to place. That's not even getting into the time I have off (my schedule often involves many short and intensive jobs which may involve being away from home, followed by significant periods at home not working).

It feels like it drives a wedge between me and my friends and sweethearts when I am still bouncing off the walls when they are all exhausted, when I have difficulty sitting still while watching a movie because my whole body feels like it's twitching, and when I to get out of bed and run in the middle of the night to help me get to sleep.

It was one thing in my twenties when I was energetic like this, I figured I should just enjoy it while I was young. Now I'm 36 and have a daughter. I feel like I'm crazy.

Again, sorry for the rant, I just needed to get this off my chest a little


It's a terrible attempt at sushi bc I made it while already fairly plastered, but it consists of rice, pickled onions, radishes and canned tuna. I accidentally poured soy sauce in my wine glass. My dog is looking at me like I'm an utter lunatic. I am probably, I am probably going to bed soon. Just wanted to say that I despise the kinds of mother fuckers who pretend to be woke, wrt colonialism but purely advocate symbolic or minor changes, never looking at the material changes. No amount of nomenclature changes will stop deeply rooted economic subjugation. Liberalism is a hell of a drug. Death to America.

The tuna is my first non vegan meal in about 2 weeks. I am not there yet, but I am happy to be making progress

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